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Q 8.1: Explain what studies have shown about the relationship between planning and
A 8.1: According to the studies- planning- performance relationship have concluded
that formal planning is associated with positive financial performance.
Business planning and performance are co- joined twins

Q 8.2: Planning takes a lot of effort. Why do you think people should engage in it?
A8.2: It increases the efficiency of resource deployment and their utilization. If
we have planning beforehand, organizations can deploy the resources as per
coming milestones and plan their utilization as per the schedule of the project.

Q8.3: Define the term goal and explain how planning fits into an organization’s goal.
A8.3: Goals Intensely Planning and Actions. Goal-setting does intensely affect
aspects of planning. Effective goal setting facilitates good planning and good
planning facilitates future goal setting. . Goals are desired outcomes for
organizations and plans are the best-perceived ways to reach them.

Q8.4:If planning is so crucial, why do some managers choose not to do it? What
would you tell these managers?

A8.4: Some managers are poor at managing. They do not have much experience
in the day-to-day actions of the business, so they do not understand things like
seasonal fluctuations in sales or staffing needs

Q8.5: Outline the five steps required for setting goals in an organization. Explain how
they work.

A8.5: What are the 5 steps of setting goals?

Easy 5 Step Process for Goal Setting

● Set goals that motivate you. Your goals need to mean something to you. ...
● Set Smart goals. Maybe you've heard of SMART goals. ...
● Put Goals in Writing. Just make sure you write them down! ...
● Make an action plan. A plan can help you focus on the steps it'll take to reach
your goal. ...
● Stick to it!


Q10.1: Discuss the traditional and contemporary views of each of the six key
elements of organizational design.

A10.1 : The six elements are:

● Work specialization. Work specialization is a process that assigns each

professional to a specific task. ...
● Departmentalization and compartments. ...
● Formalization of elements. ...
● Centralization and decentralization. ...
● Span of control. ...
● Chain of command

Q10.2: Contrast mechanistic and organic organizations

A10.2: What are mechanistic and organic organizational structures? A

mechanistic organizational structure is characterized by high centralization,
complexity, and formalization. On the other hand, an organic organizational
structure is characterized by low centralization, low formalization, and low

Q10.3: Discuss why you think an organization might be keen to increase its
managers’ span of control.

A10.3: By increasing the span of control for managers who could or should
take on more, you can actually decrease the amount of
micromanagement in the organization, creating more autonomy, faster
decision making, and more professional development for team

Q10.4: In terms of organizational designs, what is a simple structure ?

A10.4: A simple structure is the most basic operating system that a business can
use to centralize its activities. Also known as the flat structure, the simple
organizational structure doesn't have multiple layers of management or formal

Q10.5: Why is structure important? Why does an organization need a clear

structure? Are there any other reasons for organizational structures beyond the
formal arrangement of jobs, roles, and responsibilities?

A10.5: Organizational structures are important because they help businesses

implement efficient decision-making processes. By assigning specialized roles to
lower-level employees, businesses can make better decisions faster.Structure will
give employees more clarity, help manage expectations, enable better
decision-making and provide consistency. Organizational charts also assign
responsibility, organize workflow and make sure important tasks are completed on


Q10.15: Describe and evaluate what Pfizer is doing with its PfizerWorks.
A10.15: What Pfizer is doing in the PfizerWorks is a smart strategic plan. Pfizer
technically, in my opinion, broke the organization into a sort of work specialization
structure. They are outsourcing the tedious work and it is costing them less money in
labor costs.

Q10.16: What structural implications—good and bad—does this approach have?

(Think in terms of the six organizational design elements.)

A10.16: I think that some of the good implications of PfizerWorks is that it has work
specialized in things that employees at the base of Pfizer and the people that works
with PfizerWorks do. The people at Pfizer send the busy work to the employees at
PfizerWorks and so they can pay less in labor costs. Doing this also makes it so that
the people that work in Pfizer can do more knowledgeable work than just inputting
information on a computer.

Q10.17: . Do you think this arrangement would work for other types of organizations?
Why or why not? What types of organizations might it also work for?

A10.17: I do believe that this would work for some companies. But they must be a
type of organization that does not need to know all the information and all the details
of what the strategy making is.

Q10.18: . What role do you think organizational structure plays in an organization’s

efficiency and effectiveness? Explain.
A10.18: The role of organizational structure is to help make clear who answers to
whom and where they fit in the chain of command. An employee may have a
director who reports to a vice president who in turn reports to a chief executive
officer who reports to a board of directors or company ownership.

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