Lesson Plan Template - Dividin Decimal by Whole Numbers

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Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Plan TEMPLATE

Teacher´s name: Emilio Josué Núñez Vásquez

Date Tuesday, November 14th, 2023.

Grade Fifth grade.
Topic of the lesson Dividing decimals by a whole number.
Language skill Listening, writing, and reading.
CEFR Can do statement for speaking at (B1)  I can participate with ease and confidence in conversations on
familiar topics.
 I can usually talk about events and experiences in various time
 I can usually describe people, places, and things.
Assumptions (what your students know/can do Students can solve simple divisions of whole numbers
already) Students can estimate the product of a decimal and a whole number.
Students can divide decimals by 10, 100, or 1,000.
Predicted problems Students may forget to add an additional zero to continue dividing.
Materials to be used (in general) An online memory card game about dividing, a presentation about
¨Dividing a decimal by a whole number¨, a digital board and a digital
worksheet with exercises related to the topic.
Length of the lesson 18-minute class.

 Main aim of the lesson: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to divide decimals by a whole number accurately and efficiently.
Lesson Planning Template

Procedures (here Sub-aims (here you Tasks/Activities (provide

you have to state
will have to state details about what the
what the teacher will
Stage perform) what SS will do. It students will do) Materials Time Evaluation
can be one sub-aim
per activity)
1 Lead-in -The teacher starts the
-Students greet the teacher
class by greeting
and respond.
students and asking
them how they are. Students
-An online memory card
-Students will be able -The students play a complete
-The teacher shows a game about dividing.
to efficiently recall the memory card game and
memory card game
divisions of whole match the divisions with 4 min the memory
with simple divisions Memory game URL:
numbers through a their results. card game
and their results. https://interacty.me/proj
memory card game.
ects/4f5c758e4bee386b correctly.
-The teacher asks the
-The students make some
students to guess what
guesses of what is the
is the topic of the
class going to be about.
2 Language -The teacher explains -Students will be able -Students pay attention to -A presentation about 6 min Students
Input the topic through a to solve divisions of the explication of the ¨Dividing a decimal by a recognize
presentation. decimals by whole teacher. whole number¨ the
numbers on the digital difference
board with help. between the
division of
and the
division of a
decimal and
a whole
3 Learning Students
- The teacher provides -Students will be able -An online game solve
an online game with to solve at least 3 -The students solve all the divisions of
some exercises to divisions of decimals exercises possible of an Online game URL: decimals by
4 min
solve all the exercises by whole numbers online game during the https://www.iknowit.com/les whole
possible during the correctly through a time set by the teacher. sons/e-dividing-decimals-by- numbers
time set by him. worksheet. a-whole-number.html with some
4 Authentic -A digital worksheet with Students
output exercises related to the
-Students will be able -The students solve a solve
-The teacher provides topic.
to solve divisions of digital worksheet with divisions of
a digital worksheet
decimals by whole some exercises related to 4 min decimals by
with some exercises Worksheet URL:
numbers accurately in the topic provided by the whole
related to the topic. https://
an exam. teacher. numbers

Please add details about the teaching-learning materials to be used and include the materials you elaborated in the previous task.


Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning teaching: the essential guide to English language teaching. Oxford, Macmillan Education. (3rd ed). (DVD) *

Figure 9.4 - page 232

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