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PRE-FIRST 2023 – NAME: Antú Quiroga Pedemonte

CLOSE-UP B1+, Unit 1 TEST 24h August – Teacher Rocío

1 You will hear six short conversations. For each question (1-6),
choose the correct answer (A, B, or C). The answer choices are
shown as pictures. You will hear each conversation only once.

There is one example (0).

2 Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.
There’s one example (0).
0. I can share all my secrets with Mike. He is very trustworthy.

a aggressive b thoughtless c trustworthy d calm

1. Most people need to have stability in their lives.
a depression b thought c sadness d stability
2. Even the most talented people need a bit of good luck to become
a envy b luck c punishment d strength
3. My uncle James is the most generous person I know. He loves to
give people gifts.
a talented b amused c generous d skilled
4. Some teenagers develop bad habits because of pressure from their
peers at school.
a colleagues b flatmates c peers d idols
5. When Ken finally got the engineering job he wanted, he was tickled
a depressed b tickled c embarrassed d ashamed
6. I don’t understand why they say Susan is the black sheep of their
a species b habit c sheep d effect
7. Paul has more confidence in himself since he started wearing
fashionable clothes.
a with b on c in d to
8. A friendly smile helps to break the ice when you meet somebody
a break b make c save d smash
9. The colour red is often associated with anger.
a of b to c at d with
10. A healthy diet will make a difference to his appearance.
a get b do c make d lose
11. She uses email to keep in touch with her friends.
a trouble b common c promise d touch
12. Guess what! Daniel is getting engaged with Claire tonight.
a in b to c with d on
13. If you make a plan of what you want to write, it will save time
a make b keep c save d lose
14. Her mother didn’t approve to her decision to leave school at
a with b of c at d to
15. Everybody thinks that the twins are as good as gold but they
are naughty sometimes.
a well-behaved b pretty c good d wealth
16. Many factories use syntetic dye to colour the products they
a synthetic b athletic c artistic d handsome
17. Some fashion models are too skinny. They look as if they only
eat crushed ice.
a pretty b skinny c plump d attractive
18. These colours remember me of the town where I grew up.
a recall b remember c remind d relax
19. Colours like yellow or green are often used to highlight
important words in a text.
a highlight b signal c value d show

3 Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. There’s
one example (0).
0. How often do you travel by plane?

a you travel b do you travel c are you travelling d you are travelling

1. Sorry, I don’t understand what you are saying.

a am not understanding b always understand c don’t understand d am forever

understanding 3

2. Flora got a smartphone for her birthday.

a an b a c the d -

3. Jennifer wants to move to Australia.

a Jennifer is wanting b Does Jennifer want c Jennifer wants d Is Jennifer wanting

4. I don’t have to wear an uniform to work.

a a b an c the d –

5. Do you think it’s a good idea to wear those clothes to school?

a You are thinking b You always think c Are you thinking d Do you think 7

6. The ferry to Venice leaves at 8.45 Friday morning. It’s always on time.
a leaves b is leaving c never leaves d is constantly leaving

7. Don’t go to the beach at midday when the sun is too hot.

a a sun b an sun c the sun d sun

8. Maria thinks the English are very friendly people.

a English b a English c an English d the English 10

9. We are painting the living room yellow because it will look brighter.

a usually paint b are painting c painting d paint

10.I don’t always believe what he tells me because he has lied to me in the

a always believe b am not always believing c don’t always believe d always


11.We enjoyed the play we saw at the Albany Theatre.

a a b an c the d –

12.Some colours like blue helps people to relax.

a help b helps c is helping d are helping

13.My neighbours are forever shouting at each other. They are so noisy!

a forever shout b aren’t forever shouting c are forever shouting d don’t forever

14.Does your mum speak French well?

a a French b the French c French d France

15.The package holiday isn’t very expensive, but what does it include?

a is it including b it includes c it is including d does it include 17

16.Look! That huge dog is running after the postman.

a run b running c is running d runs

17.Dan has been in the hospital since his hiking accident.

a - b the c a d an 19

18.Mr Jones will give his students a punishment as they are being naughty

a are always b be c Are being d always being

19.I see what you mean about that comedian. His jokes are really clever.

a see b am seeing c am not seeing d doesn’t see

4 Complete the Exam Task.
Write your informal email in
140-190 words. Make sure you
consider the Exam Tip to make
it more friendly and


- Hi Alex!
Yeah, it was a very cool campsite, I really
love it, all the nature and stuff, it was
very nice! I would absolutely love also to
stay in touch more often! It will be very
nice to you to come to my town, my
family really like you, so you can even
stay in my house if you liked to :). And
yeah, my family really gets me in my
nerves sometimes, but I guess it’s not
always. About my school… I don’t really
know what to tell you about my school! I
guess it’s good, but I don’t really think so,
I hate most of the teachers there. Outside my school, I like to play Football
and Rugby, playing videogames, hanging out with friends and going out to
eat something with my family! But what I don’t like doing in my free time
is definitely studying, but I guess I’m not the only one that thinks that. And
you? What are your hobbies and thing you like and don’t like doing?
Write soon!

Good job, Antú! You’ve kept your email informative and friendly.
However, you should be careful with punctuation and paragraph
organization. Ideas are put together in coherence sentences and
paragraphs. Remember: new topic, a new paragraph. Also, don’t rush!
It’s interesting to learn about you, spend more time writing!


0 B 0 C 0 B
1 B 1 D 1 C

2 A 2 B 2 B

3 C 3 C 3 C

4 A 4 C 4 B

5 B 5 B 5 D

6 A 6 C 6 A

7 C 7 C

8 A 8 D

9 D 9 B

10 C 10 C

11 D 11 C

12 C 12 B

13 C 13 C

14 D 14 C

15 C 15 D

16 A 16 C

17 B 17 B

18 B 18 C

19 A 19 A
FINAL MARK: 7 (Eight)

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