465 - CAM4 - Runtime Profiler

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BatteryModule_Tab_Inspecti REFRESH

Main Flowchart OnPLCRecipeChange

Time Events Flowchart

07h24 11.713s Init (Init)

07h24 11.715s COMS CommOnline

07h24 11.717s RCFG ReconfigureCamSource

07h24 11.718s STA CatchNoCamera

07h24 11.728s STOR InitVariables

07h24 11.729s OnCameraSettingsChanged (OnCameraSettingsChanged)

07h24 11.730s CAMS CameraSettings

07h24 12.530s STA CatchNoCamera

07h24 12.531s WriteRecipeID (WriteRecipeID)

07h24 12.532s COMW EthernetIPWriter
07h24 12.532s PLC Multiple write from EthernetIPWriter

07h24 12.541s PLC ProjectReady : true

07h24 12.542s Loop

13h54 56.850s Loop 169 of 170  

13h54 56.850s CAM Camera
13h54 57.378s PLC PLCCamera1Trigger : true

13h54 57.378s PLC Camera1TriggerACK : true

13h54 57.382s Grab DEV0 #169 (1 queued)

13h54 57.425s Grab DEV0 #169 (0 queued)

13h54 57.450s PLC PLCTaskID : 4

13h54 57.450s PLC PLCStationID : 5

13h54 57.450s PLC PLCVisionCheck9 : false

13h54 57.450s PLC PLCVisionCheck14 : false

13h54 57.450s PLC PLCVisionCheck15 : true

13h54 57.450s PLC PLCVisionCheck16 : true

Inspection 169
13h54 57.450s PLC Busy : true

13h54 57.477s PROC RotateImage

13h54 57.494s TIME TimeStampStart

13h54 57.495s CAMF CameraFocus

13h54 57.501s CONT IfLive False

13h54 57 501s PLCReader (PLCReader)

13h54 57.501s PLCReader (PLCReader)
COMR EthernetIPReader
13h54 57.502s
STOR PLC_Data_Store
13h54 57.504s
TaskEnabled (TaskEnabled)
13h54 57.505s
Switch EthernetIP
13h54 57.505s
STOR TaskEnabledEIP
13h54 57.505s
STOR BlobEnabled
13h54 57.551s
IntensityEnable False
13h54 57.858s
GetFixture (GetFixture)
13h54 57.858s
SwitchFixtureMode PatternMatching
13h54 57.860s
PatternOk True
13h54 57.860s
PAT PatternMatching
13h54 57.860s
PatFound True
13h54 57.872s
STOR StorePatFixture
13h54 57.872s
FIX RotateFixture
13h54 57.873s
STOR StoreRotatedFixture
13h54 57.873s
FIX FixtureAnnotation
13h54 57.873s
DynamicBlobs False
13h54 57.875s
STA Status
13h54 57.875s
ImageFilter (ImageFilter)
13h54 57.877s
Condition False
13h54 57.877s
STA CatchFilterError
13h54 57.877s
Condition True
13h54 57.880s
BlobInspection (BlobInspection)
13h54 57.880s
STOR AIEnableCheck
13h54 57.881s
Locate1 False
13h54 57.881s
Locate2 False
13h54 57.881s
FixtureFound True
13h54 57.881s
Blob1Enable True
13h54 57.881s
BLOB Blob1
13h54 57.881s
Blob2Enable True
13h54 57.915s
BLOB Blob2
13h54 57.915s
Blob3Enable False
13h54 57.934s
Blob4Enable False
13h54 57.934s
Blob5Enable False
13h54 57.934s
Blob6Enable False
13h54 57.934s
Blob7Enable False
13h54 57.934s
Blob8Enable False
13h54 57.935s
Blob9Enable False
13h54 57.935s
Blob10Enable False
13h54 57.935s
Blob11Enable False
13h54 57.935s
Blob12Enable False
13h54 57.935s

13h54 57 935s Blob13Enable True

13h54 57.935s Blob13Enable True
BLOB Blob13
13h54 57.935s
Blob14Enable True
13h54 57.946s
BLOB Blob14
13h54 57.946s
STA Blob1_Status
13h54 57.959s
STA Blob2_Status
13h54 57.963s
STA Blob3_Status
13h54 57.966s
STA Blob4_Status
13h54 57.968s
STA Blob5_Status
13h54 57.970s
STA Blob6_Status
13h54 57.973s
STA Blob7_Status
13h54 57.975s
STA Blob8_Status
13h54 57.978s
STA Blob9_Status
13h54 57.980s
STA Blob10_Status
13h54 57.982s
STA Blob11_Status
13h54 57.985s
STA Blob12_Status
13h54 57.987s
STA Blob13_Status
13h54 57.990s
STA Blob14_Status
13h54 57.991s
STA OverallStatus
13h54 57.994s
AICondition False
13h54 57.995s
STA StatusCopy
13h54 57.996s
STA Status
13h54 57.998s
PLCWrite (PLCWriter)
13h54 58.000s
COMW EthernetIPWriter
13h54 58.001s
PLC Multiple write from EthernetIPWriter
13h54 58.001s
ImageSaving (ImageSaving)
13h54 58.005s
IfOnline True
13h54 58.005s
IfScaledDisplay True
13h54 58.005s
HMICondition False
13h54 58.005s
IMGW HMIImageWriter
13h54 58.007s
IfNameNeeded True
13h54 58.139s
13h54 58.139s
IfFTPtoEFlex False
13h54 58.139s
IfOnDiskArchive True
13h54 58.139s
STOR StorePath
13h54 58.139s
ImageSaving_FreeDiskSpace (ImageSaving_FreeDiskSpace)
13h54 58.140s
IfSubFolders True
13h54 58.140s
LimitType False
13h54 58.141s
STOR FolderInfo
13h54 58.141s
DeleteSize None
13h54 58.143s
IMGW RawImageWriter
13h54 58.144s
AIImageCheck False
13h54 58.148s

13h54 58 149s IMGW AnnotatedIImageWriter

13h54 58.149s IMGW AnnotatedIImageWriter
STA OnDiskArchiveErrorCatch
13h54 58.413s
STA CatchErrors
13h54 58.415s
PLC OverallPass : true
13h54 58.416s
PLC VisionCheckResult9 : false
13h54 58.419s
PLC VisionCheckResult14 : false
13h54 58.419s
PLC VisionCheckResult15 : true
13h54 58.419s
PLC VisionCheckResult16 : true
13h54 58.419s
PLC PLCACK : false
13h54 58.420s
PLC PLCCamera1Trigger : false
13h54 58.577s
13h54 58.577s
PLC OverallPass : false
13h54 58.580s
PLC Camera1TriggerACK : false
13h54 58.581s
PLC Busy : false
13h54 58.584s
PLC PLCRecipeChange : true OnPLCRecipeChange
13h54 58.776s
Loop 170 of 170  
13h55 02.884s
CAM Camera
13h55 02.884s BTN ButtonCopy Clicked

14h01 58.521s

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