Chapter 5

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CHAPTER 5: Legal Liability

(Arens) Constructive Fraud

- Extreme or unusual negligence without
Deep-pocket Concept of Liability intent to deceive
- Joint and several liability Doctrine - Aka recklessness

Major causes of Litigation to CPAs NOTE:

1. Business failure vs Audit Failure Tort actions are preferable because
2. Audit Failure vs Audit Risk amount recoverable are more than those under
breach of contract. The can be based on ordinary
BUSINESS FAILURE and gross negligence, as well as fraud.
- Unable to repay lenders or meet
expectations of investors because of Failure to meet auditing standards is
economic or business conditions. conclusive evidence of negligence.

AUDIT FAILURE Principal Issue in Alleged Negligence is the

- Incorrect opinion issued because of level of care required
noncompliance to Auditing standards.
- Law often allows parties to recover some Questions of Level of Care required gets
or all of the losses caused by this failure. difficult during reviews or compilation of FS.

AUDIT RISK 1136 Tenants Case caused the initiation

- Risk of issuing an unmodified opinion of Engagement Letters!
when in fact, it is materially misstated.
Privity of contract can exist WITHOUT a
EXPECTATION GAP written agreement
- Courts support the Auditor’s view.
- Often results to unwarranted lawsuits Engagement Letters defines the contract
more clearly; setting responsibilities, etc.
- Auditor is not a guarantor or insurer of FS SOURCES OF LEGAL LIABILITY OF AUDITOR
- Undertakes for good faith and integrity, 1. Liability to Clients
2. Liability to 3rd Parties under common law
but not for infallibility
3. Civil liability under the federal securities
4. Criminal Liability
1. Employees of the CPA Firm
2. Other CPA firms engaged to do part of the
3. Specialists / Experts
1. Lack of Duty
o No expressed or implied contract
A CPA can refuse to testify in a state with
privileged communications statutes, however it 2. Non-negligent Performance
does not extend to federal courts. o Auditor claims that the audit was
performed in accordance with the
Privity of Contract standards
- Parties who have a relationship that is o Hence, auditor has no liability
established by a contract. since it is properly conducted.

Ordinary Negligence 3. Contributory Negligence

- Absence of reasonable care that is o It is client’s fault that resulted to
expected of a normal person the loss or prevented auditor to
detect the cause of the loss.
Gross Negligence
- Lack of even slight care. 4. Absence of Causal Connection
o Not valid if audit was late to be
Parties because they are not able to contribute to
misstated financial statements.
Ultramares Corporation vs Touche
- Leading precedent-setting auditing case in
3rd party Liability NOTE:
Non-negligent Performance is the
Ultramares Doctrine preferred defense for 3rd Parties, but difficult.
- Ordinary negligence is insufficient for
liability to 3rd parties because of the lack CRITICAL TIP!
of privity of contract between the 3rd Foreseeable Users – unlimited
part and the auditor. Foresee Users – limited

XCP: if the 3rd party is a primary Scieter

beneficiary! - Commission of an act with knowledge or
intent to deceive.
XCP: if fraud or gross negligence on the
auditor, the latter is liable to 3rd parties that Securities Act of 1933
are NOT primary beneficiaries. - Deals with register and sell securities to
the public
Foreseen Users - Original purchasers of securities may
- Members of a limited class of users that recover damages if FS are misstated
the auditor knows will rely on the FS.
- Treated as a KNOWN THIRD PARTY XCP: Auditor proves that the audit was adequate
or that 3rd Party’s loss was caused by factors
1. Credit Alliance
o To be liable: Securities Act of 1934
 Auditor must know and - Deals with companies that trade securities
intend the work to be used on national and OTC exchanges
by the 3rd Party - Auditors do annual report with AFS
 Knowledge and Intent
must be evidenced by Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
auditor’s conduct. 1995
- Significantly reduced potential damages in
2. Restatement of Torts securities-related litigations.
o Approach followed by most states
o An authoritative set of legal
o Foreseen users must be a member
of a REASONABLE limited and
IDENTIFIABLE group of users
that have relied on the CPA’s work
o i.e. Rusch Factors v. Latin

3. Foreseeable User
o Broadest interpretation
o ANY user that the auditor should
have reasonably been able to
foresee as LIKELY users shall
have the SAME RIGHTS as those
o Under UNLIMITED class

Contributory Negligence (1/4 of the
Defenses) is ordinarily not applicable to 3rd

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