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Notes about Key Quotes & Ideas Actions or Impact on Actions in the Classrooms

(Think of 3 or more ideas)

1. “One of the most effective ways for students to learn

these higher order thinking skills is through teachers’ -incorporate thinking aloud in writing and reading lessons.
proficient modeling often done in in a think aloud”
-during real alouds stop periodically to help students process
2. “Think-alouds require a reader to stop periodically to and understand the text and strategies being used.
reflect on how the text is being processed and
understood and to relate orally what reading strategies - Incorporating think out louds In science lessons
are being employed””

3. “While conducting think-alouds in a science text with

kindergarteners found that students who receive think
alouds instruction outperformed their peer in the control
group on reading comprehension scores”

How does this article relate to equity in the classroom?

This article is all about improving the quality of think alouds done in the classroom. By improving read alouds I am
improving all of my students learning during that part of my lessons.

APA Citation: Santoro, L. E., Chard, D. J., Howard, L., & Baker, S. K. (2008). Making the Very Most of Classroom Read-Alouds
to Promote Comprehension and Vocabulary. The Reading Teacher, 61(5), 396–408.

Notes about Key Quotes & Ideas Actions or Impact on Actions in the Classrooms
(Think of 3 or more ideas)

1. “As a story is read, the teacher can help students - During the read alouds discuss who and what questions.

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