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Exam Booklet


● SET 1 (FIT-Adults 5-2021) 2

● SET 2 (SIT-Adults 5-2022) 8
● SET 3 (FWE-FORM A-OTC 5-2022) 14
● SET 4 (FWE-FORM A-OTC 5-2023) 21

SET 1 - Total Marks: 100
A. READING COMPREHENSION. Read this text about the story of a pilot and insert the
missing sentences A-H into the gaps 1-7. There is one sentence which you do not need to
use (7x2=14)
Where are you?
Possibly the most famous female pilot ever, Amelia Earhart was born in 1897 in Kansas, USA.
Amelia had a difficult and unsettled childhood. Her family travelled a great deal so her father
could find work. Although she often missed school, Amelia was nevertheless considered to
be very bright academically. _____ (1)
After graduating from high school, instead of going to college, Amelia decided to study
nursing. During the First World War, she worked as a military nurse in Canada. _____ (2) In
her free time, Amelia enjoyed going to air shows and watching aerial stunts, which were
very popular during the 1920s. Her fascination with flying began when, at one of these
shows, she took a ten-minute plane ride, and from that moment on she knew she had to
learn to fly.
Amelia took on several odd jobs to pay for the flying lessons and, after a year, she had saved
enough money to buy her own plane. In 1922, she began taking part in record-breaking
attempts and stunts and promoting flying for women. She organised cross-country air races
for women pilots and joined a now famous women pilots’ organisation, called
During this time, it is reported that Amelia had many crashes. _____ (3) However, Amelia’s
first instructor and close friend, Anita Snook, later admitted that she had her doubts about
Amelia’s skills as a pilot and her ability to take on the death-defying feats and the
long-distance flights she became famous for.
Flying was still only a hobby for Amelia, who continued to teach, until one day she received
an invitation to be the first woman ever to make the flight across the Atlantic from Canada
to Britain. _____ (4) She also met her future husband, George Putman, a publisher who
arranged the flight and organised all the publicity.
In 1932, Amelia and George, who were now married, decided Amelia should make the
Atlantic crossing from America to Britain alone. _____ (5) She became the first woman to fly
the Atlantic solo, the only person to have flown it twice and she established a new
transatlantic crossing record of 13 hours and 30 minutes. Understandably, she became even
more famous as a result, earning respect for women pilots all over the world by proving that
women could fly just as well as men, if not better.
In June 1937, Amelia took her final flight. Together with Feed Noonan, her navigator, she set
out from Miami, Florida, in an attempt to fly around the world. From Miami, they
successfully flew to South America, from there to Africa and then across the Sahara Desert
to Thailand, Singapore, Java and Australia. ______ (6) The last message the coast guard
received from Amelia said that she couldn’t see the island due to bad weather and that fuel
was running out. She never arrived. The US Navy searched for days, but there was no sign of
the plane. No wreckage or bodies were ever found.

Mystery still surrounds the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. There have been many theories
about what happened to her. _____ (7) Others believe she spent the rest of her life living on
a desert island, while others think that she deliberately crashed her plane into the Pacific.
No one knows the truth, although the most likely explanation is that Amelia ran out of fuel
and crashed into the sea and that she and her plane are still lying somewhere off Howland
Island, at the bottom of the sea.

A. However, somewhere between New Guinea and Howland Island, their next port of
call, Amelia’s plane disappeared.
B. In those days planes were very unreliable and most of her accidents were probably
the result of engine failure.
C. Some say that Amelia was a spy for the American government and had been sent on
a secret mission and was captured.
D. She enjoyed reading and poetry, as well as sports, especially basketball and tennis.
E. They believe Amelia lost control and crashed the plane.
F. Amelia made the flight in 1928 and, although she was only a passenger and two men
flew the plane, it made her a celebrity.
G. When the war ended, she became a social worker back in America and taught English
to immigrants.
H. She broke several records on this flight.

B. GRAMMAR. TENSES. Read the following newspaper article about a man who won
the lottery and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (16x1=16)

Richard Fox (1) ___________ (live) in Hong Kong for around seven years and for the past two
years he (2) ___________ (share) a flat in Wan Chai. He originally (3) ___________ (come)
here on holiday but (4)___________(decide) to stay on when he heard that it was easy to
find a job as a teacher. He (5)___________ (work) for three different schools over the years
and (6) ___________(just/start) work for his fourth employer.
He likes Hong Kong because of its convenient location in Asia which (7) ___________(allow)
him to visit a lot of countries in the region. To date he (8) ___________ (go) to China,
Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia. He (9) ___________ (not/go)
to Macau as he says he’s not interested in gambling.
He likes the food in this part of the world and (10) ___________(try)a lot of dishes that he
(11) ___________ (not/hear of ) before he (12)___________(come) here. While on holiday
in China a couple of years ago he even (13) ___________ (try) dog, which he describes as
‘quite tasty’. He (14)___________(not/sample) monkeys’ brains yet, but says he’ll give
anything a try...once.
He says that living in a big city like Hong Kong is very different from the small town in
England where he (15) ___________ (bring up) has given him a broader outlook on life. He
(16)___________(never/have to) learn a foreign language before he came here.

C. TRANSFORMATIONS. Rewrite the following sentences with the prompts provided
in brackets. (7x2=14)
1. You can drive a car but you must have a licence. (LONG)
You can drive a car ___________________________________________________a licence.
2. If you don´t leave at once, I will call the police. (UNLESS)
Unless ____________________________________________________________ the police.
3. Immediately after the boat left the harbour, the storm began. (AS SOON AS)
The ______________________________________________________________________.
4. Sarah moved to the suburbs in 2003 and we met in 2005. (LIVING)
5. Why did the neighbours leave late today? Paul wants to know (WONDERS)
Paul ______________________________________________________________________.
6. The police started investigating this crime two years ago. They have no suspects yet.
The police________________________________but_______________________________.
7. Sam’s lecture is from 9 to 11. He will call you at 11. ( WHEN)
Sam ______________________________________________________________________ .

D.1.) Complete the sentences with the correct particle or preposition to complete the
phrasal verb. (6x1=6)

1. That new Song by Samantha Star has really taken _______. It's on every radio station
and streaming service right now!
2. Juan really needs to make _____ ______ forgetting Julia´s birthday. He should give
her a box of chocolates or a bunch of flowers. Just an apology will not be enough
this time.
3. The other children looked ______ on her because she didn't wear designer brand
4. It’s a pity that the two coaches fell ______ just because of a different thought
regarding tactics.
5. Please, stop talking! You don’t need to go ______ about the same topic for an hour
for us to get your point.
6. Even with glasses I can’t make ______ the letters on the licence plate.

D.2.) Complete an appropriate word from the vocabulary studied during the year (5 x 1= 5)

1. Even though the media reports that she might become a presidential candidate, does
anyone really think that she is a _________________ president? Does she have what
it takes to be in office?
2. John Neruda (1834-1891) was a very prolific and _________________ writer both of
poetry and of prose.
3. While some sports, such as fishing, or hiking have been viewed as primarily
recreational, most sports are considered _________________, that is there is a lot
of emphasis on beating your opponent.
4. Being a psychiatric technician could be a physically _________________ job, but it
offers a good average base pay.
5. After years of training he eventually _________________in winning the 100-metre
race. It was a huge achievement for him!
3) WORD FORMATION. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the
word in brackets. (10x0.5=5)
Why do people take risks?
Why are some people risk-takers? What makes them take part in
(1)_________________(DANGER) or even life-threatening activities? There are different
(2)_________________ (EXPLAIN) for this. Car racers love the
(3)_________________(EXCITE) of speed, while climbers get their thrills
from(4)_________________(FACE) the challenge of high mountains. Millions of years ago,
when people faced danger daily, risk-taking was essential for (5) _________________
(SURVIVE). Although living in today's world is (6) _________________ (EASE) than it was in
those days, perhaps that (7)_________________(BASE) instinct still remains. However,
taking risks can become a very (8) _________________ (HEALTH) obsession. Some people
can even become addicted to danger, and are unable to stop looking for it. It is also (9)
_________________(INTEREST) that the majority of risk-takers seem to be men. Is this
because men have more curiosity? Or do women think twice about taking risks because
they are more(10)_________________(SENSE)?
E. COMPOSITION. Choose one of the tasks below and write a piece of around 250 words.
Use structures and vocabulary you have learnt this year. (33p)
1- Write an article on the following topic: “The importance of taking advantage of
challenges and opportunities”. Include the following:
- Why we should take advantage of challenges and opportunities. In what way they help us.
- Some past event/opportunity that made your life better (a trip, getting a job, meeting
somebody, etc.).
-Mention in what ways you had prepared and were ready to seize that opportunity.
- Some challenges you took on (starting a new activity, giving up a bad habit, a new career or
study, etc.) and the positive or negative results this had in your life. Also, mention how you
managed to keep trying despite the initial obstacles/ difficulties.

2- Write a story that includes the following phrase: “It was at that moment that Jake knew
that he would not be able to see a human face in a long time”.
Remember to include narrative tenses and suitable linking devices.

F. LISTENING COMPREHENSION. Listen to a radio interview with Adam, a 16-year old
football player, captain of the Eastbrook team talking about a change his team has made.
For questions 1-7 below choose the best answer A,B or C. (1x7=7)
1. Adam has been asked onto the programme mainly because
a. His team is very successful at the moment
b. His team has been through an unusual experience
c. He will be able to help and teach other teenagers.
2. Two years ago, where would Adam and Rachel usually play football together
a. At home
b. At school
c. In their teams
3. What is the main difference between this year and last year?
a. There are more people playing for Eastbrook this year.
b. The girls are better players than they were last year.
c. There was no mixed team of boys and girls last year.
4. Who believed that the experiment might fail?
a. A few of Adam and Rachel’s teammates.
b. Several older relatives of the players.
c. Adam and Rachel themselves
5. What is mentioned about changing rooms?
a. There aren’t usually separate rooms for boys and girls.
b. There aren’t usually changing rooms for the players at all.
c. Most players prefer to get changed and shower at home.
6. What does Adam suggest about other mixed teams?
a. There may be new ones in the near future.
b. There are already plenty of them in existence.
c. He’s not optimistic that others will be created.
7. Adam believes that next year’s captain
a. Definitely won’t be a girl
b. Shouldn’t be a girl
c. Might be a girl

SET 2 - Total Marks: 100
A) READING COMPREHENSION. Read the following reviews on a computer training course.
Then, match each statement with one of the reviewers. (6x2=12)

PROGRAMMING 101: Reviews section

Andrea (21): Last year, I decided to take a break from university and went back to my
parents’ house. I’d been studying to become a lawyer for the last 2 years but I never actually
liked it. My father wasn’t very happy with my decision of abandoning my studies for a whole
year so I decided to enrol in this course. After many years I can finally say that I love what
I’m studying. The teachers are very welcoming and they help you understand each of the
steps of programming very thoroughly, although I must admit that some of the tests are a bit
tricky. I’m really optimistic about this course. I’ve just finished the second level and I’m ready
for the third one next month.

Matt (18): My brother took this course and now he’s working in one of the most profitable
web companies in the country as the leading programmer. I graduated from high school a
few months ago and I’m already halfway through the first level. Some of the teachers
recognised my family name and have already started comparing me with my brother. It’s
hard to compete against him, as he’d been an outstanding student. I don’t like this attitude
towards me; hopefully, this will change by the second half.

Henri (19): I really wish this course had different language options and not just English.
Non-native speakers of English sometimes struggle to fully understand the theory, and I’m
one of them. Thankfully, all the teachers sympathise with me and Carlos, a classmate from
Spain, and help us as much as they can with the texts.

Britney (34): I finished the fourth and last level last week. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve learnt
something new at all. I had already had some experience with programming before I
enrolled and I can say that during the first three levels the contents were too basic for me.
Only a few weeks ago I learnt something new for the first time, and it wasn’t even that
difficult to understand. I wouldn’t recommend this course if you already have a basic
knowledge of programming - unless you’re willing to make an awkward face as you see a
20-year-old explain to you what you’ve known for the last 10 years. I assure you you will just
waste your time and money.

Timothee (55): My boss insisted that I take this course and finish it. I am currently struggling
through the first level - for the third time! In my opinion, the teachers are very strict as
regards deadlines. I understand that the target-audience of this course is teenagers, who are
less busy than a 55-year-old sales agent, yet I believe that cases like mine should be taken
into account. I hope the teachers are less demanding this time around or else I will have to
look for other options.

Natacha (18): I’ve had the worst experience ever taking this course! First of all, no one had
told me that one of the requisites was having your own laptop. I had to go through the first 3
weeks of the course just taking notes and sketching everything on paper. One of the
teachers even made fun of me! Secondly, the fee is way too high taking into account all the
money you have to spend once you’ve started. Not only did I have to buy my own computer
but also I had to buy the compulsory software! Surely I won’t be doing the second level.

1. The reviewer feels that if they do not do the homework, the teachers are
punishing you. ___
2. The reviewer feels that they will not be finishing the training programme.___
3. The reviewer feels that studying the theory on their own is not as straightforward
as they thought it would be. ___
4. The reviewer feels that the whole experience is a challenge, as if the teachers
were setting high standards that they should meet. ___
5. The reviewer feels that maybe they should have read the course syllabus before
they decided to take the course ___
6. The reviewer feels that they will take it as a challenge, as it is completely different
from what they have been used to doing until now. ___

B) GRAMMAR: TENSES. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


Next August, Safe Travels travel agency ____________ (1. TURN) 50 years at the service of
the local people and Tracy MacGyver, the beloved owner of this little business,
_________________ (2. ALREADY / PLAN) a big celebration trip.

The MacGyver family business ___________ (3. BEGIN) in the early 1970s as a small
company that _____________ (4. ORGANISE) monthly trips to the countryside for the
retired. Now, the legendary travel agency _____________ (5. WIDEN) and, for the last 30
years, it _______________ (6. OFFER) local retirement houses and schools some of the best
trips around the country at very affordable prices.

Next August __________ (7. MARK) the 50th anniversary of this well-known company. As a
way to celebrate such a milestone, Safe Travels is organising a spectacular two-month long
trip around the country! “We _______________ (8. THINK) of different ways to celebrate

the birthday of our little family business and we came up with this idea of a two-month
journey through the most beautiful sceneries of our country,” says MacGyver. “We
___________ (9. BEGIN) by visiting the breathtaking beaches in the south and we
______________ (10. SPEND) 3 nights at a fabulous beachside hotel. By the second week,
we ____________________ (11. MOVE) to the west to visit the astonishing mountain range
- we __________________ (12. ARRANGE) some mountain activities such as trekking and
zip lining.”

What is more, they ________________ (13. GIVE AWAY) a 2-week, all inclusive package
holiday to France to one of the travellers. “Only 100 tickets will be available as of Monday,
and we expect that by the end of the week they ___________________ (14. SELL OUT) so
don’t let this opportunity slip by!”

C) TRANSFORMATIONS. Rewrite the following sentences with the word(s) in brackets. Do

not change the meaning of the first sentence and do not change the word(s) provided.

1. I’m finding it difficult to adapt to this new work environment. (USED TO)
It’s really challenging for me _____________________________ this new work
2. I’m sure your parcel will arrive before May 10th. (ARRIVED)
I’m sure that your parcel __________________________________ May 10th.
3. According to recent research, penguins will have lost 80% of their natural habitat by
the next decade. (CERTAIN)
According to recent research, ________________________________________ 80%
of their natural habitat by the next decade.
4. When he was a little boy, he collected marbles and exchanged them at school.
During his school days, he __________________________________ them at school.
5. Please, don’t call me during the next 2 hours because I have an exam. (DOING)
Please, try not to call _________________________________________________
6. You shouldn’t have said those things to Mark - it was a secret! (SUPPOSED)
You ________________________________________________ - it was a secret!

7. The cornershop used to sell alcohol, but they stopped because the owners had had
several problems with the law. (LONGER)
The cornershop ______________________________________________________
with the law.

D) VOCABULARY. Complete the sentences with one word. (6x1=6)

1. He’s such an A___________ man; he’s always looking for new challenges.
2. The latest inflationary problems resulted I________ numerous demonstrations
around the country.
3. I hate doing this exercise! My feet hurt, my legs shake, I sweat a lot - it’s completely
4. In order to reduce the C__________ footprint, the company decided to stop printing
5. Global W_________ has caused the melting of numerous glaciers around the world.
6. This machine turned out to be not as R_____________ as I thought it would be; it
stopped working the moment I needed it the most!

E. WORD FORMATION. Complete the following text with the correct word derived from the
word in brackets. (6x1=6)

I hate it when people are not as _____________ (ORGANISE) and strict as I am. I know that
this may make me sound _______________ (SYMPATHY) but I’m just tired of having to deal
with my roommate's disastrous lifestyle. Just yesterday I came back home, after a
completely _____________ (EXHAUST) day, and found all the dishes in the sink - still not
washed! I marched to the room and there she was, lying on her bed watching YouTube
videos. Of course I shouted at her; I think even my neighbours heard my screams. I knew
that sharing my flat would be a _______________ (STRUGGLE) experience; I just didn’t think
it would take no less than 2 months to realise how ______________ (RESPONSABILITY) she
was! Not to sound _______________ (PESSIMISM) or anything, but I don’t think we’ll ever
get along with each other.

F) WRITING. Choose one of the tasks below and write a 300-word problem-solution
essay. Use the structures and vocabulary you have learnt this year. (38p)

A. After two years of online classes, many students have found it very challenging to get
used to having face-to-face classes again. Write a problem-solution essay discussing possible
solutions to this problem.

B. Over the last few years, many people have turned into recycling, yet their efforts seem to
be worthless, mostly considering poor governmental policies. Write a problem-solution essay
discussing possible ways in which governments can contribute to solving this problem.

G) LISTENING COMPREHENSION. You will listen to an interview about unusual jobs. For
sentences 1–8, complete the gaps with one word or phrase. (8x1=8).

1. Caroline McMullen _____________ many unusual jobs while working on her book.

2. Jen had a career as an _____________before she became a professional bridesmaid.

3. Jen had _____________ of potential customers in just a few days.

4. When people are _____________ to sleep for a living, it can be quite hard.

5. Professional sleeping jobs can be found in hospitals as well as _____________.

6. People have been paid as much as _____________ to sleep professionally.

7. Caroline wouldn't like to work as a bike fisherman because she thinks she might feel


8. People who try unusual jobs are often _____________ who are also open-minded.

SET 3 - Total Marks: 100 + Listening: 5
A. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the following article about an environmental
campaigner. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap 1-7. There is
one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (7x2=14)


I was walking around my neighbourhood in New York one evening two years ago when I
came across a limousine parked outside a restaurant. The driver’s clients were inside
having dinner, and he had his engine running while he waited. It really bothered me. He
was polluting the air we breathe as well as wasting huge amounts of fuel, so I knocked on
the driver’s window.
I explained to him that he didn’t need to waste his boss’s money or pollute our air. I
addressed the issues politely and, after a ten-minute chat, he agreed to turn off the
engine. I felt empowered; I could make a difference to our environment (1)_________. So
whenever I see a driver sitting with the car engine on, I go over and talk to them.
Six months later, I talked to a guy who turned out to be an undercover police officer. He told me he
wouldn’t turn off his engine because he was on a job, but he asked me if I knew there was actually
a law against engine idling, as it’s called. (2) _________. Sure enough under New York City’s
traffic laws, you could be fined up to $2,000 for engine idling for more than three minutes.
I had a small business card printed up that referred to the relevant law on one side and the
penalties on the other, and started to hand them out to idlers. (3) _________. It’s surprising how
many people are unaware that they could get a fine.
That’s why I start my encounters the same way every time. I say: “Excuse me for bothering you,
but are you aware that it is against the law in New York City to idle your car for more than three
minutes?” (4) _________. They want to know who I am, am I a cop? I tell them that I’m just a
concerned citizen and want to make sure we improve our environment and address our oil
We usually have a discussion and I always try to conclude the encounter on a positive and polite
note, saying how great it would be if they turn off their engine so we can all have a better
environment. (5) _________. Most are convinced by these arguments. Indeed, I’m successful
seventy-eight percent of the time. Although of course, there are people who are aggressive or who
won’t do it.
I keep an Excel spreadsheet so that I have a precise record of each of my encounters. If I get an
aggressive reaction, I list theri comments and highlight them in red. (6) _________.
I don’t give up, however, and try to approach them professionally. But my feelings do get hurt on
occasion. Then I remind myself that because I make the first approach, for them. I’m actually the
“aggressor” in this situation. My “victims” just sit there thinking “Who is this guy?”
I work on Wall Street. I’m careful not to have encounters near my office; I am very nervous about
knocking on the wrong window and losing my job. It has also affected my relationship with my

girlfriend because, at the moment, I’m spending my time making a documentary about engine
idling. (7) _________. But I hope my film will be a way of spreading awareness of this problem via
the mass media.

A. I also tell them that it saves money and avoids breaking the law.

B. I decided to have these conversations on a regular basis after that.

C. I find this fact always takes my victims by surprise.

D. It’s been the cause of regular arguments between us.

E. It’s not the sort of mistake that you make twice.

F. I try not to get affected emotionally if drivers respond in this way.

G. I’ve been distributing them in this way ever since.

H. I went home and checked this out.

B) GRAMMAR. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets (14x1=14)

My friend Laura never forgets the time when she was the cause of a terrible
misunderstanding. She usually excuses herself by saying that she
(1)__________________(WORK) really hard that day and she was really exhausted. So,
while she (2) __________________(DRIVE) home from work, she (3) __________________
(DECIDE/MAKE) a quick call to her boyfriend to make the final arrangements for their
outing the following day. “We (4) __________________ (LIE) in the sun this time
tomorrow” she told herself.
It was perhaps because of the excitement she was feeling that when she
(5)__________________ (FIND) her boyfriend’s name among her contacts, she
(6)__________________ (NOT REALISE) she (7)__________________(ACTUALLY PRESS) the
contact entered as “John Electrician’.
So, she was quite surprised when his phone (8)__________________(ANSWER) by a
woman. “Er, hello….Is John there? “Yes, but he (9)__________________(HAVE) a shower at
the moment.” So Laura asked the woman (10)__________________(TELL) him that his
girlfriend (11)__________________(PHONE). Half an hour passed and she began to get
impatient. She said to herself, “If he (12) __________________ (NOT CALL) in two minutes,
I (13)__________________(PHONE) him back. “Two minutes later she phoned him back.

This time a man answered: “John Jacobs speaking” “You aren’t my boyfriend!” exclaimed
Laura. “I know,” he replied. “That’s what I (14)__________________(TRY) to tell my wife for
the last half hour!"
C. GRAMMAR. Rewrite the following sentences using the prompts given at the beginning
of the sentence and in brackets. (9x2=18)
1-She was able to survive because she never lost hope. (3rd Conditional)


2. “Hey! You have to put on some sunscreen before going to the beach.”, my dad told Jake.

My dad
3- When we had our first baby we could sleep only four or five hours every night. (GET USED


4. If I were you, I would sign up for that course. (MODAL)

I think you

5. She has always dreamt of moving abroad. In July next year I will move to Australia.

By July next year,

6. He will not perform live if his fans don’t follow the health protocols. (UNLESS)


7. There was a terrible accident at the intersection. That’s why there was a traffic jam (DUE

The traffic jam

8-I suppose Chelsea has a high probability of beating Manchester United this time. (LIKELY)


9-.I started this course in July. I think I will still be doing it by the end of the year. (FOR)

By the end of the year,

D- VOCABULARY. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions. (7x0.5=3.5)

a) Jane was really nervous when she played (1)_________ her usual opponent as she
knew she was much better (2)_________ tennis than her.

b) The conditions in this field are completely different (3)_________ the conditions in
our field. We won’t be able to keep up (4) _________their best players.

c) Referees usually have to put up (5)_________ not being liked either by the fans or
the players.

d) After a 3-day walk through the jungle, she succeeded (6)_________reaching a small
village where she was helped by local people.

e) Guess who turned (7)_________ at Jane’s party with no invitation? Her ex-boyfriend!
What a cheek!

E. VOCABULARY. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word(s). Choose the correct option
from the box below. There are more options than you need. (7x0.5=3.5)

side criticising bright side comprehensive skilled

expert sides attention optimist critical

focus negative sympathetic funny side optimistic

a) Although I waved my arms I wasn’t able to get the woman’s (1) __________________
and she continued walking.
b) It is good to have friends who always encourage to look everything on the(2)
__________________, that is to have a really (3)__________________ attitude despite
your problems.

c) I think both (4)__________________ of the argument should be considered before a

decision is made.

d) Sam seems to find fault with everything we do. He’s very (5)__________________ .

e) Our coach was really (6) __________________ when I explained to him that I had been
absent due to my illness.

f) My dad used to be very (7)__________________ at making furniture, which he had
learned from his own dad.

F- WORD FORMATION. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the
preceding gap. (10x1=10)

I’ve always been a(n) (1)__________________ (ENTHUSIASM) person wanting to take every
opportunity offered to me, but I was also a little unconfident. I don’t like facing
(2)__________________ (EXPECT) moments and I’ve always managed to avoid (3)
__________________ (PAIN) situations. I guess I’ve been quite (4)__________________
(FORTUNE) most of my life. That is until I met Tim Fox. Possibly one of the most
(5)__________________ (HONEST) people in the world. I don’t think anything he ever said
was truthful. I’d always had a(n) (6)__________________(JOY) outlook on life and managed
to laugh and accept whatever came my way. But Tim Fox was a(n) (7)__________________
(PLEASANT) man who took great delight in the (8)__________________ (INVENT) of stories
that made him look good and me feel bad. He made me believe that it was extremely (9)
__________________ (LIKELY) that’d succeed in life. Fortunately, I realised that it’s my own
opinion that matters most, and people like Time are often just hiding issues with their own
(10) __________________ (CONFIDENT). Today, I actually feel more confident because of
G. COMPOSITION. (37 p). Choose ONE of the tasks below and write a 250/300 -word
composition. Remember to use the correct format and the vocabulary and structures you
have learnt this year.

1) A popular magazine has organised a competition where the readers have to contribute
articles on the following topic:

a) Write about surviving dangerous situations in nature.

Describe dangerous situations people may experience when being in natural places and
explain the ways in which they can be prepared or what they can do to survive these
problematic situations.

Make reference to a story of your own or of someone’s story you know of (it can be real or
not.) Talk about what happened, and how you or this other person survived.

2) Write a “providing solutions to problems” essay on the following topic:

In a world where negative and sad news are constant, people tend to have a pessimist
attitude to life. How can people have a more positive attitude to life and/or a more positive
attitude to different unpleasant situations?

H. LISTENING COMPREHENSION. You will hear a talk by a man called Harry Carter, who is a
pilot. For questions 1 to 10, complete the sentences with a word or phrase. (10x0.5=5)


1. Harry explains that the airline’s are to be found in Texas in the USA.

2. Harry says that his experience at a local __________________ greatly influenced his
career choice.

3. Harry was persuaded to apply to the airline by his __________________.

4. Harry explains that he could only start his training because of the

5. The airline operates a __________________ system which Harry feels provides new
pilots with invaluable help.

6. Opportunities for promotion depend on how many __________________ there are

within the company as well as the pilot’s acquired experience.

7. Harry says that as a part of the paperwork, the flight paths are prepared so that the
necessary quantity of __________________ can be worked out.

8. Harry explains that one pilot performs a __________________ outside the plane
which plays a central part in safety control.

9. Harry says that some people may find the __________________ he has to work a
negative aspect of the job.

10. Harry says that knowing he can count on his __________________ gives him a boost.

SET 4 - Total Marks: 100 + Listening: 5
A. READING COMPREHENSION. Read an article about learning to swim. From questions
(1-7) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

As the water reached her waist, Helen felt herself starting to panic. It was ridiculous, she told
herself. Here she was a fully grown woman wearing armbands and a buoyancy aid around
her waist and grasping a float. But she was still terrified of water.
At 43, and married with children, Helen was deeply ashamed of the fact that she couldn’t
swim. She hadn’t had swimming lessons at school as there had been no facilities. As she got
older, her natural distrust of water turned into a phobia.
“I was okay as long as my feet were touching the bottom, but the moment I floated free, I’d
panic. My heart began racing, my stomach would tighten and I couldn’t bear anybody near
In 1975 when she enrolled for lessons at a local swimming pool it was a disaster. The
instructor did get her to do a few strokes but she remained absolutely terrified.
When her two children – Daniel, now 19 and Laura, 17- were young, Helen tried again but
her progress was slow and she soon gave in, thinking there was no point carrying on.
And that’s exactly how things would have stayed if it hadn’t been for the Splash school of
swimming in Leeds, near Helen’s home. When one of the school leaflets dropped through
the letterbox one day last March, Helen was inspired to give swimming one more go.
“In the past whenever I said I was starting lessons, the family would say “Oh no, not again!”
so this time I didn’t tell anybody. I just phoned up Splash and booked a course”.
At first Helen was as scared as ever, but gradually, with the teachers’ help she began to make
progress. The school taught Helen as part of a small group and the instructors stayed in the
water with her. They were very patient and that was what she needed. Other instructors at
other schools had bullied her and so she had become discouraged. At Splash, however, they
were very understanding.
After a few months, Helen was able to take off the armbands and started going to another
class at her local sports center. Soon she could swim the whole length of the swimming pool.
Then, just when things were looking up and Helen was able to swim half a dozen lengths, she
suddenly lost her nerves again. One day, out of the blue she had a panic attack and started
shaking and shivering with fear.
Determined not to let this defeat her after she’d come so far, Helen went to a hypnotherapist
who gave her subconscious suggestions to help her overcome her fears. She was soon back
in the water with renewed reassurance.
And now Helen can swim 64 lengths of her local swimming pool, which is much more than a
mile. To celebrate her success, she hired the pool at her local sports center for a birthday
celebration. Helen shows the rest of us anything can be achieved if you want to do it badly

1) Helen knew that her fear was…
a- logical
b- unreasonable
c- based on past experiences
d- quite common

2) Why hadn’t Helen learned to swim?

a- She had always been terrified of water
b- She hadn’t had the opportunity
c- She had distrusted her instructor at school
d- The school pool had been too deep.

3) What happened the first time Helen had lessons?

a- She didn’t get over her fears
b- She was afraid of the teachers
c- She managed to swim a reasonable distance
d- She nearly drowned

4) How did Helen’s family react to her repeated efforts to learn to swim?
a- They criticized her
b- They supported her
c- They were patient with her
d- They made fun of her

5) At the Splash School the instructors…

a- made her learn at the group’s pace
b- bullied her
c- didn’t rush her
d- explained her fears to her

6) Why did Helen go to a hypnotherapist?

a- She realized she would never be able to swim
b- She suddenly lost her courage
c- She suddenly forgot how to swim
d- She wanted to forget her past fears
7) Which of these phrases best sums up the article?
a- Fear can be useful
b- Not everyone can do everything
c- You should never give up.
d- Everyone is different

B) GRAMMAR. TENSES. Read Scott’s email from Peru and fill in the gaps with the correct
forms of the verbs in brackets (18x1=18)

Dear mom and dad,

Lots of love from sunny Peru! I (1) _____________________(DO) fine so far, and Steve (2)
______________________(TAKE) good care of me as usual. We (3) _____________
(ARRIVE) at Lima airport last night but I (4) _________________ (NOT ENJOY) the flight
much. It was very long!

Lima is very hot and crowded, but we (5)_____________ only ___________ (STAY) here for
one night. Tomorrow we (6)_________________(GO) to “La Esfinge” to take a look. Steve
said that out of all the mountains, here he (7)_____________________(CHOOSE) the
hardest climb for us! It (8)________________(CALL) “Welcome to the Slabs of Koricancha”.
Funny name, eh?

I think this climb (9) __________ (BE) harder than anything I (10)___________ (DONE) in my
life.The high altitude (11)____________________(MAKE) it difficult to breathe. And there
(12) _______________(NOT BE) many hand and foot holds because the rock face is so
smooth. But I (13) ____________________(LOOK) forward to it. It (14)
_________________(SOUND) like a lot of fun!

I (15) ____________ (TRAIN) so hard recently, and I think I (16) ___________

(ALREADY/PREPARED) enough for this climb. So please don’t worry about me. If we (17)
_____________ (GET) to the top, we (18) ___________ (BECOME) the first Americans to do

Wish me luck, and thanks for everything, Mom and Dad.

Loads of love, Scott.

C. GRAMMAR. TRANSFORMATIONS. Rewrite the following sentences using the prompts

given at the beginning of the sentence and in brackets. (9x2=18)

1-She’s always used public transport. It’s not a problem for her to take a bus. (USED TO)

She ______________________________ public transport, so it’s not a problem for her to

take a bus.

2. Alice is not rich. Nevertheless, she spends lots of money on clothes. (IN SPITE OF)
__________________________________________________, Alicia spends a lot of money
on clothes.
3- It was strange moving to the countryside until it became part of our daily life. (GOT)

It wasn’t easy moving to the countryside, but we soon ____________________________ it.

4. The train leaves in 10 minutes, and it will take me at least 20 minutes to get there.

By the time I get to the station, the train__________________________________________.

5. I’m not sure, but I think the longest river in the world is The Nile. (MIGHT)

The Nile __________________________________________ the longest river in the world.

6. John thinks his mother will miss the bus. (LIKELY)

John thinks his mother ________________________________________ the bus.

7. The police will arrest the man only if he‘s the one who has stolen a car from the garage.

The police ____________________________________who has stolen a car from the garage.

8- He became a millionaire because he inherited all the money from his family. (3rd

If __________________all the money from his family ,______________________________.

9- ”Why are you living your present position, Mary?”, her boss asked her. – (ASKED)

Mary’s boss _____________________________________________________her position.

D- VOCABULARY. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions. (6x0.5=3)

a) I remember that her teaching style was not similar (1)______________ the rest of the
other teachers; she used to make us laugh and she cared about us. Now that I am a
teacher myself, I still look (2)______________to her. She will always be my role model.

b) He did not win the race, but he was still proud (3)______________ himself for not giving

c) My sister has always had a talent (4) ______________for comedy; I mean, her dream is to
become a stand up comedian one day! As (5)______________ me, I’m better at numbers.

d) The industrial revolution led (6)______________the expansion of the urban working

E. VOCABULARY. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word(s). Choose the correct option
from the box below. There are more options than you need. (6x0.5=3)

make a tricky thoughtful borrowed skilled


because lent make sense different as far as I know

backbreaking due to sympathetic as a matter of testing


a) Hey, has he returned that book you (1)______________him? I really want to read it now.

b) My mind just can’t (2)______________ of this information. It’s too difficult to understand.

c) The team’s success was largely (3)______________ the coach’s effort.

d) Thank you for sending my mother some flowers. It was a very (4)______________way to
show her your appreciation.

e) After 10 years of (5)______________ labor in construction, I decided to continue my


f) (6) ______________, this place has the best tapas in town. My Spanish friend
recommended it to me, and he really knows about tapas!

F.WORD FORMATION. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the
preceding gap. (11x1=11)

Hope for the future?

There’s no greater 1_____________ (PROTECT) from environmental hazards than

2____________________(KNOW). Many of today’s schools are committed to bringing
environmental 3______________ (EDUCATE) to the classroom. Unfortunately, many
students are 4 _______________ (AWARE) of the problems concerning the environment but
5____________ (HOPE) this project will help them to be better informed in the future. The
curriculum will include the 6_____________ (PROMOTE) of classroom projects in
7____________ (ADD) to community events. It will also provide students with specific 8
_______________ (INFORM) about the effect of 9____________ (POLLUTE) on health and
the ecosystem. In this way, the students will be able to make more intelligent 10
______________ (DECIDE) concerning the environment and learn how they can
11______________ (PERSON) make a difference.

G. WRITING. Choose ONE of the tasks below and write a 250/300 -word composition.
Remember to use the correct format and the vocabulary and structures you have learnt this
year. (33p)

1) A popular magazine has organised a competition where the readers have to contribute
articles on the following topic:
a) Write about surviving dangerous situations in nature.

-Describe dangerous situations people may experience when being in natural places and
explain the ways in which they can be prepared or what they can do to survive these
problematic situations.

-Make reference to a story of your own or of someone’s story you know of (it can be real or
not.) Talk about what happened, and how you or this other person survived.

2) Write a “providing solutions to problems” essay on the following topic:

- In a world where negative and sad news are constant, people tend to have a pessimist
attitude to life. How can people have a more positive attitude to life and/or a more positive
attitude to different unpleasant situations?

H.LISTENING. Listen to a careers adviser called Kerry. Complete the gaps with a word or a short
phrase. (10.05=5)

1. Kerry helps young people make_________________________ when it comes to their

2. One _________________________ Kerry uses with young people is a SWOT analysis.
3. Interpersonal skills and _________________________ you are good at are possible
4. When you _________________________, you may discover strengths you hadn’t thought of.
5. One boy’s free-time activity showed that he had a lot of _________________________, as
well as planning skills.
6. Kerry admits that _________________________ is the least enjoyable part of her job.
7. Being shy may prove to be a _________________________ in some occupations.
8. Opportunities show how you can _________________________ by using your strengths.
9. Kerry uses the example of working for a _________________________ to show what an
opportunity is.
10. Working as a _________________________ may be difficult for people who can’t afford it.


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