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Activity 2: Use the directory tree structure on the left to answer

the questions provided below.did you learn? Show how much

you learned by completing the activity
1. C:\Windows root is the name of the root

2. C:\ drive is the name of the drive

3. The sub directory of the root directory is home or (C:\home)

4. (C:\user1) and (C\user2) are the folders in the home directory.

5. (C:\home) is the parent directory of (C:\user2)

6. C:\bar and C:\statusReport are the child directories of C:\user2

7. The path to get to statusReport file is (C:\home\user2\statusReport)

8. If the home folder was deleted, every other folder and file would also be deleted.

Activity 3:
Use the following directory structure to answer the questions below.

1.Identify the active drive.

The active drive is the C:\ drive

2. Identify the FOUR sub-directories of the root folder

The four sub directories of the root folder are (C:\Documents and Settings), (C:\Local TeX Files), (C:\
Program Files) and (C:\WINDOWS) are the sub directories of the root folder.

3. Identify the active sub-folder of the root directory

The active sub directory is C:\Local TeX files.

4. Identify the sub-directories of the active sub-folder

The sub directories of (C:\Local TeX Files) are (C:\bibtex) and (C:\tex).

5. Identify the sub-directory of BIBTEX

The sub directories of BIBTEX are (C:\bib) and (C:\bst).

6. Identify the sub-directory of TEX

The sub directory of TEX is (C:\latex)
7. Draw a directory structure to show how the folders/directories are organized on the C:\drive

|-- Program Files
|-- Users
| |-- YourUsername
| |-- Desktop
| |-- Documents
| |-- Downloads
| |-- Pictures
| |-- Music
| |-- Videos
|-- Windows

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