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My Life Self-Assessment and Goal Planning

Day 4 Assignment – 5 points

Name: Emma Webb Due: Next class period

We are using the “My Life Assessment” to identify areas of our lives we would like to improve and then we will set
goals based on these.

The “My Life Self-Assessment” is a tool that has you assess your life in eight (8) areas – Work/Career/Education,
Money/Finances, Lifestyle/Social, Family/Friends/Relationships, Personal Growth/Self-Practice, Health/Well-Being,
Recreation/Fun, and Religion/Spirituality – to see what areas are working well for you and identify areas where you
might need to make changes. Take a few minutes to evaluate yourself on two things: (1) how important each area is
to you (score of 1 to 5), and (2) grade yourself on how you feel you are doing (or not doing) in each area (score of A
to F). (Note: If you find that you don’t want to invest time or not interested in a particular category, give your NA
for the Importance and NG for the grade.) You won’t be required to share your specific results with others, so try to
be as honest with yourself as possible.

Description: Goal planning can be a great way to think in an intentional way about your future. It also helps you hold
yourself accountable for achieving all that you want to accomplish. In the Biology Peer Mentor Program,
goal-setting is important because it allows the mentors to collaborate with the mentees and support them and
also for you as a mentee to individually grow and discover what is important to you. Both the mentors and
mentees will set goals for themselves each semester.
Category Examples

Work/Career/Education Entrepreneurship/business, degree(s), job/vocation, mentor, skills, associations

Money/Finances Debt, retirement, savings, income, expenses, benefits, taxes, budget, philanthropy
Lifestyle/Social Clothing, housing, vehicles, electronics, community work, self-image, freedom
Family/Friends/Relationships Parents, spouse/life partner, siblings, children, relatives, co-workers, pets
Personal Growth/Self- Practice Life purpose, goals/dreams, success, managing life, organization, habits, rituals
Health/Well-Being Physical, mental, relaxation, exercise, diet/nutrition, happiness, stress, pleasure
Recreation/Fun Travel, adventure, sports, music, arts/crafts, hobbies, writing, play, cooking
Religion/Spirituality Religious practice, readings/scriptures, faith, worship, meditation, mindfulness

Importance – Is this area important to me? Grade – How do I feel about my life in this area?

1 = Extremely Important – Many times a day. A = Extremely Satisfied – Every day is a great day!
2 = Very Important – At least on a daily basis. B = Satisfied – Life is good in this area on most days.
3 = Important – Think about it often. C = Average – Mixture of good days and bad days.
4 = Somewhat Important – Matters, but not a big deal. D = Fair – I’m barely getting by in this area.
5 = Not important at all – Don’t care about it. F = Poor – My life in this area really sucks!
NA = Not applicable to my life right now NG = No grade – Area not applicable to my life.

Work/Career/Education Part 1: Importance__1__ Part 2: Grade: __C__

Money/Finances Part 1: Importance__4__ Part 2: Grade: __A__
Lifestyle/Social Part 1: Importance__3__ Part 2: Grade: __C__
Family/Friends/Relationships Part 1: Importance__1__ Part 2: Grade: __B__
Personal Growth/Self-Practice Part 1: Importance__2__ Part 2: Grade: __C__
Health/Well-Being Part 1: Importance__4__ Part 2: Grade: __B__
Recreation/Fun Part 1: Importance__4__ Part 2: Grade: __C__
Religion/Spirituality Part 1: Importance_N/A_ Part 2: Grade: _N/A_
Now that you’ve completed the My Life Self-Assessment, take a few minutes to rank-order the ten categories listed
above (from 1 = most important to 8 = least important). This information will be useful as you decide what categories
need your immediate attention. The goal is NOT to achieve balance; the goal is to provide an appropriate amount of
time to the areas that matter most, knowing that your life situations will continue to change based on the current state of
your life.

Categories Rank
 Work/Career/Education __2__
 Money/Finances __7__
 Lifestyle/Social __5__
 Family/Friends/Relationships __1__
 Personal Growth/Self-Practice __3__
 Health/Well-Being __6__
 Recreation/Fun __4__
 Religion/Spirituality __8__

Goal planning in the Biology Peer Mentor Program incorporates a number of components intended to help you live
holistically and get the most out of your total college experience. It is important to remember that the goals
you set should be challenging, but achievable, and should be personal to you. You can work with your mentor
to set goals in at least 2 of the following categories that you would like to change/improve over the next
month or semester. ONE of these 2 should be education. The second goal can be based on a category that
you found important and needs improvement.

•You will save your goals online for your own use, and email a copy to your mentor so they can assist you in
staying on track. You will be required to submit goals to your BioQuest Canvas course by
Thursday, September 17th. (Your instructor is NOT looking for perfection. Plan to spend 1.5 hours
on this assignment and it will at least be a great draft. Don’t worry, you can change your goals as you
progress through the semester). You will upload this worksheet into the BioQuest Canvas course. The
document should be on one page typed (email to mentor too) or clearly written (if you do this
version, please take a photo and send to your Mentor and upload the photo to Canvas).
•You Mentor should inquire about goal progress during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th meetings.

Example Goal 1 – Get a B in Unity of Life

 Action 1.1 – Specific task, program, event, or action you will take to help reach Goal 1 (for example,
Attend office hours for Unity).
 Action 1.2 – Review my notes after every class for 10 min
 Action 1.3- Miss no more than 1 class
 Action 1.4- Use my planner to write down all due dates and exams
Potential roadblock: I get a D on the first exam.
Getting around this: Go to office hours, figure out what I got wrong and why, ect.

References: My Life Self-Assessment, by Bill Johnson, Life Design Catalyst Coach July 2016
Goals worksheet

Education Goal #1: Get a B- or better in Diversity of Life

What are four smaller action goals that you will do achieve this goal (These have to be actions you can do and track)

Action 1.1- Do not miss any classes

Action 1.2- Review notes once a day

Action 1.3- Do a thorough study session once a week (expanding on old notes, relating topics, etc.)

Action 1.4- Write down all exam dates

What is a potential roadblock to this goal? - Missing a class due to sickness or oversleeping

How can I get around this? – Review what I missed, ask the professor or classmates for help if I don’t understand it

Goal #2: Improve my time management skills by the start of November

What are three smaller action goals that you will do achieve this goal

Action 1.1- Create a daily prioritized to-do list that is reasonable

Action 1.2- Write out all due dates for schoolwork and exam dates

Action 1.3- Put my phone somewhere out of my reach while working on stuff to prevent distractions

What is a potential roadblock to this goal? – Getting overwhelmed by lots of work

How can I get around this? – Relax, take a break, then focus on what I need to get done (talk to parents if necessary to
break out of downward spiral)

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