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Pangilinan, Jose Mari P.


Decentralization’s Essence in the Caribbean and Nation-States

Keith Miller in his paper which talks about the advantages and disadvantages of local

government decentralization in the context of the Caribbean region is an eye-opener for

adaptability and coping up with arising governmental mechanisms. It was presented at the Ocean

View International Hotel in the beautiful country of Guyana in the year 2002. It was mentioned

in his work that in contemporary times, countries in the Caribbean have been subject to new

challenges that may result in their region’s downhill if they will not be able to confront and

compromise. Several aspects pose threats to them amidst the hope of achieving benefits and

prosperity in the changing society.

Citizens in the region have been very much accustomed to a colonial and traditional form

of government and governance which is deemed to hinder them from keeping pace with the

developments, needs and trials of modern paradigms (Miller, 2002). In this case, a need for a

new governmental framework is urgent which will cater to the people’s full participation

especially coming from the different sectors such as the marginalized, youth, traditionalists and

women. At the same time, a more meaningful state power decentralization shown in powerful

logical governments is now considered to be essential in promoting sustainability and rendering

better governance. However, the author substantiated his work by first providing definitions of

terms which can greatly help in tailoring ideas and concepts.

First off, local government is considered subservient to the central authority that also has

its own jurisdictions. The term local government speaks about the institution per se which is

responsible for carrying out governmental functions on a local scale. Local governance is the

process that occurs in formulating policies and in making political decisions locally. The

following terms provided were decentralization which describes the transfer of national tasks
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from the central government into the sub-national levels. Branches of decentralization are

deconcentration which is the transfer of works from the center to regional offices and branches.

On the other hand, delegation is the transfer of power to private sectors. And lastly, devolution is

the transfer of power wherein political or decision making authorities come along.

Additionally, the relationship of decentralization and local governance was also given

emphasis since these two aspects are heavily observed in local governments; however, they seem

to have connection, but are not totally synonymous. This is due to the fact that local government

is presented as the highest form of decentralization. Another problem arises here when people

from the Caribbean still choose governing mechanisms subscribed to the old school of thought

and conventional paradigmatic frameworks.

Having said that, governance and developmental trials posed upon the Caribbean states

involve the current status quo of their development, global trends in the likes of globalization,

huge cultural penetration and technological advancements which can be seen as both

opportunities and threats. They also have corrupt tendencies from their leaders and discontented

followers because of bounded chances that further results in their growing alienation, scarcity in

resources and the marginalization of the general people.

In retaliation to the hindrances mentioned, decentralization in the local government also

posits advantages such as a more functional fiscal decentralization which can extract resources in

supporting local economies and development initiatives. It can also efficiently curb

overcentralization existing in the Caribbean region by bringing individuals closer to the

government, obliging responsibility in local affairs, and providing a platform for better civic

participation at empowering networks and institutions. Furthermore, mobilization of local

resources will flow a lot smoother while improving social capacities as well. Most importantly,
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when decentralization in local government is present, it is expected that there will be an increase

in openness, accountability and transparency.

Deviating from the positive notes that decentralization in local governments can offer,

risks and disadvantages were also rampant. One of which is the possible increase in inequalities

since most finances and resources were fostered regionally. Furthermore, there is a tendency for

corrupt officials and elites to capture power immediately which can lead to a misuse in authority

and supervisions. Another disadvantage of decentralization present in local governments as

mentioned in Miller’s work is that it sprouts conflict among local, regional and national interests

which then turns into a more perplexed form of governance.

The parting notes of Keith Miller in his paper states that the Caribbean nations need

urgent progress in achieving a more sustainable governance and development. An improvement

among their political and public administration’s frameworks should be observed in no time.

And in order for these states to transition, there should be a clear dividing line when it comes to

responsibilities and functions of the state. Local governing bodies should be able to manage

affairs through the help of political leadership. Lastly, authorities at the local level must have full

control and access to resources to implement policies more efficiently. Possible outcome of this

criteria is the full participation of actors in the state as well as firm involvements in constitutional


In the Philippines, it is heavily observable that decentralization in governance is present.

Despite the risks and disadvantages offered by Miller in his work, the benefits of

decentralization present in local governments do still prevail. At the same time, it could be

considered as an effort to delegate or transfer authority especially in the lowest levels in the

community as argued by (Chand, 2014). Having said that, there have been relatively autonomous
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units overall when there is a transfer of power from the central government to the local ones. As

mentioned, decentralization could be beneficial to many forms of societies not just in the

Caribbean region but also even in the Philippines. In a sense, decentralization can lessen the

workload of the top executives who perform myriad functions already. The transfer of power

helps in shouldering responsibilities so that the national government can really focus and

concentrate on other significant managerial mechanisms. At the same time, diversification is

rampant when there is decentralization. Products, flow of markets and even activities will be

better catered especially in the likes of manufacturing and distribution. Also, higher

organizations, groups and individuals who are in power will have the opportunity to develop

themselves as well through initiatives to brace them further for administrative functions.

Motivations will also be a key concept improved in decentralization of local governments. It is

responsible for the organization of smaller relevant groups which results in the employees’ moral

upturns as they become involved in critical thinking and decision-making. Additionally, there

will also be better supervision and control since the local subordinates have the power to create

immediate mandates since they also have authority, knowledge and positions to do so. In turn,

quick decision processes will arise due to the fact that governing bodies do not have to be

referred to the upper levels.

As observed, decentralization also is evident in many nations especially in fiscal reforms

upon the low and middle-class economies (Canare, 2021). This rationalization of the economy

can be viewed in the context of proximity. In this regard, local governments have an advantage

on information over the central authority with respect to their preferences and consumer needs.

Moreover, decentralization can be a key ingredient at improving governance and the

accountability of leaders. If the provider of goods and consumers under the economic aspects of
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decentralization is a lot closer, then better checking of governmental performance in the public

services provisions will happen. Another positive effect of decentralization is that the efficiency

of governance will also be better when there is a healthy competitive nature in local


In the last decades, decentralization has also been a trend and is quite usual in existence

from the developing nations. Its essence occurs in a specific context since it comes in myriad

forms in different nations at various times. With that, it also promotes a commendable level of

job satisfaction (Bird, 1999). The concept of decentralization also has the capacity to uplift a

group’s spirit and coherence. Efficient communication also happens in decentralization due to

the point that the wider span of management leads to smaller numbers of levels in the hierarchy.

Furthermore, communicating systems are deemed to be more effective since it becomes a lot

more intimate which helps establish a firm relationship between the leaders and their followers.

Another good point of decentralization is that expansion processes will be at ease

especially in growing businesses. That said, it can lead to the opening of business units in

different geographical locations which can then benefit economic stability. It is important to note

that decentralization can affect not just political matters, but economic and social concerns as

well. Simultaneously, the concept of decentralization in government units can also be utilized to

satisfy basic human needs in the likes of status. Power, prestige and independence. When leaders

become satisfied, there is a tendency that they will have more accountability and feel responsible

to progress towards betterment among their colleagues. As reiterated earlier, the burdens of the

top executives will be lessened through the transfer of power and authority in the local scale so

that employees will also be more critical when it comes to policy implementation and
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formulation processes. Additionally, when workload is reduced, this can contribute to the greater

good of the organization as a whole (Patti, 2017).

For the parting notes, it was seen that the Caribbean states have been struggling in trying

to progress as a nation. There is an urgent need for change in them which will be beneficial in the

long run. We cannot blame the people who became accustomed to former or traditional forms of

governmental mechanisms existing in them. However, for improvement to happen, they should

be able to embrace adaptive measures so that they can keep pace with other regions. They even

have a lot of patterns or paths to follow if they wish to transition as soon as possible. But it is

also vital to point out that context matters (Rodriguez, 1999). Every country can adopt

governmental processes and adapt into it, but it will surely not be easy for some. Gradual steps

need to be taken and patience as well should be observed.

Despite the given disadvantages of decentralization, the benefits are still seen to be

dominant in this era. In the Philippines since it is an archipelagic country, the central government

would have a hard time in trying to supervise every region and province that is why talks about

federalism are happening in the contemporary time. What is good about being able to endow

power and authority to local provinces is that they will be able to prioritize the specific needs of

their areas which are often overlooked by the national government. Better representation can also

occur if local governments have power and are influential to their constituents. Finally, it is with

everyone’s hope that the national government continues their unending support towards their

subordinates. And for the local government units, may they persist to serve their constituents

with honor and dignity. An efficient form of governance can surely lift a nation up and alleviate

its pressing concerns. It is also an eye-opener in a sense that it becomes expected from the

citizens to really scrutinize their government units and participate in political affairs.
Pangilinan, Jose Mari P. 4POL-1


Bird, R., & Rodriguez, E. (1999, October 21). Decentralization and poverty alleviation.
International experience and the case of the Philippines. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION

Canare, T. (2021). Decentralization and welfare: theory and an empirical analysis using
Philippine data. Public Sector Economics, 45(1), 93–123.

Chand, S. (2014, February 20). Decentralisation: Meaning, Advantages and

Disadvantages of Decentralisation. Your Article Library.



Patti, B. (2017, February 17). Advantages And Disadvantages Of Decentralisation.


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