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Compare the language features used in the TWO poems ‘If I Fail’ and ‘Exam Failure Praying’.

poem is MORE effective at communicating an emotion?

Introduction – (approx. 80- 100 words)

Your introduction must include the following (TAKO):
 T: The titles of both poems
 A: Both authors names
 K: The key words from the question
 O: The outline of what the essay is about

The poems ‘Exam Failure Praying’ by Albert Wendt and ‘If I Fail’ by Tupac Shakur use language
features to create an emotional connection with the audience. ‘Exam Failure Praying’ uses
(language feature) whilst ‘If I Fail’ uses (different language feature). Overall (pick ONE poem) is
more effective at communicating the emotion of (emotion)… (explain why – briefly, you will add
more detail in the third paragraph).

Paragraph One – Exam Failure Praying by Albert Wendt (approx. 180- 200 words)

The poem (poem name) by (poet’s name) creates a feeling of (feeling/emotion) through the use
of (language feature). The poet writes (quote from the poem), which creates a sense of (explain
the emotion in more detail…do not just repeat the emotion… are we worried for the poet?).
Wendt’s choice of writing the poem as a prayer and the use of (language feature) demonstrates
his internal struggle and desire to make his father and aiga proud and to do what is right by God.
Wendt feels the weight of his father’s expectations on his shoulders, and fears telling him he has
failed, and the ‘disgrace’ this will bring to his family. In Samoan culture it is expected that the
oldest son will (explain what is expected of Albert AND why – need TWO more sentences… think
about pressures/expectations from family and church etc.).

Paragraph Two – If I Fail by Tupac Shakur (approx. 180- 200 words)

The poem If I Fail by Tupac Shakur creates a feeling of (feeling/emotion) through the use of
rhyme. The poet writes (quote from the poem), which creates a sense of (explain the emotion in
more detail…do not just repeat the emotion…). The poet describes his ‘quest’ to achieve the
goals he has set for himself, and how he is personally responsible for his actions and failures. The
poet has intended to make the audience feel empathy for his situation and lack of support he has
as a young Black American. LINK TO THE REAL WORLD – Tupac is searching for a sense of
direction and belonging in his music or in joining gangs.

Paragraph Three – PICK ONE poem and explain WHY it is more effective at communicating the
emotion you chose. (approx. 180- 200 words)

The poem (poem name) is more effective in communicating an emotion because it has a stronger
narrative voice which allows the audience to connect to the poets’ experiences to a greater
extent. (Poets name) creates a connection with the audience through his autobiographical
writing, where he shares details of his identity to help us get to know him. The line (quote) is an
example of (poets name) narrative voice as he shares specific details of his upbringing and
cultural identity… (keep going with specifics for the poem you have chosen).

Conclusion – (approx. 80- 100 words)

Conclude your essay by writing why you care about the topic (even if you don’t – make it up)!
Use key words from the body of the essay, but DO NOT introduce any NEW information. Some
sentence starters are provided below.

 An examination of Exam Failure Praying and If I Fail is important because …

 This essay examines the way emotions are effectively communicated in a text …
 The text (poem name) is more effective at communicating …
 Poetry is used to express ideas and emotions, the common thread between these poems
is the idea of failure …

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