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Chapter 26 - Assessing Male Genitalia and Rectum (Interview Guide)

Student Name: ___________________________ Date: __________________

Nursing Interview Guide to Collect Subjective Data from the Client

Questions Findings

Current Symptoms

1. Pain in penis, scrotum, testes, or groin?

2. Lesions on penis or genital area?

3. Lumps, swelling, or masses in scrotum, genital, or groin area?

4. Heaviness or dragging feeling in scrotum?

5. Difficulty urinating (hesitancy, frequency, or difficulty starting or maintaining a


6. Frequent nighttime urination?

7. Changes in color, odor, or amount of urine?

8. Pain or burning when urinating?

9. Incontinence or dribbling of urine?

10. Recent changes in sexual activity pattern or sexual desire?

11. Difficulty attaining or maintaining an erection? Problems with ejaculation?

12. Fertility problems?

13. Problems with bowels (bowel pattern changes, constipation, diarrhea, bowel
control, stool color, blood or mucus in stool, pain or itching in rectal area,

14. Anal and perianal problems (lumps, ulcers, lesions, rashes, redness)?

Past History

1. Previous problems related to your pelvic area (surgeries, treatments, and results)?

2. Date of last testicular exam by physician or nurse practitioner? Results?

Nursing Interview Guide to Collect Subjective Data from the Client

3. Tested for HIV? Why tested? Results?

4. Previous anal or rectal trauma or surgery, congenital deformities?

5. History of blood in stool?

6. History of prostate enlargement, treatment, or surgery on the prostate?

7. Pattern of health screenings (occult blood, prostate-specific antigen,

proctosigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy)?

Family History

1. Family history of prostate or testicular cancer? What type and which family

Lifestyle and Health Practices

1. Number of sexual partners?

2. Kind of birth control method?

3. Current or past exposure to chemicals or radiation?

4. Usual daily activity?

5. Heavy lifting?

6. Genital problems that affect daily activities?

7. Fertility concerns? Effect on relationship?

8. Sexual preference?

9. Concerns related to sex?

10. Stress related to sex?

11. Knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases and prevention?

12. Do you perform testicular self-examination? Date last performed?

13. Use of laxatives, stool softeners, enemas, or other bowel medications?

14. Practice anal sex?

15. Daily water/fluid intake?

16. Usual diet (high fiber and roughage, saturated fat content)?
Nursing Interview Guide to Collect Subjective Data from the Client

17. Usual exercise pattern?

18. Any effect on daily life from anal, rectal, or bowel problems or from prostate

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