Yerby 2000

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The effect of a silane coupling agent on the bond strength

of bone cement and cobalt–chrome alloy

Scott A. Yerby,1,2 Adam F. Paal,3 Phillip M. Young,4 Gary S. Beaupré,1,2,4 Kevin L. Ohashi,4
Stuart B. Goodman2
Rehabilitation Research and Development Center, Veterans Affairs, Palo Alto Health Care System,
Palo Alto, California 94304
Department of Functional Restoration, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford University,
Stanford, California 94305
Department of Orthopaedics, Health Sciences Center, T18, SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794
Mechanical Engineering Department, Biomechanical Engineering Division, Stanford University,
Stanford, California 94305

Received 3 November 1998; accepted 16 July 1999

Abstract: Debonding of the cement–implant interface has lowing cement curing, and the other half were tested after
been hypothesized to be the leading initial indicator of failed immersion in saline solution for 60 days. The mean shear
total hip prostheses. Many attempts have been made to in- strength of the silane-coated samples ranged from 18.2 to
crease the bond strength of this interface by precoating 24.1 MPa, and the mean shear strength of the uncoated
the implant, increasing the implant’s surface roughness, samples ranged from 7.6 to 15.0 MPa. The increase in
and creating macro-grooves or channels on the implant. strength following silane coating noted in this study may
However, each of these approaches introduces new compli- increase the longevity of the implant by decreasing debond-
cations. This study introduces a unique silane coupling ing at the interface and, therefore, subsequent failure due to
agent used to chemically bond the bone cement to the im- loosening. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biomed Mater
plant. Cylindrical cobalt–chrome samples were treated with
Res, 49, 127–133, 2000.
the silane coupling agent, bonded to polymethylmethacry-
late, and pushed out to failure. The mean shear strengths
were compared to the failure strengths of untreated Key words: polymethylmethacrylate; silane; cobalt–chrome;
samples. Half of the specimens were tested immediately fol- interface; shear strength

INTRODUCTION cations such as excess wear debris, loosening, and ce-

ment fracture.
Although the loosening rates have declined dra-
Debonding of the implant–cement interface has
matically with the advent of improved cementing
been cited as the initial event of loosening in cemented
techniques and implant designs, failure due to
hip prostheses. Jasty et al. examined sixteen post-
debonding still is of primary concern.1–6 The implant–
mortem femora with total hip arthroplasties and de-
cement interface is inherently weak in tension and
scribed debonding at the implant–polymethylmethac-
shear since PMMA adheres poorly to metals. There-
rylate (PMMA) interface to be the most common early
fore it is believed that improving the bond strength of
feature.1 In all cases the PMMA–bone interface was
the implant–PMMA interface will increase the longev-
intact. Early debonding at the cement–metal interface
ity of the implant and improve the patient’s quality of
can lead to progressive interfacial motion and compli-
Previous investigations of the shear strength of the
Correspondence to: S. Yerby; e-mail: yerby@bones. interface between the PMMA and the implant have concentrated on variations of the: (1) implant materi-
Contract grant sponsor: Rehabilitation Research and De- als,7–11 (2) implant surface treatment,11–15 (3) im-
velopment Center of the Department of Veterans Affairs mersion environment and immersion duration,8,9,11–16
Contract grant sponsor: Kulzer GmbH, Wehrheim, Ger-
many and (4) bonding agent or precoat used to enhance
the bond strength.7,9,10,12–15,17 Implant materials com-
© 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0021-9304/00/010127-07 monly tested include cobalt–chrome, stainless steel,

and titanium alloys. Common testing environments

include ambient air, saline immersion at 37°C, and in
vivo animal models. The precoating of implants with
a thin layer of meticulously applied PMMA is done
in an attempt to improve the interfacial bond strength
between the surgically prepared PMMA and the
precoated implant. Other methods include applying
a silane coupling agent to the implant surface or
adding 4-methacryloyloxyethyl trimellitate anhydride
(4-META) to the PMMA mixture during prepara-
This study investigates the influence of a new silane
bonding agent on the shear strength of the implant–
PMMA interface. We hypothesized that (1) the addi-
tion of a silane coating will significantly increase the
strength of the implant–cement interface and (2) im-
mersion in saline solution for 60 days will lead to a
significant reduction in the interface strength of un-
coated specimens, but it will not lead to a reduction in
the interface strength of silane-coated specimens.


Cobalt–chrome (CoCr) samples were grouped into 60 si-

lane-coated and 60 uncoated samples. These groups were
equally sub-divided into samples immersed in saline solu- Figure 1. A cross-sectional schematic of the test sample
tion for 60 days (saline) and those tested immediately after and loading scenario. The CoCr rods were 38.1 mm in length
preparation (dry). Finally, each sub-group included three and 6.35 mm in diameter. The phenolic used to constrain the
available surgical bone cements. This resulted in 10 samples curing PMMA was 12.7 mm in height, 25.4 mm in outer
of each treatment. diameter (OD), and 19.1 mm in inner diameter (ID).
Cylindrical specimens measuring 38.1 mm in length and
6.35 mm in diameter were grit blasted using 250 micron
aluminum oxide (AlO2) grit sprayed at a pressure of 0.4 MPa placed atop each polymerizing specimen and pressed down-
from a regulated grit blaster (Basic Mobil, Model 2914-3250, ward to induce pressure on the curing cement and reduce
Renfert GmbH, Hilzingen, Germany). The resulting average the number of voids incurred during PMMA application.
surface roughness (Ra) following the grit blasting was 1.10 Prior to cement introduction, each CoCr specimen in the
microns, as measured by a surface profilimeter (Alpha Step, silane group was treated with an application of a prelimi-
Tencor Inst., Mountain View, California). This surface nary coating of Siloc Pre (Kulzer GmbH, Wehrheim, Ger-
roughness corresponds to a matte finish, as found on a num- many) followed by heating to 340°C. The specimens were
ber of commercial femoral hip prostheses.20 After the CoCr allowed to cool to room temperature and then were treated
specimens were grit blasted, each was blown clean with with an application of Siloc Bond (Kulzer GmbH, We-
pressurized air in an attempt to remove all of the AlO2 resi- hrheim, Germany), which was allowed to cure for 5 min in
due. The specimens then were placed in a Teflon mold, air. The specimens then were placed in the Teflon mold,
which positioned the CoCr specimen concentric and axial to co-axial with the phenolic tubes, and PMMA was applied as
a phenolic tube measuring 12.7 mm in height, 25.4 mm in described above.
outer diameter (OD), and 19.1 mm in inner diameter (ID). Once the PMMA was cured, half of the specimens were
After placement, the space between the phenolic ID and the immersed in a 37°C saline bath for 60 days and then tested
CoCr specimen was filled with curing PMMA (Fig. 1). The in shear to failure. The other half were tested to failure 24 h
PMMA was one of three formulations that included Sim- after preparation.
plex-P (Howmedica, Rutherford, New Jersey), Palacos E The testing consisted of applying an axial load to the CoCr
(Kulzer GmbH, Wehrheim, Germany), and Palacos R (Kul- and constraining the PMMA and phenolic (Fig. 1). All of the
zer GmbH, Wehrheim, Germany). Simplex-P and Palacos R specimens were displaced at a rate of 0.01651 mm/s, which
are standard viscosity cements, and Palacos E is a low vis- is equivalent to an imposed interfacial shear strain rate of
cosity cement. Each cement was mixed in a vacuum mixer at 0.0013/s8,24. Failure of the CoCr–cement interface was de-
50 kPa below atmospheric pressure and according to the noted by a dramatic decrease in load followed by a relatively
manufacturer’s specifications. The monomer was chilled to constant low load. The interfacial shear strength values were
0°C in order to increase the working time.3,21–23 After the calculated by dividing the measured failure load by the al-
PMMA was placed, a conforming aluminum plate was loy/cement contact surface area.

A three-factor analysis of variance with a level of signifi-

18.2 (1.7)
cance of 0.05 was applied to compare mean strength values.
Cement type, coating, and immersion environment were the

Palacos R
factors. A Scheffe’s post hoc test was used to determine sig-
nificant differences.


8.5 (0.8)
Mean Failure Strengths of the Test Samples For the Two Environments, Three Cements, and Two Surface Treatments

The mean shear strength of the silane-coated

20.5 (3.8) samples ranged from 18.2 to 24.1 MPa, and the mean

shear strength of the uncoated samples ranged from

Palacos E

7.6 to 15.0 MPa (Table I). The mean shear strength of

the silane-coated samples was 1.6 to 2.7 times the un-
coated samples (Fig. 2). There was no significant dif-

7.56 (1.4)

ference between the mean shear strength of the dry

samples (Fig. 2) and the saline-immersed samples (Fig.
3) for any given cement and coating except when com-
paring the uncoated Simplex-P samples. Also, for a
given immersion environment and surface coating, no
21.6 (3.4)

cement produced a significantly different mean shear

strength than any other cement except when compar-
Simplex P

ing the uncoated, dry Simplex-P to both Palacos R and

Palacos E (Fig. 2).

10.3 (0.6)


This study demonstrated an immediate improve-

21.7 (2.6)

ment of the mean interfacial bond strength following

Palacos R

9.7 (0.9)
22.7 (2.0)
Palacos E


9.5 (0.6)

Figure 2. A bar graph representing the mean shear

24.1 (2.2)

strength of the CoCr samples not immersed in saline solu-

tion. The two groups depicted are the silane-coated and the
Mean (STDEV)

uncoated samples. For each cement, the mean failure

Simplex P

strength of the silane-treated samples was significantly

greater than that of the untreated sample. In addition, the
mean failure strength of the uncoated Simplex-P samples

15.0 (1.7)

was significantly greater than the mean failure strength of

either of the Palacos cements. The error bars represent ±1
standard deviation.

strated in previous studies by Raab et al. and Price et

al., and in the present study, saline immersion does
not seem to degrade the properties of silane- or
PMMA-precoated implant samples.
The lack of interfacial strength degradation follow-
ing saline immersion of the uncoated samples in the
present study currently is unexplained for the Palacos
cements. One possible explanation is that the curing
cement was injected between the phenolic mold and
the implant and was pressurized following injection.
This may have allowed the curing cement to fill the
interstices of the grit-blasted implant and, with the
additional pressure, to form a much better fit/bond
than if the implant had been inserted into the curing
cement. By inserting the implant into the cement, the
potential for large voids at the bone cement/implant
Figure 3. A bar graph representing the mean shear interface is high, especially if the cement is not pres-
strength of the CoCr samples immersed in saline solution. surized while it cures. This lack of degradation also
The two graphs depicted are the silane-coated and the un- may be due to the difference in fluidity between the
coated samples. For each cement, the mean failure strength
of the silane-treated samples was significantly greater than Simplex and Palacos cements. The Palacos cements
that of the untreated sample. The error bars represent ±1 may allow for a closer micro-approximation between
standard deviation. the cement and the implant and restrict microleakage
at the interface. However, any theory is difficult to
defend without thoroughly examining the chemical
application of a silane bonding agent. However, the and mechanical interactions and differences among
expected degradation of shear strength of the un- the three cement formulations since the Simplex-P be-
coated samples following immersion in saline solution haved as expected and the interfacial shear strength of
was noted only for the Simplex-P cement. The increase the two Palacos formulations did not degrade with
in failure strength as a result of silane bonding is not immersion.
surprising and follows a similar trend reported by oth- When comparing push-out results, one must be
ers.9,13,17 In a dental application, May et al. reported a aware that the measured failure strength is sensitive to
48% (16.1 to 23.8 MPa) increase in the push-out loading and boundary conditions. An analytical study
strength of silane-coated CoCr bonded to PMMA com- by Dhert et al. demonstrated that push-out tests are
pared to uncoated samples.17 Earlier, they reported a very sensitive to the implant-support distance.25
69% (15.7 to 26.3 MPa) increase in push-out strength in Wang et al. reported on the push-out strength of the
grit-blasted specimens with similar surface treat- bone–PMMA interface and concluded that this test is
ments.13 Similarly, Raab et al., tested silane-coated sensitive to the diameter of the pin and the thickness
CoCr samples in shear to failure using a push-out of the substrate.26 However, a substantial amount of
model.9 Samples were tested 24 h after preparation the variability between results may have been due to
and after 30 and 60 days of saline solution immersion unpredicted porosity and resulting contact surface. Fi-
at 37°C. There was no significant difference in mean nally, Harrigan et al. reported on a finite element
push-out strength among any of the treatments analysis of a push-out test and concluded that the
(range: 24.8–25.7 MPa), yet each was significantly stress patterns along the interface are nonuniform,
greater than the mean strength of uncoated specimens with the peak stresses occurring at the bottom of the
(6.9 MPa). implant–cement interface near the support.27 Al-
Precoating with PMMA is another commonly used though the current model is not intended to mimic in
method for enhancing the bond strength between the the in situ loading conditions, it does allow for com-
implant material and the bone cement. Price et al. parisons between treatments within this study and
demonstrated a 124% (3.8 to 8.5 MPa) increase be- previous studies. The model used in the current study
tween uncoated and precoated samples; however, the was similar to that used by Ahmed et al. and Raab et
mean failure strengths were quite low.15 Also, they al., and this allowed for a direct comparison between
showed no significant degradation in mean failure the data from the current study and previous stud-
strength between PMMA precoated samples tested ies.9,24
immediately after preparation (8.5 MPa) and those A model that mimics the in vivo environment one
tested after 30 days of saline immersion (8.4 MPa) and step further than the previously mentioned push-out
60 days of saline immersion (8.3 MPa). As demon- models is an in vivo animal model. Barb et al. bilater-

ally implanted uncoated and PMMA-precoated CoCr failure strength, followed by the Palacos E and then
femoral prostheses in canine femora for 1, 2, and 6 the Palacos R. This trend also was apparent in the
months.12 The mean push-out strength of the pre- uncoated specimens except that the mean failure
coated specimens after 1, 2, and 6 months was 17.2, strength of the Palacos E and R were nearly identical.
12.1, and 12.6 MPa, respectively, while the mean In another comparison of cement formulations, Stone
strength of the unocated specimens was 8.4, 4.8, and et al. reported that there was no significant difference
7.4 MPa, respectively. On the other hand, Park et al. between the mean shear strengths of Palacos R and
showed no significant increase in the mean push-out CMW 1.10 However, in every comparison, they found
strength of uncoated and precoated rods implanted in a trend toward Palacos R providing the greatest shear
dogs for 3 weeks (1.65 and 1.71 MPa, respectively), yet strength. There has been a great deal of work con-
these were relatively low strengths.14 ducted to determine and compare the material prop-
Previous studies and the current experiment have erties of different cement formulations.29–34 The ulti-
demonstrated the increased interface shear strength mate shear strengths of the bulk cement measured by
achieved by precoating the implant with either a si- several investigators range from 20.1 to 41 MPa.35–37
lane bonding agent or a meticulously applied layer of These values are similar to the bone cement/implant
PMMA. The current study used three different PMMA interfacial shear strengths measured in the current
formulations and achieved mean failure strengths study as well as in many other studies involving either
from 21.7 to 24.1 MPa 24 h after preparation and from silane coupling agents or PMMA precoats. Therefore it
18.2 to 21.6 MPa after 60 days of saline immersion. would be expected that with the use of these adhesion
There was no significant degradation of the silane- promoters, implant failures at the cement/implant in-
coated samples after saline immersion. In addition, the terface would be reduced to nearly equal the number
mean failure strengths achieved after silane coating of failures seen originating within the cement mantle.
were comparable to the highest strengths achieved by All cemented femoral implants suffer from bone ce-
Raab et al. and May et al.9,13,17 The primary difference ment/implant debonding to some degree. In 1984,
between the current study and the previous studies Ahmed et al. stated that “an unbonded stem is likely
lies in the surface preparation of the implant surface. to be the predisposing factor for cement fracture.”24
Raab et al. described an elaborate surface prepara- Later, Harris wrote, “The mechanism of initiation of
tion that involved: (1) degreasing the metal specimen loosening of cemented femoral components is now
in 1N of boiling NaOH for 10 min, (2) rinsing the known. It is debonding at the cement metal inter-
specimen in H2SO4 for 10 s, (3) passivating it in HNO3 face.”5 And Davies et al. stated, “It is becoming in-
for 10 min, and (4) ultrasonically rinsing it in distilled creasingly apparent that debonding at the cement–
water twice for 5 min between each step.9 Finally, the metal interface is a common occurrence and is a criti-
specimens were coated with hydrolized gammameth- cal precursor to failure of the total hip replacement.”3
acryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (A-174). Earlier Sili- Finally, in 1997, Mann et al. wrote: “The stem–cement
coating methods involved ultrasonically cleaning the interface is considered to be the primary initiation site
metal specimens with Siliclean (Kulzer, Inc.), drying leading to eventual clinical loosening of cemented
the specimens, and pyrolytically depositing a silica femoral hip components.”38 All of these conclusions
coating before the silane coating was applied.28 To the were supported by the retrieval work of Jasty et al.1
contrary, the silane application technique presented in They studied the cement/implant interface of 16 ce-
the current study is relatively simple and easy to per- mented femoral implants at autopsy. The femurs were
form. The specimens are grit-blasted, blown clean, sectioned and microscopically examined for cement
pre-coated, heated, cooled, and coated again. The ini- cracks and loosening. They concluded that cement/
tial coating (Siloc Pre) is a solution of isopropanol, stem debonding occurred in all 16 specimens and that
water, acetone, tetramethoxysilane, soluble silica, and the majority of all the cement mantle fractures seemed
chromium tetrachloride. The final coating (Siloc Bond) to originate at the cement/stem interface—most nota-
is a solution of isopropanol, water, acetone, gamma- bly at the corners of the implant. The cracks seemed to
methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane, and a methac- occur initially at the distal tip and then secondarily in
rylate acid ester. The distinct advantage of the current the proximal/lateral region.
technique compared with previous silane techniques It is apparent that the previously cited studies are
are the decreased processing time and the lack of referring to implants that are in situ for a given
elaborate equipment or caustic materials needed to amount of time and cyclically loaded throughout their
prepare the specimens. lifetime. On the other hand, the present study ana-
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cant difference in mean failure strength was noted, data representative of the maximum interfacial shear
However, in all silane-coated samples, there was a strength. These data give insight into the added bond
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