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y i «Esp reall dea): a Study A, tussted y 7 With Vielimes and + reerhwueeets Ni ction log y gi Ldscximinalsti Penalogyi- “tae Meaning She Fens “Penclagy” was Cetued by * Francis Liben® in 1834> ery) Add enology ts described aa a branch of crimin: Seer ectence deal with +e pu fehmert A, cxininals: | Some definih wor According to * Donald Tap}? ‘= |* Penolody fe comeaed with He Punished + and +reatnuut of offend. es? a] oT] . = = 7] = [Accavding to °F Iie ben? = [Ts fs branch Gsimmina) Science i deal tela che with tHe” punishment Ol Cximernals? 3) | Accouds a : Cy lays down the Furdametes! Prinefples lwlich gurole the Stara gr _soverers iH Lin. Framing Hts _Schenaes Cf eee eae t-_chavactonistics of Penalogy — el Pencloay deals with ith te Principlea and methods} Purntshhnust + Ste “guid sta acre_in Fung Punichn Jor_Variows _¢ Crimp: e 3b. Y ee aims at mainteining “Soctal peace || Security. _ eee ol: fo 9 vattonate > TH penistws cs oxtmainale 13 _ymannen: t- Scope of Penology:= —— Pernolons) “ts the Studs j, punishment > im ts Yd branch a gocfology “thet exam tir Depfocs of crime and Btusttce systeus On _soclote : : a eu malog:y— hos eer iffeust goats | thelo. deterrence! ehe bili trim , wet Kee end reformation: Th field 4, Penalogy rs Cons femily —¢ Chang en 1 orOmprearchers earn more about evinre! olf Tusttee system — = _ 2 New techooloty have led 10 new methods oJ Pourch mont fed on : D Penclogists mwst knew uae chonges fn Orcler +o _provtcle the best possible ceruice +t soctetys Penclogy is the study ¢] Purishnwic ene! . Study of mre hnabilitabon 4 ximinals: 24's |! ee f+ can help uw» a fn best way 2 chabilinte ® Csteninals. PrQyent Crime: : : f Qe | Penology ts also impoxbent because *- . Ol\t+ he elps us tn undemtand wh peaple Comyn i+ Cetynen: : o ath et | solution night be available +p reduce | Cvine. a Penoloay re ¢ itel Cimportani) pani of the Criminal Tustice Sy¢tem becauset- At helps Our punt Criminals ane pun rr fon Turin exten 3 and = Treg ae Gia te _OPpartucity be omeabi lia te carne ry ity Ond~ teecediee lay abiding cttizens: Penslogy ts al imperten} bn orcle to deter chme ed Criminals stl) ee wane ol Thine One man: arpects ology such es Jeo od thes wall face punishment tf thew | One Canalis H ® 4ontencin Peck Paneale and whabilitation Q thts i rant to hove a cyctem CPenalaay) 2 | Het covsidews alt thine factors. i t Crinus ane defined fo The objective cf Penology fs focus om how Crim ane dp 2) anc) ee Aud how prisons Crt manag a a Pe Pehslogy also focuses on Prisoners wah tse ensumng that, (Atrrsyinrmare> ane troshed approprately and rece he 7 eibi edb muse obrechiux of Penoleqy yehabi lta ts pregra VD To prevent cvinae = Penoloay aims to prouent crime otential oftfendess fun _Coramiting socia) cind economrée ___— = — ‘by ___ =e Crim ea o and undexlyrng Condit that Contibure sto cximined — behavior: _ le a 2S Te punish _offendess - = Penology ots “to punish offendess that ts panpoxtioncde to Hee Severity 4. Cri wes and ft also ensuring sights ane pactecte }. —_— _ 8S To ehabilithte offfenclinsr Penology atm +o “wehabilitate offer: ee gd. vessin: ae GoD of tein Criminal ehayjiour) an widing them with Lae jours) ah eee Harum to b products pers on and law abide US To protect secrete Z ___Penslogy atm “te protect socfety by offenders firm tee Community an Onsuxin ag that tHuy o Hot a ble ecg { Serhovina dan w a tomy 5) Overall, te ohjectivve 6) Penolegy fs to balan Lire! ale oy Warshmee ut safe + Yi _Orehabilitabre and publr tr Manners that Tt 1s tue And’ fost + pays ,* sore 7 fd PPPPPPrEELe reel Pe Features oh Penclog Punrsh mont": = The ke ature @) Penology 2 the use | Puishmad 2 9 Means OQ wer S nag) behavior. a Comectiona Tnatituh um _ a Penology invalus the use of Comecin Isucin oo Prisuns « house cand man [There inahtubene may proviole a vange qf secccee such o» educational programm Uncationas teri + lOind counseling tm pxdin to Selp offence mre inte Pagtitid ome an abiding Citizm end reint i octet : a == 32>) Rehabiliahtn': —_ | — 7 Penology smees-ske "re egnizes Hae _impevten ¢e Ad ed ess sing Oo ~relhebi lradineg ffercle ws and Ag COW 2 qt criminal behaviour. Rehabilitation. | rf | panwiding _offenders oii merdal may involve C excess ue Uneatlh care, substance abuse | treo toot 7 Gl Public Safety Ure fia dug ) amoetnent and other suppart | Penal gy Seeks to pantoct + blic um Cximinal behavior by 7emevrng ws _offoncloys Suen Hae Community” And" evaucing tlc Unable to Commit further Getmes 5S Legal and Ethical Principles _ Penoloqy te gut lod by lege! and ethirce! Principles a hh cs Hie princip!? dh. _ = yo pooh on ty -feume sé cp vnonnae xigiots 23 Marae principles Noolps so Ongure thek onichmed ts administe ed tna manner _ thet 1s iust and Appropriate: : — 6) Intex clisciplinacy A pyroach:. Penology draws ries differ at Acai rocludrng Oriminalogy , ow sychologys ocfology and othess tn orden Fo _understems and adden Crimina) behaviors _ « HS. Eutdence - baned Prachice': ee Penoloyy emphagines the tmportance sing evrdence bared Pract ces tn orden, “tdenbrfy> on und —_irnflensceud _ feels response sho .Gamined behaviors pre PPP Pr - Pvp fe fh -rrwee @iante penologists jon - Diecleay tothe ata Pe —— enolog Hae ad meinalhies oF —_ » punish mouts ayanious, Crime A pes who Fy hed penslogy fs wofered . Pemology rs branch_oh uence Ho P-ineiples and methods related to the | Shandy A, prise ma Loy wsell os i Parise rrergeansoesd On how inne. One hak focuses administeat” defined ard _punis hed aa Uist ee Concept ch Ponishnort Game Punichnwud fe a aa Tt prevent the ae aA _cyi nee ack “me mbexs A zie Stovileak ¢wimen- _ePunishment is | Gos (wren pu 2) gel Achran tHrat “re Coma thin fla lars: Punishment is AS{Cewr: i gained g pena who engenst fn dn ¢ 1S agetush the Lor and tars Bin phable “hy sour + TH invelyes Biraposing pena\y'es ors Consequen ce? ait es late feu The _key LD gear punishment fs Ht Probech on _<], es = pure 28 Seliscou re 979 ot yearn usheeyand yeater Warm Tre ts th ice Prsintet Soden in sougky a ishneed fs aq process by w “process by whith Hla state Win ficts ain +o tHe Or _prspunty Aa _pewser vt wwulo is ur wie 4 acvime + Tht principe) a JL punishnwesd Ss t@revantho 4, need Througls the proces qf punishment, enw tate Cour preven) Coletor ) Ftu_cxdmainal not_to repect flu sane Pp fades a TD Dereate feay among +H people noite Comenit _ayeln Crim fo) fences» Crime fs ) Gerious evi | and&) veyention of Ginn fs simany YS) pongibijity dt state / obyect + prs Qvirninad shee pro ect) “rhe sec fete agaist. the by onshing sheng onder fr ex pens Tau THWess punishywoud Cam be eee method of maduung 1 andeprouent thom fun 3repe offersce ~ ance femung +e abrding ot Hoon i “Theowes df furishund Thine ane difforsud theories peo Flua_abject behind any thee fs to -weduce Cnr ¢ Eanlae! O1bPES Purcishnsesct tp ensuna soctal theosies Of punichmsed aoe me Ay _Deterent Thee The erm * Deter? Meas t to abstain _-etising an act” reeneo ee Thy “heer says that to others The main chject of +o awpeat + i (ON w believe: Hwat [f Gevere Went GablicheD on tu offender, 14 wyouts PeteDluim frum Gepe yime Tree Hyeory to Crpete ers ind op teen in tu mind of _otluns by eas CEdlequaks a sl “Fo offenders ~ which Keeps +m _cuvey fama Criminal tt = According =) thin Hacens a Ponisi ment is_ ot only Fe _ =p toxong dow fe wm __indulgin ¢ Vince loud eso_* No puinishiast fo otlan persoms wilyo > howe simile @imin tendencien® Sa benerd detleweet aspects cf Criminal justr ce sto Ine tla most mpoxtent fer Conterl opr Cv tyne * wurde ve Ls el Tie dettevertd tHuory way Hu bas punishnserct _ taCep land in +t me pexto burt Comrequent Ys it Bex , Lin ps ea fou axdin ar crime of, Steal gs Fhe culprits wene subject to ti? L _ Severe punishmout death by stenning and Ing _ Th Thdta: | durinGS Mughal pem'ad , +e q vy Senter ¢ Ou Goeth cates > Pp ng ee at oy of te Wes jrnpose d Sieorar teas wee eens 4 fer LY @s ! “and sthealin Most Ate ost Counties namely, (OBDraterston, dyer, Trey. and _ saudi / Arabia ea ZA On2 adopting He dettewont heer 04 be thee basis — Ay. opus aneat wnish uty + (Maine. al fencer) SN eiieisite DS Gites 1) the detlerrant punishmad fs likely to avdened Ale criminal jrstead oh = eee Fh ceeding fear TU Fla low in 4 mind os Fay cur Hod welt 2D Ponishne 2 Pai tut lowces Its essence Gree +lee Criminal PR puntetad « — = y COCRELECEES e Retri bolus Theory TMuy theo. i's bared on tHe (pring p> - 0 Lam eye and g tooth fa - tgoth: The fiterc) meaning rsQe you huxk me , Twill hort you™. Ths theory Sudqest. that + FEV END oF, punrst | cheuld be irre pexrtionsse> to the ot oligne es Ts Oat at fe __ te €ecrar Balanee _offgndes “Tas offender shouts | Grd pain end suffering —¢ es eee fea dL evengy. Thus = tofliched can Hae offend ex _BPonishneut _ must be eavier qu _theowes Tt is urged “dow not vecertues ~ desevuin Hen HE Victim will Seek, Qndwidual Geven ges - Whida may eilling- im punishing Violently — @ Th modern ine ideo of private yeveng, har Te Gass and +t Qed’ _ eos Coma Foyward) +o _¢ Sys < pla mH ot pene nA place = Ala private 2_tndivia & Dee ots) diffieust | be dieteonniue propertin oh, peur der ox _vevers* hye 4 purvish wooed ture rn +h WitRRRAAAAARAAAAARAAAAAAAAA Prevent ue Theory According +o thu theory, +lur theory ornate © prevent onme saturn than _avengir Th believed tHredOHe dona fo Hike isouiety isGemeveD Gy ploun) Hu Undex imprconmard? THe theory tell “(eliy Aceecpese Criminals. A ACUSE Sarre +o precenet Hee _xé petit ay ha By preventing 4 Ae Qin ; votects itgelf gains \ » @Prvenver of Hees Cuicnt Cui qivieg * Aan © = geath pus) pecrebr rat Pmpneqn vest The preven tue theory ras the Object of - © preening. OO disabling ttre criminal pn Cor mi tin g_- “Hs nce: We 2_ Of ferclen rs digabtet Pian vepeath repeating thes offence 2b AAhy Ppuuishrent ike aolsad hy exile wm — imprigonyscul + rysesct BY 3 Sa emins) , Weis preuenked fruca_ ern A anotlen crime The preventive thee seeks HOp revert Huse Orroccovan® | of ecsings by temp Se lao fenciurs: I+ suggest cad _ Ap SSDRSAS SNES 1S hse Ges) and She ea che mec > crim _ prev 2 prevention ay i+ cooks to at offend +4 sem Huo Society His Asabiting Hem far tte > "repeo ah iro Cyy nee + _ Onittes Thtin Wes ttre undesivable effect of +t Offenckka os +e eee, hardening le first of fe Cane ite conteee Se conneer ‘orth hardened” ——aaanea o~__. imm __tyiminals iin in Tat ls Reformatine Heong optus Puwishmeed Criminal by bieth, Cxiintes Soret + ed — — happen accidently Or Sr tu ationa tly “Thee Loffendes choutd y+ Danette change 12 Correct bun mi stratce* Has Fox tly Here Key ofS Cowre chiona) horres, suvenile CO cining schools and veformatenes: yore The mei object ob fin theory I Orshor pene tire fen Tur object A _shoutd le +o : opts fencer: and 2 _ te: cette _ muy: Aeught+ Scns ant ee i ae waay be coms__a_reopectable w2_q_rrenpectable a te : ee eae Tha west “be bring Crbou+ arrange in tire atituele See 2 rt flied we ne conte” Crimi ate will a _ he Cxivy ineifa¢ tye ed > Weg can be mccole ~Corapete: Ft “behaus Well tr fhe soviety + — LO Cyc Ss Dep ple erimiael cure, gonk to pateen he tremsfornte dito and! cite, call jot Tramewn PU 2) TLes theory only works fer_javer'le “Bact Hr Offenders ond not fe Leviminabs Who bows Commuted fase was Som Cre: gaanaaea Expiatory Theery [ee udexgeh * Cxpicske’ Means "make | amend’ fer’ (According to His +neomd. yor — 1h ns fepents), Gente ae The hear ySbared to fle theory ender itself "5 a / ent: Tf tie offencs® wept Maer “Tests yee oper t Todequa Gime Nn _ancren: op —peeualtnl cup: | Easlian a ee oh Seocnig om ref ga even Tus. pier SUAF individ werls and ~westored cqivern Te ste crate gee or favour vith if ests con ke Kincls ch el, Punishmens onc Thdian Penel Code Cecchi 5?) —SSSSSSS=== = Sect 53 of TRE porescai bes. Pik 7 kincls of, purnrshnagats 04 follow s IS ‘Death Penalty eens 2>_Lrfe satmprisonnent 3) mprisonnwet + Rigorous imprisoned — _ imple tmaprisonnest _ W)| Fert A pepeaiay S>_ Fine +? ; ¢ _Deotn Penalty Licapites Ponichmenct ] Te rs Capited punishes or Hoe “Camined Cha eeth: Tus tyhe 44 pusich i a (rel punishment or clesth penalty _¢ exeusion | G pee by = Judtete! _Preces* Oy 1 punishrweet bon offence: Capita purvshmat or tie ceath _penatiy , is o@legal process brrrougio “which 0 Reson is sentenced to death as © punishes for a__gesio By Tpfew o_mysdes The Wutheds and legatrry Capito) purishnwat Vang fren ore Wace cto arotin: Death pumishret can he niteted Ger offerces Unde Section Wl Bete. BPC: Tas Fyhe of perishmet $¢_Sroome + aS Cane:- Bachan dingh Vs stete coh Punjab: rT Supreme Court “het FHeaF Fle apie nisl wage Shell be gron otn Here vanced A Hu vane” “Cove: yaad Singh Vs: State 4 ptt eshi- SC leetd Heat pgrehan. ee Kewmbrand hence trunird 9 Ponsa vo Lis TF Wald He Hewewuny as Sc held HlLad Hae Cone Ren onwatrd we | oriuntite ylifents constitutionally | a reeves ing too Pca ests ews proses undlee wulvich the death penalty sg Ven as _puinrsinnwut unclir Tec we ty waging Or betting to waging War Iga “Tlegally establ’shed. : Cavsin ovternmmt ~ Section 12.| “_mibyder f_cnotln = Hinst) sur che +o: am - Seer, 20S 5 Sechim 301 a w mmureln — Sechn 356 we keding ping ~ Sectrm 36uA Sechim 346A Gpitowtevan, Hie least penalty tS an | etgephn = Fo. cox tenes | fier disabled, pxe gna | Wiomens _exkdi none aqme (sstee Oh, ett Pita t55 cx es PM Au a rrecank fesiten > « ~ TAS cGesed for Stives Sa pe agp BuraDes.’ of, puvishnsch fru PER Boiss) ero Thvawow Canes Fie Const L_P Toten atianalig Validty = We aged: to, Sentence P Capiha) Sertanen: Ted -_Timptsorssat eS is bened — ma Hot Creuse sto ind facts Sh _ duying Hu tetd: ee NSP State oh Pon a dest Ponti woo hed oP "CS for tring vi Volt lakiuy oh, Arkiche 197 Te ard 21+ = > According Wy Seon SU OTPL, He appetite qeve 7 Lommugd-He’ sentence A cleat -for any oft PUR Sa gy > Life imprisonmend Lt [certs] Life innpri senna ps ue ob tte ryt onuishnwad Wu ei cla 1S recogni \ : d Section 53-4 UPC: Life _imer'son nw auwthe _is aWegal nate thet, ___by the govern overmntd as Esmee cto fe (0px CLinainim on IW year * she a ee rho. _Lrfe _imprisal page, Lon py g crat s_1N _semten ee ¢ o_Cximet onder wlch “convicted Crimina!s immprsonr = Bene rrisewn fee ctl ont Of A batt Gaus med) ay0led) gaCcammut Crimes Fret wa ene usual PXfoler> 2" crim are mayxd —— Kidnapping, Torey. er 2D. Lyfe ee ys Fen Rg tex ex ined _ puwishnstst in wick an _individira) is centenwed +O spend Ft yemeinder dh Horie We ipo Sota ON LRmah ue ot Seven od. death penal Sov juris TeDabpechive “4 Infe__imapsiseanses sect ry Pum Tanger ws ae tes oS (fe mprisvrmet eur. be fer tee ey ro. and 2s Nears: Im a senment Fer life toe beaimpl: A+ Plays 2govou TTnprisonmessct “Fer life Can news be Simple Impriconmnd Igo wus _imprsennend —— Zt ts wos Jct Xe - " Tmpwi sonnet Fem Facey This pouishneer dk Fdrppretssnad tue convict? s freedom and puts bina in aa — _Originally., tmprisconvet wes mn “custody Of undia trial persons __TThe main purposes, Impwisonment cine WS, Disabiling Has offender, being danger + 7 Souerg, by lodeing_himupr> prevenh” 4 offender fn tong oe rock UP ___=timpetfonwey Mmeous tetein4 Cuway 9 Pexsan's Frordom and puting | hen in prise: A According to Section 3 of tu AP cyte Gas’ thjo incls of Smprisonnents- __ U9! Simple impisonnmece {TR rs 9 type of im panson ment Wlure ae ce Jd Conwiched Agi Ys kepRIn i! | Wutthout any havd “tabocy > puwishnacct simple impwismnut js awarded Only foe lighter offeree such as cefameation: [The following Offences are Prrnishable rsa et gad sonnet on. — _ISi Luron gfe zophraint = a Defemaod' ons yt 3)__ Misconduct tna public place by a dynken Pew om + — MS QOvous imprisonmud ™ Tt ts “at Tyee Ah imnprisonmens a neler Which a Prisotmer @ Accused __Convie Pek ford crime fs _ kept itn. prtser onc! Huy Wenn +o clo Vere uork G2 labour

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