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Exercise 1: Are the following expressions real homonyms, homophones,

homographs, or polysemous lexemes?

dear – deer - homophone

bank (of a river) - bank (financial institution)- real homonyms
bar (of chocolate) - bar (of metal) - bar (room) - bar (unit of pressure) - to bar -
fair – fare - homophones
lie (be in a horizontal position) - lie (not tell the truth) - homonyms
cue (a tool) - cue (hint) – queue – homophones, homonyms
bear – bare homophones
peace – piece homophones
tap (for water) - tap (on barrel) - tap (light knock or blow) polysemous lexemes
head (someone in charge) - head (part of the body) - head (in a tape/video
recorder) polysemous lexemes
no – know homophones
reed – read homophones
read (pres.) - read (past) homographs

Exercise 2: List some words which, in your opinion, have no antonyms:

most nouns – cake, bike, guitar names numbers? material

Exercise 3: Which of the following are gradable antonyms, which are

complementary pairs and which are converses?

alive - dead complementary pair

dark - light gradable antonyms
beautiful - ugly gradable antonyms
day - night converses
fall - rise complementary pair
simple – difficult gradable antonyms
lend - borrow complementary pair
give - get complementary pair
give – take complementary pair
absent – present complementary pair
Exercise 4:
A polysemous word has more than one antonym.
What are the antonyms of the following polysemous words?

catch – unleash, drop

smart – stupid, poorly dressed
hard – soft, easy
right - left, wrong

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