Day 4 Assignment - Goals

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Goals worksheet

Education Goal #1: Get a B- or better in Diversity of Life

What are four smaller action goals that you will do achieve this goal (These have to be actions you can do and track)

Action 1.1- Do not miss any classes

Action 1.2- Review notes once a day

Action 1.3- Do a thorough study session once a week (expanding on old notes, relating topics, etc.)

Action 1.4- Write down all exam dates

What is a potential roadblock to this goal? - Missing a class due to sickness or oversleeping

How can I get around this? – Review what I missed, ask the professor or classmates for help if I don’t understand it

Goal #2: Improve my time management skills by the start of November

What are three smaller action goals that you will do achieve this goal

Action 1.1- Create a daily prioritized to-do list that is reasonable

Action 1.2- Write out all due dates for schoolwork and exam dates

Action 1.3- Put my phone somewhere out of my reach while working on stuff to prevent distractions

What is a potential roadblock to this goal? – Getting overwhelmed by lots of work

How can I get around this? – Relax, take a break, then focus on what I need to get done (talk to parents if necessary to
break out of downward spiral)

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