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• UNIT 7.


Section 3. Maya Civilization

1. Work in small groups and brainstorm the questions about Maya

● What do you know about this ancient civilization?
The Maya civilization was a sophisticated Mesoamerican civilization known for
its advanced achievements in architecture, mathematics, astronomy, art, and
hieroglyphic writing. The Maya built impressive cities with intricate temples,
pyramids, and palaces, such as Tikal and Palenque. They developed a complex
calendar system and had a deep understanding of celestial bodies, using
observatories to track stars and planets.
● What do you think led to its decline?
Internal conflicts, warfare between city-states, and struggles for power might
have weakened the civilization. Epidemics or diseases could have devastated the
population, putting stress on resources and society. Drought and environmental
degradation might have strained resources, impacting agricultural yields.

3. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

eventually – Врешті-решт
prisoner – в’язень
to pave roads – прокладати дороги
smoked – копчений
jade – нефрит
to keep records – вести облік
to predict – передбачити
to abandon – відмовитися від
stretch – розтяжка
duster – пилосос
to hold an office – обіймати посаду

4. Give English equivalents to the words and phrases listed below:

поневолити – enslave
принести в жертву – sacrifice
очевидно – obviously
точно – accurately
керувати урядом – run the government
товари побутового вжитку – household goods
священний – holy

5. Find the words in the texts that match the definitions:

1. Priest – an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or
Anglican Church, authorised to perform certain rites and administer
certain sacraments
2. Noble – belonging by rank, title, or birth to the aristocracy
3. Warrior – a fighter or soldier, especially in former times who
was very brave and experienced in fighting
4. Ruler – a person exercising government or dominion
5. Officeholder – a position of authority or service, typically
one of a public nature

6. Give synonyms to the words or phrases:

to populate – inhabit
to break down – analyze
to receive – accept
river view – landscape
water passage – aqueduct
emperor – sovereign
monarch – king
precise – exact
evidently – clearly

7. Answer the questions based on the information in the text:

1. How did Teotihuacan differ from the Olmec religious centers?
Teotihuacan and the Olmec religious centers belonged to different
Mesoamerican civilizations and time periods. The Olmec civilization
predates Teotihuacan. Teotihuacan, located in the Basin of Mexico, was a
vast city with impressive pyramids and a complex urban layout, suggesting
a more centralized authority. In contrast, the Olmec religious centers, such
as La Venta, were smaller and characterized by colossal stone heads and
ceremonial platforms. The Olmec civilization is considered one of the
earliest in Mesoamerica, while Teotihuacan flourished later.
2. What roles did different classes play in Maya society?
Maya society was hierarchical, and different classes had distinct roles:
Nobles held political power, overseeing the governance of city-states. They
were often associated with religious duties and rituals. Priests played a
crucial role in religious ceremonies, interpreting celestial events, and
maintaining the calendar. They were highly respected. Commoners were
engaged in agriculture, craftsmanship, and trade. They formed the majority
of the population and supported the elite through tribute. Captives from
warfare or individuals with debt could become slaves, performing various
tasks for the elite.
3. What led to the decline of the Mayas?
The decline of the Maya civilization during the Classic period is attributed to a
combination of factors. Prolonged droughts and environmental degradation
might have led to agricultural decline and resource scarcity. Internal conflicts
and warfare among city-states weakened the political structure. Struggles for
power and social unrest may have destabilized the society. Epidemics or
diseases could have caused a decline in the population.

8. CRITICAL THINKING. Like the Mayas, the Egyptians and the

Greeks were deeply interested in astronomy. What were their different
reasons for studying the sky?
The Egyptians, Greeks, and Mayas indeed shared a profound interest in
astronomy, but their reasons for studying the sky were influenced by different
cultural, religious, and practical considerations.

Astronomy was closely tied to Egyptian religious beliefs. They observed

celestial bodies to establish calendars for religious rituals and ceremonies. The
movements of the sun, moon, and stars were linked to deities and the afterlife.

Greek interest in astronomy was deeply philosophical. Scholars like Thales and
Pythagoras sought to understand the nature of the cosmos, developing early
models of the universe based on reason and observation.

Mayan astronomers were skilled at observing celestial events, and their interest
was tied to the religious and ritualistic aspects of their culture. They developed
precise calendars based on celestial cycles, crucial for scheduling ceremonies
and agricultural activities.

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