Quiz G8-Q1

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1. What Cambodian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually accompanies ceremonial music of the royal courts
and temples?
A. Gamelan B. Pinpeat C. Piphat D. Samphor
2. How the musical instruments categorized in Myanmar?
A. Through classification C. through prayers
B. through performance D. Through sounds
3. What type of musical ensembles of Malaysia is similar to the kulintang of the Philippines, Brunei and Indonesia?
A. Agung B. Gamelan C. Piphat D. Samphor
4. What kind of orchestra is Piphat?
A. Combines of percussion and wind instrument
B. performed in outdoor style with hard mallets or indoor style of podded mallets
C. performed by singing in group
D. traditionally played by women in the court
5. What country of Southeast Asia officially known as Lao Peoples’ Democratic Republic?
A. Cambodia B. Laos C. Malaysia D. Singapore
6. What classification of music in Vietnam performed in religion and ceremonial music?
A. Dai Nhac B. Folk Music C. Imperial Court Music D. Religions and Ceremonial Music
7. Which of the following has 5 equidistant tones in octave?
A. Gerong B. Pasidhen C. Pelog D. Slendro
8. What do you called a female soloist singer who sings with a Gamelan?
A. Gerong B. Karawitan C. Pesidhen D. Slendro
9. Which of the following pinpeat ensemble instrument double headed drum played with hand?
A. Chhing B. Kongvong C. Oneat D. Samphor
10. Which of the following is the Indonesian’s traditional musical ensemble?
A. Gamelan B. Pelog C. Saung Gauk D. Slendro
11. It is the Indonesian music ensemble.
A. Bonang B. Gamelan C. Pinpeat ensemble D. Rondalla
12. Why stepping above the gamelan instruments are considered disrespectful?
A. The instruments are made of metal. C. The instruments are very expensive.
B. The instruments are said to be sacred. D. The instruments are very fragile.
13. Cambodian textiles have employed natural dyes.Prohut bark: yellow and green dye; Ebony bark: ______________
A. black dye B. blue dye C. purple dye D. red dye
14. Their art is composed of Buddhist art are usually composed of Buddhist art; what country is this?
A. Camodia B. Indonesia C. Malaysia D. Thailand
15. To create patterns, weavers tie and dye portion of weft yarn before weaving begins.
A. Carve B. Ha Dong C. Handmake batik D. Ikat technique
16. A skilled manual worker; a craft person
A. Alto B. Angkor C. Artisan D. Wau
17. A small hot air balloon made of paper with an opening at the bottom where a small candle or fire is placed.
A. Dalan B. Ikat C. Sky lantern D. Wayang
18.The simple elegant ankle-length skirt worn by Lao women
A. Gamelan B. Sihn C. Silapin D. Wau
19. A unique luster, with a sheen that has two unique blends: one color for the warp and another for the weft. Its
color will change when viewed at varying angles to light.
A. Indo silk B. Laos C. Thai silk D. Vietnam silk
20. Used to create patterns on the fabric and is removed after the dyeing process. This can create a marbled Orr
mottled effect on the fabric.
A. Batik B. Carve C. Silk D. Wax
21. Their art is composed of Buddhist art are usually composed of Buddhist art; what country is this?
A. Camodia B. Indonesia C. Malaysia D. Thailand
22. Why is Thai music considered as a combination of different Asian influences?
A. Thailand conquered different navigators through the years.
B. Thailand is in the center of the Indochinese peninsula in the Southeast Asia.
C. Thailand is in the middle of South Asia.
D. None of the above.
23. What do you call the art of Indochina and East Indies?
A. Southeast Asian Art Southeast Asian Paint C. Southeast Asian Opera
B. Southeast Asian Classics D. Southeast Asian Paint
24. It is a traditional form of puppet-shadow play originally found in the cultures of Java, Bali, and Lombok in
A. Balinese B. Javanese C. Lapu-lapu D. Wayang Kulit
25. This means point, dot, or drop. The drop action refers to the process of dying the fabric by making use of the
resist technique.
A. Batik B. Sihn C. Sky Lantern D. Wayang Kulit
26. The following are health-related fitness except one:
A. body composition B. flexibility C. speed D. strength
27. It refers to the heaviness and lightness of a person
A. age B. height C. waist circumference D. weight
28. The distance between the floor to the top of the head in standing position
A. arms span B. height C. leg length D. sitting height
29. Which of the following is an example of flexibility exercise
A. bicycle exercises B. cardio work out C. gluteus stretch D. Pilates routine
30. The following are strength exercises except
A. Ab crunch B. Alternate hammer curl C. dumbbell press D. shoulder stretch
31. Exercises for cardio-respiratory endurance
A. basketball pass B. jogging C. shuttle run D. zipper test
32. A test of upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel strength/endurance assessment of the
A.Zipper Test B.Push-ups C. Sit and Reach D.Basic Plank
33. What do you have if you can do your day-to-day activities effectively and efficiently, without undue fatigue and
you still have the energy to do leisure and meet emergencies?
A. Endurance B. Flexibility C. Physical Fitness D. Power
34. It is a diagnostic test to know if your weight is appropriate with your height, and to diagnose if you are
underweight, normal, overweight, and obese. What do you call this examination?
A. Body Mass Index B. Health examination C. Physical Fitness test D. Practical test
35. Before doing any physical activity during a physical education class, your teacher will ask you to do an exercise
that will make your body ready in doing a more vigorous activity. What do you call this exercise?
A. cool down B. fitness test C. jogging D. warm-up
36. Mario is a Grade VIII student of CNHS is having a problem with his weight. He found out that his Body Mass Index
is 25.2. Therefore, Mario is ____________.
A. normal B. obese C. overweight D. underweight
37. The following are health-related fitness except one:
A. body composition B. flexibility C. speed D. strength
38. Which is true about HIV/AIDS?
A. A person have no symptoms yet be infected with a sexually transmitted infection and
be able to pass it on to someone else.
B. All types of sexually transmitted disease can be cured.
C. Parental consent is needed before you are treated for a sexually transmitted disease
if you are under the age of eighteen (18).
D. You always know when you have a sexually transmitted disease.
39. Why politics affects our sexual behavior?
A. help shapes public attitudes
B. influence feelings about morality
C. it creates policies that recognizes our human rights
D. it grants awareness of the existing problems in the society
40. Which factor of sexuality that involves questioning on the way we treat ourselves and other people?
A. ethics B. media C. politics D. religion
41. Which statement that best describe “identity crisis”?
A. act of taking one’s own life C. serious condition related to eating.
B. form of aggressive behavior D. unsure of your role in life
42. Which life skill that requires practice in learning to say “no” to something that you don’t want to do.?
A. evaluating media messages B. practicing wellness C. refusal skill. D. setting goals
43. How “ethical self” is viewed in human sexuality?
A. the way you feel about yourself and others C. the way you look as a man or a woman
B. the way you interact with others. D. the way you value relationships.
44. Which term refers to individual differences in terms of thinking feeling and behaving?
A. behaviors B. gender C. personality D. sex
45. Which of the following are the dimensions of sexuality?
A. biological, socio-cultural and psychological dimensions
B. emotional, biological, and social dimensions
C. mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions
D. physical, social, and moral dimensions
46. Which statement refers to psychological dimension of human sexuality?
A. our ability to reproduce or control fertility.
B. our attitudes and feelings towards ourselves and other people
C. our growth and development in general
D. skills and values from people around us
47. Which of the factors affecting sexual attitude and behavior refers to your friend?
A. Culture B. Family C. Media D. Peers
48. Which of the following is NOT an importance of sexuality to human personality?
A. Communicate with your partner.
B. Define the means of biological reproduction
C. Describe psychological and sociological representations of self
D. Orients a person’s attraction to others.
49. Why do you think human sexuality is important?
A. It helps you appreciate how life began.
B. It helps you appreciate your sexual identity.
C. It is the way in which we experience and express ourselves.
D. It provides information on how to be disease-free and live a healthy lifestyle.
50. Which characterizes a good decision?
A. Easy to make C. Makes your friend happy
B. Made after considering consequence D. One that your teacher told you to make

1 B 13 A 26 C 38 A

2 D 14 D 27 D 39 C

3 A 15 D 28 B 40 A

4 B 16 C 29 C 41 D

5 B 17 C 30 D 42 C

6 A/D 18 B 31 B 43 D

7 D 19 C 32 C 44 C

8 C 20 A 33 C 45 A

9 D 21 D 34 A 46 B

10 A 22 B 35 D 47 C

11 B 23 A 36 C 48 A

12 B 24 D 37 C 49 D

25 A 50 B

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