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Training Network Managers in Ethical Hacking

Techniques to Manage Resource Starvation

Attacks using GNS3 Simulator
Kemal Hajdarevic*, Adna Kozic**, Indira Zerina Masetic****, Nejdet Dogru*****
Avdagic*** International Burch University,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo ****,
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina *****
*, **,

Abstract – The threat of resource starvation attacks is one of operating systems such as Kali Linux [4] which can be
the major problems for the e-Business. More recently these used for ethical hacking purposes [5].
attacks became threats for Cloud environments and Denial
of Service is a sub-category of these kinds of attack. The While DoS has many different variations, one of the
network management is process of taking proactive actions effect it that one or more nodes within a network, cloud
before the attack has taken effect which is responsibility of environments, [6] and services, are stricken by disruption
skilled employees - network managers. In recent time or unavailability caused by large volumes of network
vulnerability testing skills are needed to harden system traffic. In order to resolve those kinds of attacks is to use
security. These skills have to be developed thus for we created additional resources to handle those kinds of attacks.
scenario in a controlled environment, to provide opportunity Examples of attacks by directing an excessive volume of a
for student trainees to train their skills, so that defense could particular request message are ICMP request, or flood of
be prepared. This paper describes a simulation-based only TCP SYN packets as part of the TCP three way
training scenario using simulator and by using hacking tools handshake, to which the host or service is obliged to
in which student trainees experience the symptoms and respond.
effects of a DDoS attack, practice their responses in a
simulated environment, with goal to prepare them for the In situations when available resources such as
real attacks. processor power, memory resources, communication links
have to provide services for incoming demands are on not
I. INTRODUCTION sufficient, system is not able to resolve the service
requirements of legitimate users. Resulting scenario for
Press headlines report attacks on computer networks, this types of attacks is that legitimate users are left without
cloud environments with a goal to disrupt services service, and the attacker reached her / his goal in malicious
provided to users of those networks. These attacks produce intention. Network manager is person responsible for
consequential effects on business and consumer managing required appropriate quality levels of
confidence. Effects of these attacks vary in their approach, availability and security of the network. Our initial idea
purpose and effectiveness, but one of the most frequently was to consider how network manager could be assisted in
launched attacks – probably because it is also one of the protecting managed system more specifically to detect an
most effective and easy to start – is denial of service (DoS). attack.
With more and more devices on network especially with One important issue is the way in which the attack
Internet of Things (IoT) which are used for different consequences can be reduced and minimized, if not
purposes and are not protected as they should, they often prevented. One of the most important steps of above
can be used as agent hosts misused to amplify DoS attakcs, explained attacks is the DoS attack identification stage. If
thus creating Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks. detected on time network managers will have time to
In previous work done by one of the authors of this protect their network resources if not, users will face
paper [1] in process of training network managers, disruption or unavailability of service. Because of this,
synthetically prepared network traffic that was used early detection of DoS signs shall be recognized on time
without using real hacking tools, traffic, and devices. In before service interruption. Network managers are
this paper, we used real traffic generated by real hacking responsible to carry out day-to-day network monitoring
tools directed to Graphical Network Simulator (GNS3) [2] using network monitoring tools and respond if a specific
simulated environment. attack is recognized. They learn through doing by
detecting unusual activities in everyday traffic.
DoS attacks are easy to start by using automated scripts
or tools such as Net Tools 5 [3], or even specially designed Furthermore there is clear need to test security of own
system with goal of preparedness for real security attacks.
This is possible by using ethical hacking techniques [5]

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and more important is to develop student trainees future detect and respond to DoS attacks, including a review of
network managers skills to conduct these vulnerability current work in automated detection systems; we then
tests. Thus for we created simulation environment and present the results of our analysis of the symptoms of such
make available simulation tests for training purposes and attacks, we then describe how these symptoms are
reported it in this paper. Student trainees are able to learn represented in our simulation system, together with the
ethical hacking skills using real tools combined with other related symptoms; we conclude with an analysis of
simulation environment more easily without stress the effectiveness of our approach and a description of
compared to work with production traffic and real network further work.
devices which is cost effective approach.
In papers such as [6-14] are presented various For the study case presented in this paper, we used
approaches in training student trainees in ethical hacking network management simulator tool GNS3 which can use
techniques using virtual environments. One of the models a combination of synthetically varied data and real traffic
which was proposed in[6] is Multi-Vm Laboratory which attacks launched with hacker tools described below.
is suitable for ethical hacking training purposes we used to
conduct our simulations in this paper. In the paper [10] is In our work, we simulated Denial of Service (DoS)
presented ethical educational platform for hands-on lab attack to a web server, which is placed in the DMZ. DoS
activities for exploring DoS attacks that we used as attack is simulated as a traffic flooding from the attacker
reference point for shaping our lab environment. machine, which is, in this case, our virtual machine.
Furthermore, we analyzed the network traffic, considering
While DoS attack is threat for almost 2 decades [12], two study cases [24]:
other network environment such as cloud environments as a) Cisco ASA firewall is disabled and all the traffic is
a part of critical infrastructure inherent same passing through it to the server,
vulnerabilities that single server had what is addressed in
[13-24] where threat detection systems and approaches for b) Cisco ASA firewall is enabled and filters are set to
detection and prevention of DoS based attacks against let genuine traffic pass to the web server.
cloud environments are proposed. We used results from
During the attack, as learning activity we advise
[24] to configure our GNS3 simulation environment and
student trainees to sniff network traffic using Wireshark
additionally tune configurations in our simulation.
[25] tool to be able to compare results of these cases
III. RATIONALE FOR EXPERIMENTING AND CREATING mentioned above. As we stated previously our goal was to
SIMULATED SCENARIOS USING REAL TRAFFIC AND offer student trainees environment and study case
scenarios of DoS attacks with goal to prepare them for
experience from real world and DoS attacks.
As it noticed [1] network manager’s skills develops
over time and with practical experience, but unfortunately, A. Hardware and software components for test bed
the most common experience is during real attack and it is scenario
common case that it is first practical experience many To perform simulation, we used VirtualBox 5.1.22 on
network managers have. Network managers “learn the Windows 8 machine with 8 GB RAM and processor
through working” in process of doing and resolving Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-45900 CPU @ 3.30GHz, and
problems. One of the skills that network managers might installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit with 4 GB RAM and
use is to be able to perform vulnerability testing on their 30 GB of virtual disk [11]. We used virtual machine (VM)
systems. One way to do this is to have hands-on real hacker to protect our computer from the potential threats during
tools and to perform ethical hacking techniques proposed
the DoS attack simulation, which was done using Net
in Ethical Hacking certification guide [3] to try how it can
look like if real attack strikes their system which can be Tools 5 [3].
mimicked in simulated environment. Furthermore, we installed GNS3-1.4.6 [2] on our VM,
Our approach for teaching future network managers is together with Net Tools 5 [3] and Wireshark [25]. GNS3
that it shall include structured approach to learning, in [2] software enables building simple and complex virtual
cloud environment, and using real network traffic by networks without having physical devices, such as routers
which novice network managers can practice their skills in and switches, to simulate real network components. To do
a controlled environment. We have developed such a so, we used emulators such as Dynamips [26] and Qemu
scenario using GNS3 [2], described in detail in [24]. This [27] and create software equivalents of hardware devices.
paper describes how we have incorporated the effects of a Furthermore, GNS3 [2] can be connected to the external
DoS attack into that tool, to give a student trainees a future virtual machines or physical devices, that provides
network manager the opportunity to recognize these creating more complex network topologies and simulation
symptoms and to practice their response to the attack by of real scenarios.
placing appropriate firewall and configuring it to be able
to minimize negative impacts and hopefully block GNS3 [2] needs real Cisco IOS images to emulate
incoming attacks. Cisco routers (and other devices). In our simulation, we
used 3725 and 7200 series routers. Furthermore, we used
In study cases described in this paper, we show how the IOS image c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d for
these real traffic is manipulated to create a DoS attack. The Cisco 3725 and c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.152-4.M7 in
structure of this paper is as follows: we state the need to

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our simulation. Each router requires specific RAM VI. EARLY ATTACK DETECTION SIMULATION
memory. Minimal memory for router c3725 is 128MB, Early detection of attacks or other anomalies which
and for c7200 is 512 MB. could harm a network in some way is the subject of much
Moreover, we used Cisco ASA firewall as it is a current research. An automated system which is able to
security device that combines firewall, antivirus, intrusion recognise and prevent attacks or other anomalies, and
prevention, and virtual private network (VPN) capabilities, work with already standardized mechanisms for network
and we believe it is a good security mechanism for attack management, is preferable to those systems and projects
prevention. In our simulation, we added Cisco ASA 8.4 whose goal is to design new hardware equipment such as
version on GNS3 [2], with 1 GB of RAM memory. Many attacks come from outside a secured network and
are delivered through network gateways.
B. Hacking tools used in test bed scenario Although this impact will be most obvious at the node
(web server) being attacked (as we show below), there will
In our test bed scenario, we used already mentioned Net
also be (probably lesser) impacts on the near neighbour
Tools 5 [3] (Fig. 1.) which is a set of different tools for
nodes, and particularly on the gateway router devices. In
monitoring, scanning, and administration of networks. It is
designed for Windows operating systems and it is a very view of the possible failure of the “attacked” node, we
strong combination of network scanning, security, file, must also pay attention to the way in which neighbouring
nodes represent the developing attack, and include those in
system, and administrator tools that could be used in
our simulation.
diagnosing and computer's network connections for
system administrators. We initiated this process by presenting an analysis of
However, this tool enabled us to simulate DoS attack the effects of a DoS attack on a small network of the type
from the attacker machine to the web server. which is similar to the environment in which our student
trainees are likely to work. We show what a trainee will
experience when she/he is presented with this simulation,
using real traffic and effects on simulated environment.
Another contribution of this paper is to present the way
how ethical hacker tool such as Net Tools 5 [3] can be used
as vulnerability testing tool – Fig. 1.
A. Effects of firewall in simulated environment
We designed network segments with internet hosts and
network segment of protected network where ASA
firewall was placed to protect network from Internet and
potential attackers.
Figure 1. Net Tools 5 [3] – One of vulnerability flood testing tools


The TCP/SYN attack [11] is a well-known variant of
DoS, in which an attacker launches a series of TCP/SYN
packets (TCP three way handshake - connection
establishment requests) at a target. These packets typically
each have a different (spoofed) source IP address, which is
unreachable from the target. The “rules” of TCP
connection establishment require the target to issue a
SYN-ACK packet in response, and to allocate resources
(buffer and table space etc.) for the “new” connection.
Whilst this is sufficient to tie up resource at the target, Figure 2. Our simulated network environment based on [24]
and is therefore a DoS attack in its own right, a
B. Firewall switched off
consequence of attempting to send a packet to an
unreachable IP address is that the next hop (router) will
return an ICMP “Destination unreachable” message to the In the first scenario, we disabled the ASA firewall, so
sender, so further consuming buffer space. the network traffic can pass through it to a server. After all
the devices are setup and connected to a topology shown
Any existing (legitimate) connections to or from the in Fig. 2., we tested the connectivity between the attacker
target will experience a gradual reduction in their PC and web server by sending ICMP packets (Fig. 3.).
throughput, and may, as the attack develops, timeout. New Upon having successful connection, we could attack the
legitimate attempts to connect are likely to fail due to web server.
timeout before completion.

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C. Firewall switched on
In second scenario, we enabled the ASA firewall and set
the filter, defining which connections and how many of
them could be established. We configured ASA firewall
by limiting the number of “half open connections” a client
can have [28]. If the limit of half-open connections is
reached, then the ASA firewall responds to every SYN
packet, originally sent to the server, with a SYN ACK, and
does not pass the SYN packet to the internal server. If the
Figure 3. Connection testing form CMD from PC1 and PC2 sender responds with an ACK packet, then the ASA
firewall recognised it as not a part of a potential DoS
We were sending different number of packets from the attack, rather a valid request. Then, firewall establishes a
attacker (Fig. 4.) and, at the same time, monitoring the connection with a web server.
network in Wireshark [25]. This is practice that student
trainees perform which is to monitor and learn how signs The firewall uses SYN cookies technique so it knows
of real attack look like. which requests are legitimate and which are not. Using this
technique, the server does not record a new request until
the final ACK is received. Therefore, the SYN queue will
not be filled up under the SYN flood attack.
We repeated the same scenario explained in Case 1, i.e.
simulating DoS attack using Net Tools 5 [3] from the
attacker machine to a web server. At the same time, we
monitored the network using Wireshark [25] and analyzed
the traffic (Fig. 7.). We noticed that SYN packets did not
reach the web server at all. However, when we initiated the
„normal“ connection from the machine that is not
attacking the server, packets could reach the web server,
as ASA firewall recognized the valid request.

Figure 4. Wireshark – Captured SYN Flood

Wireshark [25] in its window showed many SYN

packets send and many SYN ACK packet received.
However, attacker had never sent the final ACK to close
the connection.

Figure 7. Wireshark Flow Graph during DoS attacks blocked by firewall


Analysis of the system in both cases (when Firewall is
Figure 5. Connection testing form CMD from PC1 and PC2 switched off, and Firewall switched on) was done while
considering different criteria, such as: a) how long the
Furthermore, we were unable to reach the web server server was inaccessible to the other devices, b) number of
from the other machines (Fig. 5. and Fig. 6.), meaning that received packets, c) number of lost packets during the
the attack was successful. attack while sending 100 packets per connection. Table 1
compares these two cases considering above mentioned
A. Case 1 – Firewall switched off
It was measured that 22 sent packets are lost for 850
open connections. On the other side, the least number of
lost packets is for the case with 100 open connections. The
reason is that 100 open connections are not enough to
congest the server and fill the buffer space with SYN
connection to make it inaccessible.
From the Table 1. can be seen that the server is
Figure 6. Wireshark Flow Graph during DoS attacks inaccessible for the 115.19 seconds when 850 connections

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are open and it is accessible during the 100 open Other activities are possible from this point of research:
connections. For 350 and 600 sent connection, server is we will use simulation environment as it stands using
inaccessible for 19.17 and 23.35 seconds, respectively. different scenarios, different network and traffic settings
The lost packets can be noticed in the Wireshark [25] by a providing them to gain knowledge and deeper insight of
message „Destination unreachable (Type: 3), Protocol real attack scenarios; use trainee actions and record their
unreachable (Code: 2) “. responses which can give insight in learning difficulties,
using statistics or data mining techniques.
Our model represents a form of attack which is well
known, and newer forms of DoS attacks could present
different symptoms. Our implementation and findings
indicates the need to develop scenarios similar to those
presented here with goal to educate large number of future
network administrators who may not have enough
experience, tools such as intrusion detection and
prevention systems, but who are still expected to
proactively monitor and defend computer networks for
which they are responsible. We believe that provide
B. Case 2 – Firewall switched on documentation for our trainees so that they can learn from
In ASA firewall configuration, we limited following live scenarios to manage network which is target for an
available configuration settings: a) maximum number of DoS attack. We also believe that we succeed in adding
embryonic connection (200), b) maximum number of TCP value in learning experience of novice network managers
connections (100), c) total number of connections per and ethical hackers. We are in process of development of
client (5) and d) total number of embryonic connection per more similar scenarios in simulated network environment
client (10) [28]. This limitation decreased the number of with goal to provide extensive training experience.
sent SYN requests from attacker PC. When the limit is
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