Fab Gec 3104 Finals Module No. 2

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Republic of the Philippines


Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas

Institute of Engineering and Technology

First Semester, A.Y 2021–2022

Purposive Communication (GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page 0

Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas

Institute of Engineering and Technology

First Semester, A.Y 2021–2022

Reading Materials
Communication for Academic Purposes(Learning
Module 2)

The Topic Proposal 1 hour & 30 minutes

The Research Introduction 60 minutes
The Research Method
12 60 minutes
Writing a Literary Analysis
15 60 minutes
Writing a Political Analysis Paper
16 60 minutes
Academic Presentation
21 1 hour & 30 minutes

Enrichment Activity 60 minutes

Learning Activity (Oral/Video Presentation) 60 minutes

Purposive Communication (GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page 0

Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021



Communication is a
three-unit course that
develops students
competence and
enhances their cultural
and intercultural
awareness through Many people intuitively know the proper way to communicate in
multimodal text that
provide them different settings; for instance, the way you speak to your friends is usually
opportunities for
communicating different than the way you speak to your parents. Academic communication,
effectively and
appropriately to a also called scholarly communication, refers to methods of communication
multicultural audience
in a local or global that are highly structured and generally only used in pedagogical settings.
context. It equips
students with tools for Academic communication can include the words and structures used to
critical evaluation of a
variety of texts and express ideas, as well as the methods by which ideas are disseminated.
focuses on the power of
language and the
impact of images to Academic communication involves presenting ideas effectively and
emphasize the
importance of formally within a scholastic environment. In addition to this, academic
conveying messages
responsibly. The communication refers to methods of communication that are highly
knowledge, skills, and
insight that students structured and generally only used in pedagogical settings for example
gain from this course
the aviation may be academic essays and delivering presentations. It can include words and
used in their endeavors,
their chosen disciplines, structures, in order to express and generate ideas.
and their future careers
as they compose and
produce relevant oral,
written, audio-visual
and/or web-based
output for various
Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

Many people already knew the proper way of communicating in a

diverse community especially in a different culture and settings. It may not

be practiced at times but some people may know it intuitively. It is always

incorporated the instance or situation wherein it is shown that we have

different manner of communicating towards our friends compared to our

OUTCOME family. In the previous lesson, it was discussed why such things happened.

CLO 10. Adopt cultural We already recognized the role of communication in different aspect of
and intercultural
awareness and sensitivity individual’s life. In this module, we are going to learn about academic
in communication of ideas
CLO 11. Appreciate the communication as one of the purposes of communication. Academic
differences of the varieties
of spoken and written communication, also called scholarly communication,refers to the methods
CLO 12. Adopt of communication that are highly structured and generally only used in
awareness of audience
and context in presenting pedagogical setting
CLO 13. Appreciate the At all levels of education, students must be able to communicate
impact of communication
on society and the world effectively. Without well developed communication skills, children run the
CLO 14. Develop
student’s deep faith in risk of falling behind their peers or becoming emotionally overwhelmed or
God as exemplified in
their love of neighbors withdrawn at school.
CLO 15. Value
excellence and holistic Academic success depends on solid communication skills, beginning
development in education
and their field of practice with clear oral communication. Students are often called upon in class to
CLO 16. Contribute to
the upliftment of the answer questions. These questions may range from those with simple factual
society through service
answers to questions that involve putting thoughts together and making


Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

With the multifarious information from the internet, books, and other

reading resources that will help you finish your academic papers, it is

paramount that we recall how you can avoid using somebody’s words or

ideas as your own.

Identifying Common Academic Purposes

The purpose for a piece of writing identifies the reason you write a

particular document. Basically, the purpose of a piece of writing answers the

question “Why?” For example, why write a play? To entertain a packed

MODULE LEARNING theater. Why write instructions to the babysitter? To inform him or her of
your schedule and rules. Why write a letter to your congressman? To
MLO 1. Adopt awareness
of audience and context in persuade him to address your community’s needs.
presenting ideas
MLO 2. Convey ideas
through oral, audio-visual, In academic settings, the reasons for writing fulfill four main
and/or web-based
presentations for different purposes: to summarize, to analyze, to synthesize, and to evaluate. You will
target audiences in local
and global settings using encounter these four purposes not only as you read for your classes but also
appropriate registers
as you read for work or pleasure. Because reading and writing work together,

your writing skills will improve as you read.

Summary Paragraphs

A summary shrinks a large amount of information into only the essentials.

You probably summarize events, books, and movies daily. Think about the

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

last blockbuster movie you saw or the last novel you read. Chances are, at

some point in a casual conversation with a friend, coworker, or classmate,

you compressed all the action in a two-hour film or in a two-hundred-page

book into a brief description of the major plot movements. While in

conversation, you probably described the major highlights, or the main

points in just a few sentences, using your own vocabulary and manner of


Similarly, a summary paragraph condenses a long piece of writing into a

smaller paragraph by extracting only the vital information. A summary uses

only the writer’s own words. Like the summary’s purpose in daily

conversation, the purpose of an academic summary paragraph is to maintain

all the essential information from a longer document. Although shorter than

the original piece of writing, a summary should still communicate all the key

points and key support. In other words, summary paragraphs should be

succinct and to the point.

Analysis Paragraphs

An analysis separates complex materials in their different parts and

studies how the parts relate to one another.

Analysis is not limited to the sciences, of course. An analysis

paragraph in academic writing fulfills the same purpose. Instead of

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

deconstructing compounds, academic analysis paragraphs typically

deconstruct documents. An analysis takes apart a primary source (an essay, a

book, an article, etc.) point by point. It communicates the main points of the

document by examining individual points and identifying how the points

relate to one another.

Synthesis Paragraphs

A synthesis combines two or more items to create an entirely new

item. Consider the electronic musical instrument aptly named the

synthesizer. It looks like a simple keyboard but displays a dashboard of

switches, buttons, and levers. With the flip of a few switches, a musician

may combine the distinct sounds of a piano, a flute, or a guitar—or any other

combination of instruments—to create a new sound. The purpose of the

synthesizer is to blend together the notes from individual instruments to form

new, unique notes.

The purpose of an academic synthesis is to blend individual

documents into a new document. An academic synthesis paragraph considers

the main points from one or more pieces of writing and links the main points

together to create a new point, one not replicated in either document.

Evaluation Paragraphs

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

An evaluation judges the value of something and determines its

worth. Evaluations in everyday experiences are often not only dictated by set

standards but also influenced by opinion and prior knowledge.

For example, at work, a supervisor may complete an employee

evaluation by judging his subordinate’s performance based on the company’s

goals. If the company focuses on improving communication, the supervisor

will rate the employee’s customer service according to a standard scale.

However, the evaluation still depends on the supervisor’s opinion and prior

experience with the employee. The purpose of the evaluation is to determine

how well the employee performs at his or her job.

An academic evaluation communicates your opinion, and its

justifications, about a document or a topic of discussion. Evaluations are

influenced by your reading of the document, your prior knowledge, and your

prior experience with the topic or issue. Because an evaluation incorporates

your point of view and reasons for your point of view, it typically requires

more critical thinking and a combination of summary, analysis, and synthesis

skills. Thus evaluation paragraphs often follow summary, analysis, and

synthesis paragraphs. Read a student’s evaluation paragraph.

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

Writing at Work

Thinking about the purpose of writing a report in the workplace can

help focus and structure the document. A summary should provide

colleagues with a factual overview of your findings without going into too

much specific detail. In contrast, an evaluation should include your personal

opinion, along with supporting evidence, research, or examples to back it up.

Listen for words such as summarize, analyze, synthesize, or evaluate when

your boss asks you to complete a report to help determine a purpose for


Identifying the Audience

Imagine you must give a presentation to a group of executives in an

office. Weeks before the big day, you spend time creating and rehearsing the

presentation. You must make important, careful decisions not only about the

content but also about your delivery. Will the presentation require

technology to project figures and charts? Should the presentation define

important words, or will the executives already know the terms? Should you

wear your suit and dress shirt? The answers to these questions will help you

develop an appropriate relationship with your audience, making them more

receptive to your message.

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

Now imagine you must explain the same business concepts from your

presentation to a group of high school students. Those important questions

you previously answered may now require different answers. The figures and

charts may be too sophisticated, and the terms will certainly require

definitions. You may even reconsider your outfit and sport a more casual

look. Because the audience has shifted, your presentation and delivery will

shift as well to create a new relationship with the new audience.

In these two situations, the audience—the individuals who will watch

and listen to the presentation—plays a role in the development of

presentation. As you prepare the presentation, you visualize the audience to

anticipate their expectations and reactions. What you imagine affects the

information you choose to present and how you will present it. Then, during

the presentation, you meet the audience in person and discover immediately

how well you perform.

Let us first review how to quote, paraphrase, summarize, and to

correctly cite authorities.

Quotes, paraphrases, and summarizes are introduced by signal


Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

Quoting is copying the words of the author and intertwining these

words to your own. Quoted statements, which are incorporated at the

beginning, middle, or end part of your paragraph are enclosed in quotation

marks and are identified with the author’s family name, year of publication,

and page number of the journal or book where he quoted statement was lifted


Paraphrasing entails using your own words and own style of writing

to state another author’s idea. You may use a grammatical structure different

from that of the original text. Paraphrasing requires understanding the

original text, setting it aside for you to write your own text, then going back

to the original text to check if what you have written brought out the

meaning intended by the author.

Summarizing on the other hand, warrants the articulation of the

important ideas of the original text in a compendious form. Hence, a research

article can simply be summarized in less than ten sentences.

A research entails a careful scientific investigation of a phenomenon

through synthesizing and analyzing research literatures in order to come up

with a sound problem and appropriate methodology to correctly gather data,

organize, analyze, and present the data or findings about this phenomenon.

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

Types of Research

1. Pure Research

2. Applied Research

3. Action Research

4. Policy Research

Kinds of Research Report

1. Academic research report

2. Research Artticle for Publication

3. Commission Research Report

Common Elements of a Research Report

1. Research Title

This preesents the capsule of the study; hence, it should not be

the first to be written. It is recommended that a title shoul not be

more than 12 susbtantial words.

2. Abstract

Generally, a research abstrqact consists of 150 to 250 words.

It presents the research objectives and research problems,

methodology, summary of the findings and conclusions or further

implications of the study.

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

3. Introduction

The intriduction presents a comprehensive review of research

literatures in order to identify a research gap where the objective of

the current research will be anchored from.

4. Methodology

The methodoloy must be carefully according to the objective

of the stduy.

5. Results/Findings and Discussion

The results or findings of the stduy shiw the processed data

and is presented according to the research problems. A discussion

folows after the presentation of the findings.

6. Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions are considered as the extension of the findings

while recommendations are considered extension of the conclusion.

7. References

References list the sources or authorities cited in the study.

These are presented according to the prescribed format of the

institution or of the publishing companies.

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

The research Introduction

Now that you have finalized your reseaech topic, you are ready to

write the first draft of your research introduction

Your introduction must present a comprehensive review of research

literatures of thre key terms of your research titrl, establish the gap of your

study and state the gap of the study, the research objective, the research

problems, and the significance of the study. The significance, however, may

not be always required by institution or publishing companies, but then your

need to consider a lot of things in doing your introduction.

The Research Method

Remember that the data will answer your research problem depends

on the method. No matter how comprehensive and well-researched your

introduction, gap, and problems are if there is a problem on the method, the

findings of the research may not be reliable.

A. Research Concepts

1. Research Approaches

Choosing the research approach--quantitative, qualitative or

mixed depends on the research problem, experiences, and the

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

audience or reader to whom the research is intended (Creswell,


2. Research Designs this are the strategy of inquiry are experimental

for quantitative,phenomenology, case study, grounded theory, and narrative

for qualitative; and sequential, concurrent, and trasformative for mixed


3. Research Techniques this are rating behaviors, field observarion,

close-ended measures and open-ended measures (Creswell 2003)

Once you have identified vthe research approach suitable to

your problem, experinces, and audience, you have to go back to your

research introduction. If your problema entails quantitative approach,

you need to write a hypothesis for your

B. Parts of the Method

1. Design.

This sub-part of the method states the approach and design or

the strategy of inquiry that will be used in the study.

2. Population and Locale.

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

This is also termed as subject and study site or selection and

study site. This part presents the setting of the study, the number of

respondents or key informants, the manner of choosing the

respondents, and the rationale behind the choice of the respondents

and/or the setting.

3. Data Gathering Tool.

This is also termed as instruments, instrumentation, or data

measure. It presents the tools and the descriptions of the tools that

will be used in gathering the data.

4. Data Collection Procedure or Data Gathering Procedure.

This part presents the how or the steps that will be followed in order

to collect data for the study.

5. Data Analysis.

This may also be termed data explication, mode of analysis or

treatment of data. This part shows how the data will be treated. It

presents the process of systematically applying statistical and/or

logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and

evaluate data.

6. Ethical Consideration.

This is one of the most important parts of the method for it

addresses ethical concerns in research. St times, this part is lumped

with the data gsthering procedure.

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

Writing a Literary Analysis

A literary analysis makes a point about a literary piece. It examines,

questions and evalutes a work of literature. The analysis may be on the plot,

setting, characters, tone, and theme.

Elements of Literature

Theses are some of the elements that can be the focus of a

literary analysis.

Plot - the series of events in the story-beginning, middle and end.

Character(s) - the people/animals in the story who carry out the


Setting - the where and when the story takes place

Theme - the central belief of the story, usually something abstract

that unifies the whole plot like love, friendship, etc.

Tone - the attitude that a write has towards the subject.

Literary Criticism Approaches

Literary criticism is the comparison, analysis, interpretation

and/or evaluation of works of literature. It evaluates the value and

merit of a literary work using certain parameters, approaches or

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

concepts in literature. Approaches to literary criticism are used as

bases of literary analysis.

Writing a Literary Analysis

1. The introduction should capture the reader’s interest. You may use

quotation, question, vivid description,and startling as starter followed by an

introduction about and a summary of the literary piece. Lastly, your

introduction must clearly state a thesis statement.

2. The boy is the development of the thesis statement. Each

paragraph in the body has a topic sentence that supports the thesis statement,

and each topic sentence is elaborated with evidences.

3. The conclusion should echo the thesis statement. It should not be

presenting new ideas which were not develop in the body.

4. The references list entries cited in the literary analysis text.

Writing a Political Analysis Paper

The field of Political Science requires a good grasp of writing skills

for different purposes. Every now and then, people react to various political

issues that emerge. Rallies, position papers, essays, editorial, and otters are

possible ways to voice out one’s understanding or stand regarding an issue or

event in politics.

The field of political science covers vast topics from the old

traditional strictures of political science to the most recent theories and

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

practices in the said field. Extensive knowledge in the history of world and

intentional affairs, and good analytical skills are vital refinements in political


A Political Science Analysis Paper:

1. Answers questions pertaining to actions, procedures, and

implementation of politics;

2. Analyzes political events in the past and the present;and

3. Investigates political phenomenon from diverse standpoints.

Requirements for a decent political analysis paper:

1. Vast understanding of local politics and international affairs

2. Extensive reading and research

3. Knowledge of the parts of a political analysis paper

A. Introduction - defines political terms, states the

movie and thesis

B. Body - analyzes data, presents arguments in

paragraphs, gives proof

C. Conclusion - extrapolates the ideas stated in the body

and makes counter-arguments.

4. Objectivity of the write or author

5. Citation and referencing

6. Formality of tone

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

7. Clear, concise, and well-structured sentences

8. Clearly-define terms

The widespread use of the Internet has greatly affected academic

communication and has caused both advances and complications in

academic discourse. While academicians now have the ability to share

information with all corners of the globe, they must also face an increased

risk of plagiarism. For this reason, correctly citing sources through

annotations or bibliographies is vital to academic communication.

Academic institutions must also keep up with changing technology

and might alter their policies to ensure fair access to academic resources.

They furthermore might need to adapt to new forms of academic

communication, such as the use of e-mail to communicate with instructors or

the need to cite online articles.

The Three P’s of an Academic Presentation

A. Plan

Planning is fundamental in all activities. Before preapring for your

presentation, set first your objective then evaluate your audience and context.

Setting your Objective

What is your purpose in delivering an academic presentation?

What should the audience be able to learn or be able to do after your


Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

Setting a clear objective will give clear direction of what you

will present and how you will present.

Evaluating your Audience

Knowing the profile of your audience will also influence the

format, content, and style of your presentations.You also need to

consider religious and political beliefs, attitude, and preferences of

the audience.

Evaluating the Context

Evaluating the context entails looking at the environmental

conditions of setting of academic presentation.The time when will

you will be delivering your presentation, the weather, and venue can

affect your style of delivery and kind of visuals.

B. Prepare

Now that you have set your objectives and evaluated your audience

and the context, it is time to prepare the content of and visuals for your

presentation and yourself as a presenter.

Prepare the content, similar to writing academic papers, the content

of presentation includes introduction, body, and conclusion.

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

The introduction should not be lengthy, it should just be enough to

win the attention of your audience and to introduce the topic of your


The body is the meat of your presentation.

The conclusion is the last part of your presentation; hence, it should

leave a positive mark on your audience. A weak conclusion can affect

negatively your presentation.

Prepare the Visuals

Remember that you use visual aids to help you achieve your

goal. They are to enhance and not to distract the presentation; hence,

it is very important that you choose an appropriate material.

The points to consider in preparing your slides fro multimedia

presentation include:

1. Font size and type

2. Color

3. Background

4. Animation or transition

5. Images

6. Time Allotment for each slide or part of presentation

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

Prepare Yourself

One of the most forgotten aspects of preparation is preparing

self as a presenter.

C. Present

During the day of your presentation, go to the venue earlier and

check on the multimedia projector or the things that you need for your

visuals. Having small talks with your audience before your presentation may

also help lessen your anxiety.

Academic writing is essential to every student and can be used to

enhance one’s communication skills. With it, a student can show how to

apply the knowledge acquired so far. This writing happens in a different

setting; for instance; you can have academic writing that presents an

argument with evidence to support the viewpoint. Sometimes its due to

analyse certain information and present the analysis as a written piece.

Enrichment Activity

Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the three P’s of academic

presentation. Explain your illustration

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021

Learning Activity:

Prepare a media campaign,about the status of the aviation industry

during this pandemic.(Final Requirement).

For this activity, I make the following truthful statement: I understand that

acts of academic dishonesty shall be penalized to the full extent as indicated

in the provision of the PhilSCA student manual (page 30, No.6.)


Signature of Student Over Printed Name

Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page
Republic of the Philippines
Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas
Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Certificate Number: AJA16.0920
Institute of Engineering and Technology
First Semester, A.Y 2020–2021


4—Excellent 3—Good 2—Fair 1—Needs Improvement

Delivery • Holds attention of entire • Consistent use of direct eye • Displays minimal eye • Holds no eye contact with
audience with the use of contact with audience, but contact with audience, audience, as entire report is
direct eye contact, seldom still returns to notes while reading mostly from read from notes
looking at notes • Speaks with satisfactory the notes • Speaks in low volume and/
• Speaks with fluctuation in variation of volume and • Speaks in uneven volume or monotonous tone,
volume and inflection to inflection with little or no inflection which causes audience to
maintain audience interest disengage
and emphasize key points
Content/ • Demonstrates full • Is at ease with expected • Is uncomfortable with • Does not have grasp of
Organization knowledge by answering answers to all questions, information and is able to information and cannot
all class questions without elaboration answer only rudimentary answer questions about
with explanations and • Has somewhat clear questions subject
elaboration purpose and subject; some • Attempts to define purpose • Does not clearly define
• Provides clear purpose and examples, facts, and/or and subject; provides subject and purpose;
subject; pertinent examples, statistics that support the weak examples, facts, and/ provides weak or no
facts, and/or statistics; subject; includes some data or statistics, which do not support of subject; gives
supports conclusions/ideas or evidence that supports adequately support the insufficient support for ideas
with evidence conclusions subject; includes very thin or conclusions
data or evidence
Enthusiasm/ • Demonstrates strong • Shows some enthusiastic • Shows little or mixed • Shows no interest in topic
Audience enthusiasm about topic feelings about topic feelings about the topic presented
during entire presentation • Raises audience being presented • Fails to increase audience
Awareness • Significantly increases understanding and • Raises audience understanding of
audience understanding awareness of most points understanding and knowledge of topic
and knowledge of topic; knowledge of some points
convinces an audience to
recognize the validity and
importance of the subject


Purposive Communication
(GEC 3104) | Module 1.1 | Page

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