Assignment#2 Skull

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1. There are 5 feeding mechanism men2on in Kardong.

• Suspension Feeding
- It is a feeding strategy that is most likely to be exclusive for aqua2c animals.
Aqua2c creatures draw in and consume suspended par2cles from surrounding
water environment. They have intricate mechanisms for extrac2ng food
par2cles from the water column. The effec2veness of suspension feeding relies
on the design of the skull and specialized structures like gill rakers and baleen
plates. The design of the skull is super important in crea2ng a specialized
feeding apparatus, oHen featuring modified gill arches with structures
conduc2ve to trapping small par2cles. Furthermore, due to the fact suspension
feeders can have different mouth shapes and sizes, suspension feeders may
also possess ciliary structures, mucous traps, and other adapta2ons and
characteris2cs in order to enhance and improve the efficiency of food capture.
• Suc2on Feeding
- This mechanism u2lizes the crea2on of a rapid vacuum to draw in water and
capture prey. Aqua2c amphibians commonly employ suc2on feeding, a
method similar to the method or mechanism used by many fish. As the
pressure decreases in the buccal cavity, prey is aspirated into the mouth. The
size and shape of the buccal cavity are regulated by the muscles of the visceral
skeleton. Various mechanisms exist to handle the excess water ingested along
with food.
• Lingual Feeding
- This mechanism recognizes the use of a rapid, projected, s2cky tongue to
capture prey. This strategy varies a wide range of animals. In mammals, which
includes us, humans, lingual feeding involves manipula2ng the food within the
mouth or oral cavity with the use of tongue as previously men2oned. The
versality of this mechanism highlights the adap2ve diversity in feeding
strategies. The skull’s design is important for facilita2ng efficient tongue
movements. A flexible jaw and skull allows for rapid tongue extension and
retrac2on like a lizard. The shape of the mouth or oral cavity, determined by
the design of the skull, influences the manipula2on and control of prey during
lingual feeding.
• Mas2ca2on
- It is the process of chewing food. It involves the breaking down of food to
smaller fragments via ac2on of teeth and jaw movements. Mas2ca2on is
important for increasing the surface area of food in order to promote effec2ve
nutrient extrac2on during diges2on or the diges2ve process. The design of the
skull is important for this mechanism. Jaw structure, specialized teeth and
muscular aRachments enable efficient bi2ng and chewing. A well developed
and adapted skull shape supports effec2ve mas2ca2on by facilita2ng jaw and
tooth mechanics, improving the overall process of the breakdown of food for
• Prehension
- It refers to the process by which animal grasp food items in order to bring them
into the oral cavity or mouth for inges2on. Prehension involves the use of
specialized structures, such as appendages or mouthparts, and talons for
eagles. The skull’s design is important for effec2ve prehension mechanism. For
example in primates, it accommodates a large brain for manual prehension.
This rela2onship reflects diverse adapta2ons u2lized for specific or their
corresponding dietary needs.

2. Pros and cons

• Suc2on Feeding
- Pros: offers a quick and efficient method for capturing prey and food,
minimizing the energy usage compared to ac2ve pursuit.
- Cons: Its accuracy and precision decreases as distance increases. External
forces affects its process or impact due to strong water pressure/current
• Suspension Feeding
- Pros: efficiently extract nutrients from the water through capturing suspended
and small par2cles
- Cons: are more suscep2ble to certain animals and predators that have evolved
strategies and mechanisms to disrupt their feeding currents
• Lingual Feeding
- Pros: Due to flexible tongue, it enables various feeding behaviors that includes
precise food manipula2on.
- Cons: the tongue is very sensi2ve and maybe prone to harm and injury during
feeding, especially and possibly if the prey has defensive mechanism
• Mas2ca2on
- Pros: Chewing ini2ates the mechanical breakdown of food to promote efficient
nutrient absorp2on in the diges2ve tract
- Cons: Possible choking
• Prehension
- Pros: adap2ng to different environment is easier due to versa2lity and having
many different ways to u2lize it
- Cons: High energy expenditure

3. In the aqua2c habitat, suc2on feeding is a very effec2ve strategy, characterized by its
versa2lity and adaptability to various aqua2c environments. These feeding habits give
aqua2c vertebrates perfect precision, allowing them to capture food by crea2ng a
vacuum. With the power of this technique, nutrients can be absorbed quickly, and water
resources will be enriched. In addi2on, food intake involves changes in structure and size,
expanding the range of possible proper2es. Its compa2bility with both salt and fresh
water makes it ideal for exploring a variety of aqua2c environments. Furthermore, in
landscape habitats, cap2ve feeding appears to be a viable strategy, demonstra2ng
adapta2on and diversity in diverse landscapes. Vertebrates that use prehension
mechanism have cranial adapta2ons that facilitate the selec2on of a wide variety of prey.
This way of feeding allows terrestrial vertebrates to face different condi2ons, being able
to grow in different environments easily.

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