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Hi, Toni.

Thanks for your email! First of all, before starting, I have a little question for you, do you really just know
English? Really? What do you attend to in school! But, well, it doesn´t matter. Of course is imprescindible
and I would say "mandatory" to have knowledge about one more language, how would you
communicate with people that don´t talk english for example, without taking account that is most talked
one? It would be very difficult!

Anyway, learning a new language from 0 is very difficult, especially depends on which language you
choose to learn, if you prefer to learn chinese or russian... you are defenitely lost! You´ve said that you
would like to learn my language, which is Moldovan. Well, is not completely a language, because it
derives from romanian, so it´s moreless a dialect. So technically, we could compare them with spanish
and latino. But, the thing is, how do you learn that? Well, we are in the 21th century! That type of
problems are actually solved! You can use internet idioms programs to learn it form 0, practising with
basic words, sentences, texts... , also without internet, the natural way, books! And once you learn a little
bit, to improve your speaking skills, I would say you to talk with my Moldovan family! They surely help
you a lot to improve yourself!

In summary, I would say you to be patient, because is a total challengue for you, Moldovan is not very
difficult language thanks to their similarity between words, comparing it with English and also Spanish, i
wish you good luck! Maybe in a couple of months we can talk among us in moldovan, it would be great,
think about that!

Keep in touch, Toni.


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