PGP Guide

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Individualized Professional Development Plan

Name Major:

KaMyiah Trotter Exploratory/ Health Sciences

Start with your WHY: Why are you pursuing this degree? What do you want the outcome to be? How are you
going to work toward making that outcome possible? **Is the outcome directly related to your WHY?
WHY: I am pursuing this degree because I want to go on to medical school and become a pediatrician.

What: I want the outcome to be that I am successful in my career and show children that you can be anything

you put your mind to.

How: I am going to keep becoming the person who I am destined to be and continue to take those chances to be

the pediatrician that inspires children.

TIMEFRAME Personal goals: Professional goals:

(e.g. Positional goals, membership to organizations, (e.g. Gaining further skills, advancing knowledge is
exploring opportunities, etc) specific areas, Memberships in Professional
Associations etc)

Next Semester  Go to more events with the Pre-med Society  Advance my knowledge on the healthcare field
 Look for more opportunities for internships within the
medical field
 Declare my major
Next year  Continue to do events with Pre-med Society  Get an internship within the medical field
 Explore new opportunities

Individual Professional Development Plan Template

Assets and Provocations
Planned Activities Objective of Alignment to Vision, How activity impacts
Development Activity Mission, Core Values, student learning
Major, or Minor

Required o Get a job o Get knowledge on o The challenge of o This will allow me to
knowledge/skills within the different things being able to put get hands on
medical field. within the medical myself in a experience and know
field and get hands position to know what I am getting
on experience. what the medical myself into
●required field is like
o Look into
competencies: like
COE Core Value
medical o Find out what o This will give me a
Professional schools and different schools o This will allow for clear focus on what
Standards for your requirements. require and what I me to know what classes I need to take
content or licensure, need to get on the class I really need and what the MCAT is
MCAT to focus on taking going to be like
and making sure
to study

Assets/Strengths o Go to all the o I will gain more o Gives the o Getting more
Pre-med knowledge on excitement of knowledge and
Society events different medical knowing what is interacting on with
schools and gain next and knowing I peers who are going
●your views more knowledge have people I can through the same
o Find exactly from my peers talk to and thing will help us as
●recent assessments what my who are going understand. students grow.
strengths are. through the same
●other people’s views
o I’ll be able to grow o Knowing my strengths
while learning will help better myself
o Knowing those about myself and be able to
strengths will allow connect with my
me to get better patients and their
and become a families in the future
better person

Provocations/Growth o Get a job o See what it is like o The appreciation o Being that I have the
dealing with to be in the field. of the medical field experience I’ll be able
something in it and all that it to know what I am
the medical takes to be in it. doing when it comes
●gaps in field. to med school and life
knowledge/skills after in my career
o I will become more o The strength of giving my patients a
●opportunities on the
o Study for the knowledgeable retaining better experience.
horizon about what type of
MCAT knowledge and
●what specific actions things will be on being able to apply
the test it o Being able to study for
will help you to
progress in your role? something so
important will me to
expand my knowledge
and pass it.

Individual Professional Development Plan Activity Log

(1) (2) (3)

Description of professional development activity Timeframe
completed Connection to your stated objective






Total PD Hours

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