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Activity Name Activity Description

Inside-out circle For this activity, students will be split into

half. One half of the students will make a
circle around the room. The second half of the
students will make a circle inside of the
existing circle. The teacher will then ask a
question and the students will discuss that
question with their partner from a different
circle then them. The students will have 30
seconds to a minute to talk about that topic.
The purpose of this activity is to allow
students time to get to know their classmates.
It also allows them to get up and move

Snowball fight The students will take a piece of scrap paper

and write down an “ice breaker” type of
question. The goal for them should be to write
a unique ice breaker question that no one else
writes down. Once everyone has written down
their question, they will be instructed to
crumple up their paper, and throw it to the
middle of the room. The students should find
one crumpled up paper and then go begin to
make a circle in the classroom. You will read
the prompt out loud and answer it.
The purpose of this activity is that it will
allow for students to get to know each other in
a unique and fun way that involves movement
and questions about themselves.

Find someone who.. Students are given a list of characteristics or

experiences, and they have to find someone in
the class who matches each item. It
encourages students to interact and learn more
about each other.

Would you rather Students are presented with two options and
have to choose which one they prefer. It
sparks conversations and helps students find
common interests. The purpose of this activity
is get to know each other a little better by
asking creative questions, to get our bodies
moving, engage with our classroom
community in a fun way!

Birthday line up Tell participants that this activity should be

completed in total silence. Explain that the
goal of this activity is to line the group up
according to their birthdays (month and day)
without talking. The purpose of this activity is
to help build communication, collaboration,
cooperation, and problem solving

Yes, no, stand up Prepare a list of yes or no questions to ask

your students. For example, do you like
chocolate? Is your favorite color blue? If their
answer is yes, the student stands up. If their
answer is no, they sit down. Pause between
questions to give students time to look around
and find students they have answers in
common with.

Storytime The students are all going to work together to

make a story. The story we’re going to create
will be based on this picture. a picture will be
passed around the room and each person will
get a turn. When the picture is handed to you
you will need to come up with a sentence to
add to our story. The last 5 people in the circle
will need to come up with sentences to wrap
up the end of the story. The purpose of this
activity is to teach and promote collaboration.
It helps students work on their listening and
communication skills as well as activating
their imaginations.

Bingo Make your own bingo cards that include

different characteristics your students may
share. For example, “I have a sister” or “I like
pizza”. Every card should have the same
boxes to check off. Ask students to read
through the boxes and find one that’s true for
them. Have them walk around the room,
comparing their box with the other students.
Once they find a friend who has chosen the
same box, they both mark that box and return
their seat. Repeat the process until someone
has a Bingo.

Speaker ball For this activity students will toss a ball to

each other by calling out the name of the
person who needs to catch it. The students
need to ensure that the ball doesn’t drop, and
they need to remember everyone’s names.
When the ball is thrown to you, you will say
where you're from and something fun you did
over the weekend! Then you will pass it on to
the next person, saying their name. The
purpose of this activity is that it can help build
communication, collaboration, and

Two truths and a lie Each student shares two true statements and
one false statement about themselves. The rest
of the class tries to guess which one is the lie.
The purpose of this activity is to create
discussion and encourage people to speak
about themselves openly.

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