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Case Study: How PatientDox as a poor result of Outsourcing

Software as a service (SaaS) technology was made available to healthcare

providers by cloud based firm PatientDox. To enhance patient communication and
satisfaction, this platform included capabilities for patient education, appointment
scheduling, and secure messaging.
They had to outsource because, regrettably, none of the company's co-founders had
any technical or software engineering training. However, most of its outsourcing
costs were for product development, which reduced its cash on hand and slowed
down its progress. The company's outside teams were similarly occupied with
numerous projects at once. They were unable to prioritize and satisfy customer
requests. PatientDox also had to contend with rivalry from other healthcare IT
firms. Its sudden downfall was a result of its flawed outsourcing tactics, changing
market conditions, and fierce competition. (Tality, 2023)

1. What is the main type of good(s) and or service(s) being outsourced?

- Human resources expertise and technical training.

2. Why is the organization in article choosing to outsource?

- Being a company that specialized in healthcare communications and
collaborated with SAAS, PatientDox's lack of software engineers
among their own core operators was a drawback.

3. Has the organization in the article benefited from outsourcing?

- No. They did not account for the Software engineers and their own
technological background as a result. They didn't stick to their budget, which
resulted in cash shortages and a failure to account for the demands of their
Tality, D. J. (2023, April 27). Outsourcing Case Studies: Lessons Learned From Successful and Failed
Outsourcing. Retrieved from Unity Communications:

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