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Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés

“Final Assignment”

Subject: English in Today’s Global Society

Teacher: Martha Alejandra Carrasco Nafarrate

Student: Zabdiel Erhiad Fernández Nuñez

Hand-in date: December 14th 2018

Activity to make our students aware of the importance of English.
This activity is focus on children of 8 to 10 years, In a beginner level.
In this activity I would start with a question for the kids, the question would be, do
you think that English is important? Why? Depend the answers that they give me,
I’ll start telling them a story about two best friends, the friends know each other
since childhood, but one of them start to study English since he was a child, and
the other friend never liked the language. Telling them that they live a very different
life for the English opportunities.
I. Telling story.
This story is about Alejandro and Esteban. They are friends since they were
kids, Alejandro starts to study English when he was 8 years old, on the other
hand Esteban never liked English. When they were growing Alejandro always
was on English classes and Esteban in a soccer team, all the people though
that Esteban was having more fun than Alejandro. Alejandro wanted to be in
the same team that Esteban, but his mom never let him, because she knows
that learn English is more important than play soccer.
When Alejandro was 10 years old, he moved to another city. They didn’t see for
15 years, when Alejandro went to visit his family, he saw Esteban, and they
went to drink a coffee and talk about their life, Esteban start to telling about his
job, he is a teacher of physic education, he always was working in the same
town, in the same school, nothing new, but Alejandro start to talk about his job,
he is CEO in a company, he always was travel around the world, knowing new
people, and new places, like Disneyland. Esteban asked Alejandro how he was
traveling and knowing new people, he tells that he got that job because he
speaks English.
Alejandro tells that the companies are looking for people who speaks English,
in that moment Esteban start to remember and imagine his life if he had study
English when he was a child.
II. With the last story, answer the next questions.
1.-What language Alejandro learn?

2.-When Alejandro start to learn that language?

3.-Why Alejandro has a better job?

4.-Do you think English is important?


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