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‭I chose to take this class because I thought it would help me with a career in graphic design.

‭goals for this course were to improve my writing skills and learn how to write in a style that‬
‭would help me as a graphic designer. I have noticed an improvement in my writing over the‬
‭semester. In this course, I have been exposed to many types of writing that I have never done‬
‭before like creating instructions, workplace correspondence, and a white paper. By exploring all‬
‭these new areas, it has caused me to expand my understanding and challenge my writing‬
‭abilities. In addition, the editing exercises have helped me not only to evaluate other people’s‬
‭writings but also to critically look at my own writing for ways to improve. Finally, by revising‬
‭my writing for my portfolio, I have been able to take all that I have learned in the class and‬
‭produce assignments that I am proud to submit. Thus I have met my first goal by improving my‬
‭writing skills.‬

‭This course has also helped me to meet my second goal of learning to write in a style that would‬
‭help me in a graphic design career. Several of the assignments we worked on could be beneficial‬
‭to me in that field. First, the resume will be helpful in obtaining a job. Second, the instructions‬
‭assignment could be similar to a task I would be given as a graphic designer. Third, it is very‬
‭likely that I will need to be able to execute workplace correspondence well. Finally, how to‬
‭create a white paper will be helpful to know if I decide to pursue graphic design in the marketing‬
‭field. I have enjoyed most of the assignments and feel that what I have learned will benefit me in‬
‭any job I might have.‬

‭The assignment I enjoyed most in this class was the resume. I liked this project because it was‬
‭practical and relevant to me now. However, I am most proud of the instructions assignment. With‬
‭this assignment, I was able to use the skills that I have learned in my graphic design classes. I‬
‭also enjoy writing things that are clear and concise and that was an important part of writing‬
‭instructions. If I had to choose an assignment to add to the class, I would choose a Request for‬
‭Proposal. I believe it would be an interesting and helpful topic to explore. If I could edit any‬
‭assignment in this course it would be the Engagement Project. While learning about AR and VR‬
‭was interesting and I appreciated the reading responses, the steps of the Engagement Project‬
‭were hard to follow and I was unhappy with the quality of my video. Since we were using the‬
‭free version of Kiri Engine, it would not capture a quality image of my object no matter how‬
‭many times I tried. It was also difficult to determine all of the steps necessary for doing the entire‬
‭project. I had to rewatch parts of the lecture video several times to find out what to do next.‬
‭Thankfully I could search the transcripts to find what I needed most of the time. In addition, I‬
‭was not able to record my video to the cloud in Zoom as instructed because I did not own my‬
‭own Zoom license, so submitting the assignment was stressful.‬

‭Overall, this class has helped me to meet my goals and has been a good experience. By learning‬
‭about several different types of writing, working through editing exercises, and revising my‬
‭assignments, my writing has improved. I have also learned how to write in ways that will help‬
‭me in my future career.‬

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