Work Product Annotations Portfolio

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Child's name: L.

W Date: March 2, 2023

Child's age: 3 years 0 months
Developmental Domain: Fine motor skills
Setting: Brigham young university Idaho toddler lab - self-selected
Notes: On this day in dramatic play we had the post office set up with packaging along with
mailboxes and cards for the children to write letters and be able to send them. Luna who usually
is engaged in the dramatic area approached this area and started writing on her card. I observed
her write and put stickers inside her card for about 5-7 minutes. She held the marker with her
hand in a way that was pretty close to a tripod grasp. She started making lines and circles and
writing her letters. As she went too close to her card I asked her “who are you sending your letter
to?” She looked up and said “It's for you”, and she resumed putting a final sticker on it. This was
a new activity that was introduced paint was the main way that the children got to use their fine
motor skills so it was interesting that with some scaffolding from other teachers, she picked it up
and started writing in her card.
Skill level: Luna’s skills I would say are emerging she holds her pencil pretty well but is still
working on refining her lines and shapes.
Plan: Have Luna have more opportunities to use smaller mediums like pencils, markers, and
pens to refine her functional grasp and continue getting exposure to drawing, making lines,
shapes, etc.. which will strengthen her skills for later writing.
Child's name: L.W. Date: Feb 27, 2023
Child's age: 3 years 0 months
Developmental Domain: Cognitive/Math
Setting: Brigham young university Idaho toddler lab - self-selected
Notes: On this day Luna was experimenting with shapes and shadows on a projector. She was
fascinated by it and would draw and outline shapes. She talked about the names of shapes and
letters as well. She did this activity for about 5-10 minutes. She extended this to the easel and
independently started painting different shapes. In this piece of art, she drew circles, lines, and
attempts at a triangle as well. She was able to do this with the scaffolding from teachers and
being able to see different shapes and try them out when the projector was up in creative art.
Skill level: Emerging. She is still learning the shapes and lines as well as learning how to draw
them. She can do it with teacher guidance and knows many of her shapes.
Plan: Continuing to expose Luna to different shapes and even having things like stencils or
different ways for her to draw or outline what she sees, will help strengthen her knowledge of the
shapes and what they look like. The projector was a great way of doing this because she could
see the shadow of the shapes and try following the outline. Overall She is getting familiar with
the basic shapes and as her fine motor skills get stronger and with more hands-on practice she
will reach that proficient stage.
Child's name: L.W. Date: March 21, 2023
Child's age: 3 years 1 month
Developmental Domain: Fine motor skills
Setting: Brigham young university Idaho toddler lab - self-selected
Note: This work product showed Luna's creative side and her ability to use her fine motor skills
through paint. She showed her knowledge of colors and can label all the colors when she is asked
“what color are you using”. She explored mixing colors as well and seeing what happens when 2
colors come together. We talked about how yellow and blue when combined make blue.
Skill level: Emerging but very close to Proficient. Luna knows her colors very well beyond just
the primary colors.
Plan: We can help her continue to expand her knowledge of colors by introducing colors that are
more complex and even explaining what colors combine to make these colors. Sometimes telling
children how these things come together can be very helpful in their understanding of the result
of what they see in front of them. For example, Luna knows the color purple but providing her
with the experience to mix colors like red and blue to see how purple came about.

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