Usman Aminu Sabo

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Assalamu Alaikum good dy to you all I go by the of Usman Aminu Sabo.

Am from department of cyber

security come with a topic to present it to you guys under Chem 1301 which is Radioactivity.

First of all what is Radioactivity :

Or let's start with the history of the world

History :

Radioactivity is the sponstoneous of disgration of atom nuclei thi phenomenon was first responded in
2896 by the franch physics Henri Becqure Marie's and her husband pare cuin contributed father to the
understanding of Radioactivity.

Now according to the history Radioactivity we can all define radioactivity as:

Radioactivity :

Radioactivity is designed is the sponstoneous of mussion of the radiation contenously due to the
contenous disintegration of the nucleus of an atom


RADIOACTIVITY can occur but normally and through human interaction an example of activitu includes
Radioactivity is neutrons solution

Law: the law state that for a pandent or time threate of radiative decay of an atoms directly propertional
to the number ofvl nuclie of the elements

Present of that time

( thus can be intsn as dNd+ N1 where n is the number of nuclei


A = - dN/dt

A = total quantity

N = Number of particle

t = time

Rate of Radioactivity

The rate of Radioactivity is often referred to as the actually of the isotopes and is often meansed in
cunes (Ci) one cune = 3.700×10 ¹0 atoms that decay / second

Half medical applications

Nuclear medicine produces are used in diagnosting and treeting carton illness these procedures used
Radioactivity materials called rafiophanmaceudicine.

Examples of doses treated with nuclear medicine procedures are.

Thtriod cancer hyyrioidismb and bone poin from some types of cancer

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