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Game Master (GM) Name: ________________________________________________________

GM Discord Username: ___________________________________________________________

GM Additional contact (Optional): __________________________________________________

Game/Edition: __________________________________________________________________

Preferred number of players: ______________________________________________________

Preferred meeting time: __________________________________________________________

Preferred meeting location (online/in person): ________________________________________

Circle one: My campaign is Official Homebrew

Brief Description of your campaign:

Warnings in advance to players: (so they will not feel uncomfortable during the game. This would
include "R rated" portions of the game):
I, as the Game Master, agree that I am here to have a good time and make the party members in the
group have a good time. I agree that if there are any uncomfortable feelings within the group, I am
initially responsible for them and to try my best to work through them. I agree to following the three
strike rule outlined within the Role For Initiative Constitution.

Three Strike rule: (Applicable with offending behavior within members of the campaign (including GM))

Whenever an issue within party members and/or GM arrive, discuss the issues at hand, if serious or
minor, document the strike with one of the officers of Role for Initiative (by contacting them through
discord, or Via email). Acts that need to be documented include: behavior that is perceived as malicious
towards people in or outside the club.

If an individual has three strikes, there will be a party meeting with the officers of Role for Initiative,
which will end with possible campaign expulsion.

As the Game Master I agree that if my party/campaign and I do not follow the rules of Role for Initiative,
outlined in this document and the Role for Initiative Constitution, my party/campaign and I are not
associated with the RSO Role for Initiative and will be revoked any resources within the RSO.

GM Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________

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