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Cristian Frunza - Essay - English

"In 25 years, young people's lives will be very different to how they are now'.

Nowadays, and every single day, both the new generations and past ones are advancing and progressing
as a society. That means the future result of a better world, better communities and the best quality of
life we could ever imagine.

First, the major reason of that is the education, due to the fact that both high schools and universities
are launching new carrers and because of that, new jobs are appearing in our day to day, and that's
great. By doing so, the education is giving us the opportunities to try and dedicate the rest of our life to a
new job that maybe a couple of years ago didnt exist at all and now yes, so we create more employees
and make more money, that is the motor of our economy and our salary to have a good life.

Then, a big cause of our improvement is the entertaiment. This concept consist in attract people to
spend their time doing activities that companies offers us. Thanks to the education, more young people
are nowadays working on entertaiment places, as it could be shopping centres, casinos, birthdays
places... etc. It must be taken into account that every single day we improve little by little, if we compare
ourselfes now to 25 or 50 years ago, things were extremetely different, that means and show our
incredible advance as a society and life quality, and of course, money is always there!

It's very curious to think about how we'll be in 25 years and how will be our lifes, if some jobs are going
to desappear, and at the same time appearing new ones, and also how will the world, society and
education will be. Thanks to the practise, studies and work, we can be a bit better than yesterday, and
realice than we can get the best version of ourselfes.

In conclusion, I reckon that if we keep like that, although there will be some unexpected problem
between, we'll surely improve as a society and of course our quality of lifes.


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