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Mini-Grant Application

Grant Title: Student-led Projects in the Arts, Creative Activity, and Scholarship (SPArCS)

Grant Funder: Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity- NAU

Grant Description or Topic: Provides funding for student-led projects in the arts, letters,

humanities, photography, and film

Type of Grant(s):

Deadlines: (it is fine if the deadline has passed since you are not actually applying for it)

Applications will be accepted February 1 – March 1, 2024.

Funding Cycle: yearly

$ Amount available: Application can be from–an individual or two students•$5000–a team of 3

or more students•$7500

Eligibility Criteria: enrolled as a full-time student in an undergraduate program for both the fall

and spring semesters of the award year; and in good academic standing at the time of application

and during the period in which the project is funded.

Grant Application Requirements

Summary (maximum 200 words)

2. Personal Statement.

3. Methods.

4. Roles of the Participants.

5. Support Materials
6. Dissemination Plan.

7. Timeline.

General project information

Applicability to Native Communities: anyone can apply for this grant. It can be beneficial to

indigenous students that are art or film majors, students can use this grant to express themselves.

Grant web link:


Abstract for your Grant (look at my spirit of the eagles Abstract/purpose statement)

My project will be focused on a series of paintings and research dedicated to alcoholism in

indigenous communities and how it is seen through an indigenous lens. I would like to go out to

specific Navajo reservations and speak with elders and family members. The focus would be on

how alcoholism is perceived by indigenous people living on a reservation. Funding for this

project would go to traveling and to materials for the art pieces. Creating 3 large-scale paintings

using mixed media to show the pain and stereotypes that come with indigenous alcoholism.

There will also be a research portion that includes a poster to present the findings of alcoholism

and how it impacts Native Americans.

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