Questions - For.control.4 3

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The circulatory system

1. Describe the structure of the blood vessels wall. Differences in the structure of arteries and
2. Describe the structure of different types of blood capillaries and compare them in terms of
diameter, presence of fenestra, continuity of the basal membrane, macrophages in and around the
capillary wall.
3. Describe the main functions of endothelial cells. Describe the structure and functions of
arteriolo-venular anastomoses.
4. Describe the structure of the arterial wall. Compare the three main types of arteries.
5. Describe the structure, function and localization of baro- and chemoreceptors in the vessel
6. Describe the structure of the vein wall. Compare the three main types of veins.
7. Describe the structure of the heart wall. Types of cardiomyocytes.
8. Describe the structure and functions of the conduction system of the heart.
9. Describe the structure of the wall of lymphatic vessels and capillaries. Functions.

10. Name and describe blood components, their functions.
11. Describe the structure of an erythrocyte, its functions. What is the functional significance of
the biconcave shape of the erythrocyte, what causes it? What biochemical components of the
plasma membrane of an erythrocyte determine its belonging to one or another blood group?
12. Describe the structure and functions of granulocytes.
13. Describe the structure and functions of agranulocytes.
14. Describe the structure and functions of platelets.

15. Describe hemopoiesis. Stages of prenatal and postnatal hemopoiesis.
16. Describe the structure and functions of the red bone marrow.
17. Describe the stages of erythropoiesis. Factors that stimulate erythropoiesis.
18. Describe the stages of granulocytopoiesis.
19. Describe the process of platelet formation.
The immune system
20. Define central and peripheral lymphoid organs. Name the central and peripheral lymphoid
organs and compare them with respect to antigen-dependent or antigen-independent lymphocyte
proliferation. Explain the essence of these processes.
21. Describe the stages of the cellular immune response.
22. Describe the stages of the humoral immune response.
23. Describe the structure of different types of immunoglobulins, their functions.
24. Describe the structure and functions of the thymus. Bood-thymus barrier.
25. Describe the structure and functions of the lymph nodes.
26. Describe the structure and functions of the spleen.
27. Describe the structure and functions of non-encapsulated lymphoid organs (lymphoid
follicles of the intestine and other organs).
28. Describe the structure and functions of the tonsils that form the Pirogov-Waldeyer ring.

The organ of vision and the organ of hearing and balance

29. Name the three tunics of the eye in order and give them a general description.
30. Describe the structure and functions of the tunica fibrosa of the eye.
31. Describe the structure and functions of the tunica vasculosa.
32. Describe the mechanism of accommodation.
33. Describe the structure and functions of the retina.
34. Name in order the structures of the eye through which light passes before it reaches the outer
segment of the rods and cones.
35. Describe the lacrimal gland (location, type, epithelium). Function.
36. Cristae ampullares : localization, structure, function.
37. Macula of the saccule and macula of the utricle: localization, structure, function.
38. Organ of Corti: localization, structure, function.

1. Мазок крови/Blood smear

2. Костный мозг/Bone marrow

3. Стенка сердца (поперечный срез)/Heart (transverse section)

4. Аорта/Aorta

5. Сосудисто-нервный пучок/Neurovascular bundle

6. Лимфатический узел/Lymph node

7. Тимус/Thymus

8. Селезёнка/Spleen
9. Миндалина/Tonsil
10. Веко/Eyelid
11. Роговица /Cornea
12. Задняя стенка глаза/Posterior wall of the eye
13. Глазное яблоко/ Eyeball
14. Слёзная железа/Lacrimal gland
15. Улитка, Кортиев орган /Cochlea, organ of Corti

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