Lesson Plan - Monday November 27 Math - 6 7

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Lesson Planning Template

ED 3501
Fall 2023

Component One: Organizational Information

Name(s) Carson Tuff
Level(s) 6/7
Unit(s) /
Math Topic(s) / Multiplication
Strand (s)
of Lesson
Times +
10:45 - 12 within na

Component Three: Learner Outcomes

General Outcome:
(or - Develop number sense

- Solving problems involving percentages from 1 percent to 100 percent.

- Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between positive terminating
Specific decimals and positive fractions and between positive repeating decimals and positive
Learner fractions.
- Compare and order positive fractions, positive decimals (to thousandths) and whole
(or numbers by using:
equivalent) - • benchmarks
- • place value
- • equivalent fractions and/or decimals

Component Four: Learning Objective(s) and Assessment Evidence

Learning Objectives:
- Students will explain the difference between terminating and repeating decimals.
- Students will solve problems using percentages between 1 and 100 percent.

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
Component Five: Pre-Lesson Preparations
Curriculum Resources Materials and Equipment

Teacher Tasks
- While students are at recess:
- Prepare number talk activity powerpoint.
- Create groups of three for number tasks and textbook questions.
- Print off Number talk activity paper.
- Inform Mrs. Laturnus ahead of time: Prepare overhead camera.
- Have the textbook ready for textbook questions.

- Prepare calculators for calculator activities

Component Six: Body (introduction, activities, closure)

Activities Allotmen
Activity #1
● Copy/Paste
here that
pertain most
directly to this

Dice Task:
- Put up slideshow featuring chart above.
- Print off sheet for each group.
- Draw on board 6 connected cubes two times to show how they
can write their answers.
- While students are in recess, I will put them into groups of three. Once an
appropriate amount of students are settled, put them into their groups.
- “Ok 6/7s. Here is what we are going to do. Let's say that I had two
regular, 6 sided dice. WIth these regular 6 sided dice, we are going to
take away every single number on them. Now, we have a dice with no
numbers on it. Our job is to find out what numbers we need to put on the
dice, they can be any number (not just 1-6), so that whenever we roll
them, the combination of the two dice can be multiplied together to give
us every single number of our papers.”
- So for example: With our regular dice, the highest numbers that
we have are 6 and 6, meaning if we multiply them together, we
Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
only get 36. However, there is a 40 on our sheet, meaning we
need to find different numbers that multiply to equal 40 that we
can put on our dice.
- Give students 15 minutes to complete exercise. If they do not finish after
15 minutes, give them an opportunity to resume during a different math
- Dice 1: 2. 5. 5. 3. 4. 7
- Dice 2: 1. 3. .4 . 7. 8. 4
Transition “Ok 6/7s back to your desk”
IF not finished: “We will finish this another time
Learning Math Lesson:
Activity #2
● Copy/Paste
Pt. 1: Terminating Decimals to Fractions
here that - Write on board: 0.4
pertain most - “6/7s. Who can tell me what kind of decimal this is?”
directly to this
- Terminating
- ASK: What does a terminating decimal mean?
- It ends at that number.
- Write on board: 0.333 (Do not bar notation)
- “So if I had 0.333, what kind of decimal is that?”
- Repeating decimal.
- ASK: What do I need to add to this to show that it is a repeating
- Bar notation
- Write on board: 0.23521
- “Is this a terminating or a repeating decimal?”
- Terminating
- “What if I wrote it with a bar notation? What would it look like?”
- 0.235212352123521

- “Pull out your markers. Is 0.5 terminating or repeating?”
- Terminating
- “Good. I want you to show me 0.5 as a fraction.”
- Wait until students have an answer.
- ASK: who can tell me what this would be as a fraction?
- Share answer on the board
- Ask for another answer.

- “0.25. Terminating or repeating?”

- Terminating
- “Write 0.25 as a fraction.”
- Wait until students have an answer.
- ASK: who can tell me what this would be as a fraction?
- Share answer on the board
- Ask for another answer.

- “0.95. Terminating or repeating?”

- Terminating
- “Show me 0.95 as a fraction.”
- Wait until students have an answer.
- ASK: who can tell me what this would be as a fraction?

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
- Share answer on the board
- Ask for another answer.

- “0.125. Terminating or repeating?”

- Terminating
- “Show me 0.125 as a fraction.”
- Wait until students have an answer.
- ASK: who can tell me what this would be as a fraction?
- ASK: How did you get there?
- Write an explanation on the board.

- “0.875. Terminating or repeating?”

- Terminating.
- “Show me as a fraction.”
- Wait until students have an answer.
- ASK: who can tell me what this would be as a fraction?
- How did you get there?
- Write an explanation on the board.

- “Ok let's say you got a test back and you got 26/43 and you want to
figure out what percentage you got on the test. So we started as a
fraction, how do we know what it looks like as a decimal in order to find
what is as a percent?“
- Divide numerator by denominator. (Top divided by bottom)

Pt. 2: Relationship between fractions and dividing.

- “Let's say we had ½. What is one of the ways that we can read this
- One half
- “One half. What are percentages out of?”
- 100
- “How would you write 100 as a decimal?”
- 1
- “Ok and what is one half of one?”
- 0.5
- “So in other words, 1 divided by 2. Right?”

- “Let's try another one. If we have 1/10. What does that look like as a
- 0.1
- “How do we know?”
- Ask students to share how they know and write it on the

- “What about ¾?”

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
- “I am sure that we know what this one looks like as a decimal.
But using dividing, how do we know?”
- Ask students to share how they know and put it on the
- 0.75
- 4 can be broken into 4 using 0.25. You have three
sections of 4, so you have 3 x 0.25 = 0.75

- “If I have 2 divided by 9. How would that look as a fraction?”

- 2/9→ Ask students to share
- “What about 3 divided by 7?
- 3/7

- “Ok. If I said 5 divided by 15 was equal to the fraction ⅓, would you

- Yes. 5/15 in lowest terms is ⅓
- “How do we know?”

Pt. 3: Fractions to decimals.

- Hand out a calculator to each table.

- “6/7s. Each table has a calculator. You are going to take turns using the
calculator. If you are not the one using the calculator, I want you to try
and see if you know what the answer is and write it on your table.”
- The person who you hand the calculator to first goes first.

- “I am going to read you a fraction, once you have the answer, do not
blurt it out. Decide if it is terminating or repeating”

- “6/7” → 0.85714286 → Terminating

- “13/15 → 0.86 repeated → repeating
- “23/27” → 0.851 repeated → repeating

- “Now, whether it is terminating or repeating, I want you to tell me the

answer after you have rounded it to the nearest thousandth.”

- “14/19” → 0.747 → Terminating

- “⅔” → 0.667 → Repeating
- “8/15” → 0.534 → Repeating
- “12/26” → 0.462 → Repeating

Formative Assessment:
- “Heads down”
- “Hand up if this comes easy to you”
- “Hand up if you know understand but takes you a minute”
- “Hand up if you are struggling”
- “heads up”

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
Pt. 4: Estimation Percentages
- “Ok 6/7s. I am going to give you either a fraction, and I want you to
estimate what you think the percentage of the fraction would be.”

- “First one: 36 out of 70. Estimate what you think the percentage might
- Circulate class and look for answers.
- If a unique answer stands out, share it with the class.
- Once students have estimated: “Ok check on your calculator and
see if you are right.”

- “Ok, estimate: 27 out of 98.”

- Circulate class and look for unique ways of estimating.
- How I would estimate:
- I can solve this in two ways. #1: Round 27 to 25 and 98
to 100. That gives us 25 percent. #2: Round 27 to 30
and 98 to 100. That gives us 30.
- Using both of these methods, (because I rounded 27
both up and down and similar amount) I can more
accurately predict that the actual number should fall
between 22 and 30.
- Check on your calculators
- Answer: 27.5 percent

- “Clear your desks. 33 out of 52.”

- Circulate class and look for unique ways of estimating.
- Ask students to share how they estimated.
- Write down responses on the board.
- Ask students to check using calculators.

- “16 out of 62. Estimate.”

- Circulate class and see the ways that students estimated.
- Write down responses on the board.
- Ask students to check on calculators.

- “32 divided by 90.”

- Circulate and find ways that students answered.
- Ask students to share how they estimated.
- If students struggled, remind them to change the fraction
to lowest terms → ⅓ → 0.3 repeated

Pt. 5: Questions from Textbook

- “I am going to put you guys into groups. When I say go, one person from
each table is going to put your calculator back in the bin, then you will go
to your group.”
- Ask Mrs. Laturnus to prepare the overhead camera.
- Draw popsicles at random for groups of three.
- As soon as overhead camera is on: (do not wait for them to get into
- “6/7s. I want you to answer question 4. Because there are 3
questions, I suggest one member of your group tackle one of the
questions. Up to you though.”

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
- Circulate and see if any students need help. Ensure they are on
- After 5 minutes:
- “Who wants to share what they got for question #4.
- Share answers on the board along with the way that they
- A) 50 percent of 184
- B) 10 percent of 640
- C) 35 percent of 140
Move to question #9
- Ask students to rank each food in terms of protein percentage, but ask
them to estimate their answer instead of using actual calculations.
- Give students 6 minutes OR until they are distracted.
- Ask that students share their answers.

Move question to #11. → Ask students to only answer A)

- Ask students to work together to estimate.
- Ask students to share what they got after about 3 minutes OR
when students begin getting distracted.
- Circulate and ensure that students are on task.

Move to question #14 → Give each group a calculator.

- Ask students to answer questions A, B, and C in their groups.
- “6/7s. For this question, I want one person using the calculator for each
question. If you are not using the calculator, you are writing on the board
or helping your team solve the question.”
- Students are allowed to use their calculators, but ensure that they do not
get distracted.

Move to question #21

- students are able to use their calculator, but it may not help them.
Remind them of this so that they do not focus on it.
- Give students about 5 minutes on this question.
- Once 5 minutes have passed, ask students to share their
- Show a solution and way to solve it on the board.

P. 6: Notes
- Ask students to return to their desks.
- “Pull out your notes.”
- Write down photocopied notes on the board and ask questions

If there is time:
Pt. 7: Drawing Fractions
- “Ok 6/7s pull out your markers.”
- “I want you to draw for me, ¾.”
- Do not specify how.
- Circulate the classroom and look for ways of completing.
- Share responses on the board.
- “⅞”
- Circulate the classroom and look for ways of completing.
- Share responses on the board.

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023

- “1 and 4/5s”
- Circulate the classroom and look for ways of completing.
- Share responses on the board.

- 3 and a half
- Circulate the classroom and look for ways of completing.
- Share responses on the board.

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