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Persuasion 1

Writing Task
Write an introductory paragraph and two body paragraphs for your essay, using the
information in your chart from above. Follow the steps below.
l. In the introductory paragraph, include a hook, a
dy clear explanation of the controversy, and a thesis
Use Adverbs to Avoid Overgeneralizations
statement that expresses your point of view.
You can also use the following adverbs to
2. In the two body paragraphs, develop your arguments. avoid generalizing:
Use the opinions of experts if possible. apparently, generally, occasionally, often,
3. Include the following in your paragraphs: probably, regularly, reportedly, usually
• nonidentifying relative clauses; Video games generally portray heroes as
• phrases that limit overgeneralizations;
• at least three academic words from the essay in this unit: access, amendment,
commission, committed, consistently, controversial, debate, exhibit, expose, exposure,
federal, inappropriate, issue, media, monitor, negative, network, obvious, parallel, regulate,
regulation, restriction.
4. After you write your paragraphs, review them and make sure you avoided the mistakes in the
Avoid Common Mistakes chart on page 270.

,t of Peer Review
A Exchange your paragraphs with a partner. Answer the following questions as you read your
partner's paragraphs, and then share your responses.
l. Does the writer's introductory paragraph contain an effective hook, a clear explanation
of the controversy, and a strong thesis statement?
2. Are the arguments in the body paragraphs well supported?
3. Does the writer include nonidentifying relative clauses? If there are few or none, indicate
places where the writer could add one or two.
4. Does the writer use words or phrases that limit overgeneralizations? Underline them.
5. Is anything confusing? Write a question mark(?) next to it.
6. Provide one compliment(something you found interesting or unusual).

B Use your partner's comments to help you revise your paragraphs. Use the Writer's Checklist
on page A2 to review your paragraphs for organization, grammar, and vocabulary.


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