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Ch 4: Ancient Israel Test Notes

1. Judaism played a part in the development of Christianity and Islam.

2. The ancestors of the ancient Israelites were Abraham and his family.

3. King David and his army did not defeat the Greeks.

4. Cryus II, the Persian king, let Jews return to Judah but did not let
Jews govern themselves.

5. The Essenes were priests who broke away from the Temple in
Jerusalem and lived in Qumran near the Dead Sea.

6. The Israelites were different from other cultures of their time because
they worshiped only one God.

7. According to the Hebrew Bible, Abraham led his family from

Mesopotamia to Canaan, because he received a message from God
telling him to go there.

8. Moses is considered an important figure in history because he led the

Israelites from Egypt so they could be free.

9. Many different groups of people already lived in Canaan, and this

caused challenges for the Israelites looking to make Canaan their
new home.

10. A tabernacle is a tent where the ancient Israelites went to pray.

11. Saul was the first king of the Israelites.

12. The sabbath is a weekly day of worship and rest observed by

Jewish people.
13. The Jews built their Second Temple in Jerusalem after the
Babylonians destroyed the first one King Solomon built.

14. To be kosher means to follow Jewish dietary rules about the way
food is prepared and served.

15. The spread of Jewish beliefs and culture was one result of the

16. As a result of the Jewish-Roman Wars, the Jewish people could

no longer visit Jerusalem.

17. According to the book of Exodus, God himself called to Moses out
of a burning bush.

18. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all share the belief in only one God.

19. The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient, original, handwritten, Hebrew
Bible texts found in large clay jars in a mountain cave near the Dead
Sea in 1947.

20. A prophet is a messenger from God who shares God’s word with
the people.

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