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English B1






“A Travel Guide”

According to the text, answer the following questions.

a. What are some recommendations to visit Bangkok? Use have to/ must/mustn't in
your answer.
You have to explore the city's iconic attractions, such as the Giant Buddha at Wat
Pho and the Grand Palace. These are must-see destinations that offer a glimpse
of Bangkok's rich history and culture. You have to sample the delicious Thai
street food, which is among the best in the world. For just a few dollars, you can
enjoy a filling meal from one of the food stands, offering dishes like Pad Thai or
fried chicken on rice.
b. What is the fastest way to get around in Bangkok?
Skytrain (BTS) and the subway (MRT) are These public transportation systems
are recommended for efficient travel within the city, especially when you want to
avoid traffic congestion. The text highlights the Skytrain and the subway as the
better alternatives to taxis for navigating the city quickly, particularly when you
need to visit various locations.
c. Where can you find the best Chinese and Thai restaurants and food stands in
one of the places where you can find excellent Chinese and Thai restaurants and
food stands in Bangkok is in Chinatown, specifically along Yaowarat Street.
Chinatown is known for its vibrant culinary scene, and it's a great location to
explore and sample a variety of delicious Chinese and Thai dishes. The text
suggests heading to Yaowarat Street and choosing whatever looks most
interesting from the many options available there.
d. Why is water one of the best ways to move around Thailand?
It does mention that using an express boat river taxi or a longtail boat along the
Chao Phraya river and canals is a better way to explore the temples and historical
sites in Bangkok. This is because these boats can navigate through the city's
waterways and provide a unique and efficient means of transportation for specific
areas within Bangkok.
e. Why does the author say you can eat everywhere?
The author mentions that you can eat everywhere in Bangkok because Thai
street food is considered among the best in the world, and it is readily available
throughout the city. The text suggests that there are numerous food stands where
you can enjoy a filling and delicious meal for around $5. These food stands often
have small seating areas, and they prepare a variety of popular dishes, such as
fried chicken on rice or Pad Thai noodles. The idea is that you can find tasty and
affordable street food options on almost every corner in Bangkok, making it easy
for visitors to enjoy the local cuisine.
f. What would you add to a guide destination like this? Mention 2 different items that
you consider necessary to keep in mind.
When creating a travel guide for a destination like Bangkok, it's important to
consider the needs and interests of travelers.Including information about local
customs, etiquette, and cultural norms can be invaluable for travelers.
Understanding how to show respect at temples, greeting locals, and appropriate
dress codes can make the trip more enjoyable and respectful.Providing guidance
on staying safe and healthy is essential. This can include information on common
scams, how to stay hydrated in the hot and humid climate, and recommendations
for travel insurance. Safety and health advice can help travelers have a trouble-
free experience.





CHICAGO, USA City, Wind, Lake,architecture Chicago is a dynamic city located in the Midwest of the United
States. Situated on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan, it is
renowned for its iconic architecture, vibrant culture, and diverse
neighborhoods. This bustling metropolis offers a stunning skyline,
world-class museums, a thriving music scene, and a diverse
culinary landscape. With a rich history and a contemporary spirit,
Chicago strikes a unique balance between tradition and
modernity, making it a must-visit destination in the heart of the
United States.

What to do Bean, Cloud Gate sculpture, In Chicago, there are many activities to enjoy, catering to a wide
iconic, Tower range of interests. Visit the famous Cloud Gate sculpture, also
known as "The Bean," and enjoy free concerts, art installations,
and beautiful green spaces. Chicago is known for its iconic
architecture. Take a boat or walking tour to admire the city's
stunning skyscrapers, including the Willis Tower (formerly known
as the Sears Tower).

Travel Tips: Vibrant, deep-dish, You must visit Millennium Park to see the iconic "Bean" sculpture
skyscrapers, and experience the city's vibrant cultural scene. Don't miss the
free concerts and art installations. When in Chicago, you mustn't
forget to try the famous deep-dish pizza. It's a culinary delight
that's a must-experience. To truly appreciate Chicago's
architecture, you have to take an architectural tour. It's a must
to explore the city's iconic skyscrapers. In Chicago, you don't
have to worry about public transportation. The city has an
extensive and reliable transit system, making it easy to get
around without a car.

Superstitions Ladder, stems, unlucky, If you walk under a ladder, you'll have bad luck. In Chicago, as
prevalent, folklore in many other places, it's a common superstition that if you walk
under a ladder, you'll have bad luck. This belief likely stems from
the idea that a ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle,
which is a symbol of the Holy Trinity, and disrupting it is seen as
disrespectful and unlucky.

If you see a black cat, it's a bad omen. Another prevalent

superstition in Chicago, as in much of the Western world, is that
seeing a black cat is a bad omen. This belief has its roots in
medieval European folklore, where black cats were often
associated with witches and evil spirits. Crossing paths with one
was believed to bring misfortune.

When to go Seeking, weather, Fall, snow, The best time to travel depends on the destination and the kind
tropical of experience you're seeking. Spring is a delightful time to travel
to many destinations. In this season, you can witness nature's
renewal with blooming flowers and mild weather. It's a great
time for outdoor activities, exploring gardens, and enjoying
festivals. Summer is the peak tourist season for many places,
and for a good reason. The warm weather is ideal for beach
vacations, outdoor adventures, and cultural festivals. However,
popular destinations can be crowded, and prices might be
higher. Fall is a favorite season for many travelers. The weather
is often pleasant, and you can experience the stunning colors of
changing leaves. It's a great time for hiking, wine tours, and
cultural events. Winter is perfect for those who enjoy snow and
winter sports. Ski resorts and destinations with holiday charm
are popular during this season. However, if you prefer warmer
weather, consider tropical destinations.

Where to stay Planning, concierge facilities, When planning a trip, you have various options for
backpackers accommodation, each offering a different travel experience.
Hotels come in a range of categories from budget to luxury. They
, provide a comfortable and convenient place to stay with services
like room cleaning, concierge, and sometimes on-site dining
options. Hostels are budget-friendly accommodations that often
offer dormitory-style rooms with shared facilities. They are great
for backpackers and budget-conscious travelers looking to meet
other like-minded individuals. Vacation rentals include options
like Airbnb, Vrbo, and HomeAway. These are private residences
or apartments that you can rent for a short period. They often
provide more space, kitchen facilities, and a local feel.

What to eat Culinary, offering, buttery, Chicago's culinary scene is diverse and iconic, offering a wide
poppy, Sliced range of flavors and dishes. A must-try, this pizza features a
thick, buttery crust that lines a deep pan and is filled with layers
of cheese, toppings, and chunky tomato sauce. It's a hearty and
unique take on pizza. A true Chicago hot dog is an all-beef
frankfurter served on a poppy seed bun and topped with yellow
mustard, chopped onions, sweet pickle relish, a dill pickle spear,
tomatoes, sport peppers, and a dash of celery salt. Ketchup is a
no-no. Sliced roast beef is served on a long Italian roll and
typically dipped in flavorful au jus. It's often garnished with
sweet or hot peppers and giardiniera for an extra kick. A Polish
sausage is grilled and served on a bun with grilled onions, yellow
mustard, and often topped with sport peppers. It's a delicious
and satisfying street food.

What to drink Thriving, notable breweries, Chicago has a thriving craft beer scene, and you'll find numerous
craft local breweries offering a wide range of craft beers, from hoppy
IPAs to rich stouts. Some notable breweries include Goose
Island, Revolution Brewing, and Half Acre Beer Company.
Mentioned earlier in the context of food, Malört is an iconic,
albeit divisive, liqueur associated with Chicago. Its strong and
bitter taste has become a sort of rite of passage for locals and
adventurous visitors. A classic cocktail that can be found in many
Chicago bars, the Old Fashioned is made with whiskey, sugar,
bitters, and a twist of citrus. It's a timeless favorite. Chicago is
renowned for its mixology, and many bars and speakeasies offer
creative and innovative craft cocktails. You'll find unique and
flavorful concoctions made by skilled bartenders.

Transportation Extensive, feature, affordable, The CTA operates an extensive network of buses and elevated
provides (L) and subway (subway) trains, providing affordable and
efficient public transportation throughout the city. The "L"
system is a distinct feature of Chicago's skyline. Metra is the
commuter rail system serving the greater Chicago area. It's ideal
for those traveling to and from the suburbs, offering a
convenient way to reach the city's downtown. axis and rideshare
services like Uber and Lyft are readily available throughout
Chicago, offering convenient door-to-door transportation.
Chicago's bike-sharing system, Divvy, provides an eco-friendly
way to explore the city. You can rent bikes from various docking
stations and return them at any station in the city. For long-
distance travel, Chicago's Union Station serves as a major
transportation hub, offering Amtrak train service to various
destinations across the country.

Language Spoken, diverse, reflecting The primary language spoken in Chicago is English. It is the
most widely used language for communication in the city, both in
everyday life and in official capacities. Chicago, like many major
cities in the United States, is a diverse and multicultural
metropolis, so you may also hear various other languages
spoken due to its diverse population. These can include Spanish,
Polish, Chinese, Arabic, and many others, reflecting the cultural
and ethnic diversity of the city. However, English remains the
dominant language for most interactions and official business.

Currency as throughout, penny, The currency used in Chicago, as well as throughout the United
businesses States, is the United States Dollar (USD). Banknotes come in
various denominations, including $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and
$100, and coins include the penny (1 cent), nickel (5 cents),
dime (10 cents), quarter (25 cents), and the less commonly
used half-dollar (50 cents) and dollar coins. It's essential to have
U.S. dollars for transactions in Chicago, and credit cards are
widely accepted in most businesses and establishments.

Tipping Customary, tipping, In Chicago, as in the rest of the United States, it is customary
and expected to tip for various services. It is customary to tip
between 15% to 20% of the total bill before tax for waitstaff in
restaurants. If you receive exceptional service, you may consider
tipping more. Some restaurants may include a gratuity for larger
groups automatically, so check your bill. When ordering drinks at
a bar, it's typical to leave a dollar or two per drink, or around
15-20% of the tab if you have an open tab. In coffee shops or
cafes with counter service, tipping is not as obligatory as in full-
service restaurants. However, many people still leave small
change or a dollar in the tip jar for good service..

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