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Blog 4 In-Service Reflection Navigating Challenges and Embracing Collaborative Learning

Our team, originally composed of nine members, underwent a slight reshuffle with

Vivy and Crystal choosing a different path. This left seven of us collaborating on our

empowerment project. Valeria and I are handed the reins of the Well-being Support section.

Our responsibilities within this section are multifaceted. Not only do we contribute to

the online conversation space, but we also integrate nutrition-related content into language

lessons. Furthermore, we're delving into Recipe Design, spearheading salon-style

conversations, and overseeing the online platform setup. The phase we're in now involves

crafting each task and its subcomponents, ensuring our well-being supports vision translates

into actions. Regular brainstorming sessions with Valeria are essential to align our ideas.

The journey, however, hasn't been devoid of challenges. Coordinating our varied

schedules for collaboration was our first hurdle. Yet, with the aid of shared calendars and

dedicated planning tools, we've managed to streamline our collaborative efforts. Facilitating

the salon-style conversations presented its unique challenges, especially in striking a balance

between active participation and time-effective facilitation. Our solution? We decided to

alternate roles during these discussions, ensuring both active participation and effective

conversation management.

Choosing the ideal platform for our online interactions was another debate. After

narrowing down our options, we are set to deliberate on a few prime contenders next week,

like Discord and Facebook Groups. Each offers unique advantages, from invite-only groups

on Discord to the familiarity of Facebook. Our goal is to pick an accessible and interactive

medium for our students. Meanwhile, both Valeria and I are immersing ourselves in tutorials

to fully grasp the functionalities of our eventual choice.

Our site manager has consistently supported us during this process. Her approval of

our role and idea in this well-being section bolstered our confidence. Furthermore, her

willingness to meet in the future provides assurance that guidance is available if needed.

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