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Taller de verbs conditional

Write: supply the correct forms of the missing verbs.

1. If it ___is__ (be) fine tomorrow, we ___will go __ (go)for a picnic.

2. If I have (have) time tonight,i will finish (finish) the novel I´m reading.
3. If it rains (rain) next weekend,we will not be able to (not able to) plant the
4. If he is leaving (be leaving) at 6 o`clock, i will ask (ask) him to give me lift.
5. If she has been driving (have drive) all that way since this morning, she will be
(be)tired and hungry.
6. If they have been workig (have/be working) all afternoon,they probaby need
(probably need) a cupo of tea.
7. If i can`t finish (can´t/finish)the job this weekend,i will try (try)to get done during
the week.
8. If john is picked (be picked)for the team, he will boasting (be boasting) about it for
9. If you forget(have/forget) to phone,they will go(will have/go)without you.
10. If we stay(stay)in this flat till MAY,we will have been living (will/be living)here for
twenty years.

Write: supply the correct forms of the missing verbs, use these modals in the main
clause: can,could,may,might,shoud,ought to, or must.alternatives are possible.

1.If you are (be) still ill tomorrow, you should stay at home.
2. If you finish(finish)work early, you may come for a drink with us.
3.If she has (have) too much to do, she should ask someone to help her.
4. If he is not coming (not be comìng) tonight, he might come next week.
5.If he has only just arrived (have only just arrive), he may not have Heard the
6.If they have been waiting (have be/waiting) longer than an hour, they must
be getting impatient.
7.If we can`t go (can`t/go) next week, we may maneage to go the week after.

Write: Rewrite these sentences using should in the if-clause.

1.If you see him, please give him this message. ________________
2.If she asks you, please don`t tell her anything. __________________
3.If he phones, please say I´m out. __________________
4.If the temperatura falls, turn up the heating. _____________________
5.If you receive a letter, let me know. _________________________
6.If you go out, get me a paper. __________________________
Write: Change these sentences to begin with an imperative.

1.If you ask me nicely,I´ll mend it for you. _______________________________

2.If you crash my car, I´ll never forgive you.
3.If you work late tonight, I´ll pay you well.
4.If you don`t hurry, you´ll be late.__________________________________
5.If you don`t take a taxi, you`ll miss you well.______________________________
6.If you don`t stop shouting, I`ll slap

Write: Put in the missing verb forms.

The family party was in full swing when the phone rang. Dr craig answered it. He
listened carefully for a moment,then said, I´ll come right away. ´Do you have to go
out?´ his wife asked. ´if it is an urgent case, I have to go, ´Dr craig answered. ´if I
(should) should late, please don´t wait up for me. ´Dr craig drove into the night. If I
don´t hurry, he thought, I (might) might too late. The thought made him drive
faster. After driving for an hour, he arrived at a house. All the light were on. If all
the family is up, the dotor thought, the situation (must) must serious. A woman
opened the front door immediately . ´Thank god you ´ve come, doctor, she cried .
´It´s my daughter. ´ A sleepy child of abouf six appeared in a nightdress. ´ I told her,
´ her mother said, ´´(go) to go to bed, or I´ll fetch the doctor´´ see, she shouted at
the child. ´i´ve done it. Here´s the doctor.

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