Psychiatry History Taking

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You are the consultant in a major trauma centre. You have just had pre notification of a
local stadium collapse. The stadium is approximately 40 minutes away by foot but 10
minutes via car. The exact numbers of injured are not clear at this stage but the
ambulance service is expecting to bring the most seriously injured to your centre first.

One Framework for disaster planning (modify to suit your own style):

 Declare the incident and make a statement on the impact this will have on the
department (hrs, days)
 Write down your plan-Subgroup your areas as follows:
 Patients in and out (utilise the bed manager to move patients up, inform orderlies and
inpatient teams, open recovery as an overflow area).
 Triage / Decontamination (set up flow via the walk ins and ambulances to set areas).
 Non-clinical areas (use offices for comms, or plaster rooms for minors, lecture theatre for
 Seniors to review and discharge (send one to short stay, another through the
 Allocate teams (one consultant, one registrar and one junior to resus 1 etc).
 Request charge nurse briefs nursing side and you’ll brief the doctors.
 Activate trauma, ICU, anaesthetics.
 Think axillary staff, orderlies, blood bank, radiology, reception, clerks.
 Ventilators
 Pelvic binders
 Splints / plaster
 Radios
 Disaster packs
 Analgesia / Sedation
 Antibiotics
 IV fluids
 Blood
 Chief Executive needs to made aware
 Head of Department
 Security
 Media
 Rosters + Debrief

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