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Kharazmi University

Course: Materials Development

Instructor: Dr. Talebzadeh
Student: Ali Shokrollahzadeh

Sample Lesson for a 90-Minute Session

• Proficiency Level: Intermediate
• Age Group: 16-20
• Class size: 8

Equality for All

_The teacher says: Take a look at the picture and think about it. Share your
thoughts with the class.
Then the teacher asks a number of questions such as:

1. What is equality?
2. Does everyone yearn for equality? Do all people dislike inequality?
3. How about animals? Do they understand and pursue equality?
4. Do you treat all animals equally?

_After discussing these questions, the teachers ask learners to think of a number of words
related to this topic and share it with the class. Then, he writes them on the board. He adds some
words that the learners may have neglected and then asks learners to write down those words.
(e.g. fairness, morality, inequality, protest, and...)

_The teacher asks the learners to watch the video and underline the words they encounter while
watching it.

_The teacher asks learners to share their thoughts. He can also ask them questions such as 1.
What would you do if you were that monkey? 2. Have you ever had such experiences? How did
you respond to it?

_Now, the teacher plays another video for the learners. (Link)
He/she asks the learners: 1. Can you relate this video to the previous one? 2. Can you relate this
to your own experience? And then, they discuss these together in class.

_Finally, the teacher creates an imaginary situation in which he treats the learners unequally and
asks the learners to respond to this inequality in their own ways. (Role Play).

The teacher gives the learner an assignment: write your (or your friend’s) experience of
suffering from inequality. Use the new words you encountered in the videos.


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