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Answer the following Questions: weQv‡ev , Gici Z…Zxq †eWwkU Uv

1. What is PPE? Give Five (5) examples: PPE means; Personal weQv‡ev Gici ‡dvjwWs Ki‡ev . me©‡k‡l
Protective Equipement . Examples; (1) Hand Gloves (2) Halmet (3)
Foot protection (4) Eye Protection (5) Skin Protection
Pvicv‡k UvwKs K‡i w`‡evv .
Ges wcjy Kevi cwo‡q wcjy Uv †mvRv K‡i
2. Name five (5) public areas of a hotel? †i‡L w`‡ev |
Public areas are ; (1) Lobby (2) Restaurant (3) Swimming pools (4) 6. Mention the different between Room attendant & Public
SPA (5) GYM area attendant.

Room Attendants work as Room cleaning & Washroom Cleaning

3. Name four (4) types of hazards? Public Area work as Lobby, Restaurant, GYM Club, etc

4 Type of Hazard’s are ; (1) Chemical Hazard (2) Physical Hazard (3)
Biological Hazard (4) Ergonomical Hazard 7. Write full meaning of the following:

a. OOO- Out Of Order

4. What is the expectation of a guest? b. DND- Do Not Disturb
Guest Expectation are; (1) Good Service (2) Good Behavior (3)
Cleanness (4) Safety & Security (5) Comfortable
8. Define the following:

a. Twin Room:
5. Write down the steps to make a bed.
b. Resort:
me©cÖ_g Avgiv cÖ_g †eWwkU Uv weQvbvq
weQv‡ev , Gici GUv‡K UvwKs Ki‡ev , Gici
B. Tick ( ) the correct answer of the following questions:
wØZxq †eWwkU Uv weQv‡ev D‡ëv fv‡e
1. Head of Housekeeping in known as:
hv‡Z Guest Nygv‡bvi mgq mwVK hvqMvUv
Zvi kix‡ji mv‡_ _v‡K , Gici Wz‡eU Uv
a. Executive Manager c. Executive Room a. Insecticide c. Liquid Soap
b. Hand Sanitizer® d. Air Freshener
b. Executive Housekeeper® d. Room Division Manager

2. Machine is used to clean carpet?

6. To make up a bed the number of bed sheets we require
a. Carpet Sweeper c. Carpet Extractor
a. 1 c. 2
b. Floor Polisher d. Vacuum Cleaner®
b. 3® d. 4

3. Linen should be replaced?

7. Which of the following is not a part of amenities?
a. Daily® c. Weekly
a. Newspaper® c. Shampoo
b. Monthly d. Hourly
b. Body lotion d. Soap

4. Which of the following is not a part of room supply?

8. Room attendant works under the supervision of
a. Magazine c. Soap®
a. Executive Housekeeper c. Floor Supervisor®
b. Pen d. Pad
b. Room Division Manager d. Front office Manager

9. A portable bed means

5. We use to kill virus
a. Single bed® c. Double Bed
b. Roll away bed d. Cot d. Spider webs are removed by High Broom

10. Generally, hotel linen color is e. Acts of padding between the mattress and bed sheet is

a. Green c. White®_

b. Blue d. Pink D. Circle “T” if the statement is True and “F” if the statement is
11. Lost & Found items are checked in
a. The primary job of housekeeping department is to maintain
a. Occupied room® c. Check in room
the cleanliness. T
b. Vacant room d. Out of order room

b. Room Attendants works under public area Supervisor.

12. Room attendant should not be T

a. Polite c. Gentle

b. Well Groomed d. Arrogant®

C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer c. Public area attendant is also known as Houseman.

a. DND sign is used in Occupied room

d. Valet service means personalized service for the room
guest. T
b. Floor supervisor’s job is to supervise the housekeeping

e. DND sign is usually used for a vacant room.

c. Glass cleaning is done with the help of Squize

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