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Mata Kuliah : Pendidikan Bahasa Asing I Waktu : 90 menit

Dosen : Elasmendri SS, M.Si Sifat Ujian : OPEN
Kelas : JA235 Program Studi : Bisnis Digital


1. Bacalah soal dengan baik.

2. Jawablah dengan benar.
3. Tulis nama dan NIM di lembar jawaban.
4. Buat jawaban dalam file Microsoft Word, bukan PDF.
5. Lihat batas waktu pengerjaan.
6. Kumpulkan jawaban ke e-learning.
7. Jangan bekerjasama.

ISPs and Internet Access

Dear Mindeye Customer,

Last week, Websurf Internet purchased Mindeye Communications. Starting next month, we will be your ISP.

This new relationship has many benefits. First, you receive a free download of our exclusive VirusWatch 9.0
antivirus software to protect your computer. We’re also building all-new T-3 lines to accommodate the new
customers. This means greater bandwidth for broadband and T-1 users. Unfortunately, we’re discontinuing
dial-up service. But we are upgrading to DSL. Turn in your old modem to us to receive a new DSL modem
free charge.

You also receive our award-winning technical support. We’ll help you set up your wireless router to bring Wi-
Fi to your household. We can even help recover your password if you forget.

You’ll also have access to Websurf hotspots. You can find them at selected airports, restaurants and coffee
shops. All you need is a valid WebSurf account.

We look forward to providing you with the world’s best internet service.

Gina Matson
Customer Relations,
Websurf Internet

Evans, Virginia CS, 2014, ‘Career Path: Information Technology’, Express Publishing, United Kingdom.
1. Find two phrases from paragraph 1 (10)
new customers,greater bandwidth
2. What company will be the ISP? (10)
Websurf Internet
3. What is paragraph 2 about? (10)
The benefits of the ISP, like receiving technical support
4. Correct the following sentences.
a. Why she install this application. (10)
Why does she install this application?
b. He does not will find the error. (10)
He will not find the error.
c. The computer do is not running well. (10)
The computer is not running well
d. Are you can design the program new. (10)
Can you design the new program?
e. Are you buy computer expensive? (10)
Are you buying an expensive computer?
5. Make sentences from the following words.
a. save (10) b. quit (10)
A simple fact that is hard to learn is that the time to save money is when you have

If you get tired learn to rest, not to quit.

- Selamat Mengerjakan -

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