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BOT 111.

1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

Name: PONTICA, John Kenneth B. Date Performed: January 24, 2020

Section: BOT 111.1 LAB SEC MN Score: ________

Plant Cells

I. Introduction
Plant cells are the basic unit of life in organisms of the kingdom Plantae. They are
eukaryotic cells, which have a true nucleus along with specialized structures called
organelles that carry out different functions. Plant cells have special organelles called
chloroplasts which create sugars via photosynthesis (Biology Dictionary, 2020).

II. Objectives

In this exercise, the students were able to: First, identify the major parts of a plant
cell. Second, describe the functions of the major plant organelles. Third, estimate the
size of a cell. And lastly, accurately sketch and identify the different organelles and
other cellular components of the cells examined in this laboratory exercise.

III. Materials

The materials used in this exercise are microscopes, microscope/glass slides,

coverslips, razor blades, water, cork, Onion, Elodea leaf, potato, tomato, Zebrina
(Wandering Jew) stem, dropper and iodine solution.
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

IV. Procedure
A. Cork Cells

First, the students cut a thin section of cork, and make a wet mount. The
thinner the section, the better you can see individual cells. Observed the cells under
low power and located an area of the specimen where the cells are one or a few layers
and can easily be viewed in sharp focus. Afterwards, draws a few cork cells and
labeled the cell wall. The students used the following procedure to estimate the size
of a single cell. First is by using the high-power objective lens (40x) and counting the
number of cells that span the field of view. And to estimate the size of a cell, the
students get the diameter of the field of view by placing the centimeter side of a thin
plastic ruler under the field of view and count how many tick marks within a
centimeter is a millimeter. Lastly, they calculated the size of a single cell by dividing
the size of the field of view by the number of cells visible.

B. Onion Epidermis

First, the students obtained a sample of onion epidermis, taken from one of the
onion bulb scale. Then placed it at flat on the surface of the slide. Added one to two
drops of iodine solution to the onion epidermis. Afterwards, they examined the slide
with low power. Searched a region of the sample where the cells are flat on the
surface of the slide and when the area appears focus, they have switched it to high
power. Lastly, they tried locating the certain structures including cell wall, cytoplasm,
nucleus and nucleolus, draws and labeled it.

C. Elodea Leaf

First, the students made a wet mount of an entire Elodea leaf. Examined it on
low power then high power next. Lastly, the students locate certain structures, draws
and labeled it that includes cell wall, cytoplasm, central vacuole, chloroplasts and
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

D. Potato Tuber

First, the students cut a small, thin section from the interior of a potato (not
the skin). Then, made a wet mount. They examined the slide with low power and
looked for intact cells closely where amyloplasts can be seen. Switched to high
power. Lastly, after locating the cell walls, amyloplasts and intercellular spaces they
then draw and labeled it.

E. Tomato Pulp Cells and Epidermis

First, the students make a wet mount out of tomato fruit/pulp. They then
observed it using low power then switched it to high power. After locating the cell
wall, cytoplasm, plasmodesmata, and chromoplasts, they draw and labeled it.

F. Zebrina Stem

First, the students made a wet mount using a thin cross section of Zebrina
stem. They then observed it under low power and tried locating the raphide, colorless,
thin, elongated structures, usually with pointed ends. Lastly, they draw raphides and
labeled it.

V. Results and Discussion

This laboratory exercise, Exercise 2: Plant Cells used six (6) different plant
specimens. Hence, there will be six different results and discussions for each

A. Cork Cells

Cork cells make up the bulk of the outer bark of a woody plant. These cells
are dead; however, they continue to function in supporting the plant and protecting it
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

from pathogens and desiccation. At maturity the cells are dead and have no cytoplasm
or any internal structures.

Figure 1. Cork Cells under HPO or 400x Figure 2. Sketch of Cork Cells under HPO or
magnifications 400x magnification

Figure 1. shows Cork (cells) plant specimen under HPO or 400x

magnifications. It shows that the cell walls of the cells are visible. On the other hand,
Figure 2. is a sketch of same specimen under same magnification with label of the
cell wall.

Using the formula of getting size of the cells, diameter of the field of view
over the number of cells visible in the given magnification. So, in this experiment the
measurement of the eyepiece of the microscope that was used is 40 mm and the
estimated number of cells visible are around 56. To get the field of vision or the
diameter of the field of view, 18 mm is divided to 400x magnification which becomes
0.045 field of view. Lastly, divide 0.045 field of view to 56 visible cells and the result
will be 0.0008036 um. Therefore, the size of single cells are around 0.0008
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

B. Onion Epidermis

The onion bulb is composed of layers of thick leaves. Bulbs are modified as
storage organs for the plant. The leaves are the storage compartment of the bulb. They
surround a short, central stem. The layer you want to observe is the covering of the
leaf called the epidermis.

Figure 3. Onion epidermis under HPO or Figure 4. Sketch of Onion epidermis under
400x magnifications HPO or 400x magnifications with labels of

Figure 3. shows Onion (epidermis) plant specimen under HPO or 400x

magnifications. It shows that certain cell organelles are visible under this
magnification including nucleus, cytoplasm, cell wall and nucleolus. On the other
hand, Figure 4. is a sketch of same specimen under same magnification with labels of
certain organelles visible in this magnification.

C. Elodea Leaf
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

Elodea is an aquatic plat that is widespread in pond environments. It is

entirely submerged under water and is a common addition to aquariums. The leaves
of Elodea are quite thin at only two cell layers thick. This makes Elodea an ideal
specimen for observing photosynthetic cells and organelles.
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

Figure 5. Elodea leaf under HPO or 400x Figure 6. Elodea leaf under HPO or 400x
magnifications magnifications with labels of organelles

Figure 5. shows Elodea leaf plant specimen under HPO or 400x

magnifications. It shows that certain cell organelles are visible under this
magnification including nucleus, cytoplasm, cell wall and chloroplasts, central
vacuole. On the other hand, Figure 6. is a sketch of same specimen under same
magnification with labels of certain organelles and plastid visible in this

D. Potato Tuber

Potatoes are modified stems that grow underground and are used for storing
starch as a food reserve for the plant. These modified stems are called tubers. Because
these stems are modified for storing starch, they are composed primarily of
parenchyma cells.
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

Figure 7. Potato Tuber under HPO or 400x

magnifications Figure 8. Potato Tuber under HPO or 400x
magnifications with labels of organelles

Figure 7. shows Potato plant specimen under HPO or 400x magnifications. It

shows that certain cell organelles are visible under this magnification including cell
wall, amyloplasts and intercellular spaces. On the other hand, Figure 8. is a sketch of
same specimen under same magnification with labels of certain organelles visible in
this magnification.

E. Tomato Pulp Cells

Many fruits and flowers are brightly colored. These red and yellow colors
result from the presence of specific pigments within the cells of these organs. Those
pigments are contained within chromoplasts, plastids that contain pigments other than
chlorophyll. Chromoplasts vary in their intercellular location, however, there is
usually a cluster that forms the nucleus.
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

Figure 9. Tomato Pulp under HPO or 400x Figure 10. Tomato Pulp under HPO or 400x
magnifications magnifications with labels of organelles

Figure 9. shows Tomato Pulp specimen under HPO or 400x magnifications. It

shows that certain cell organelles are visible under this magnification including cell
wall, and chromoplasts. On the other hand, Figure 10. is a sketch of same specimen
under same magnification with labels of certain organelles visible in this

Tomato Epidermis

The epidermis of the potato is the outer covering of the fruit; it is often
referred to as the skin. These cells, and many others in plants, are interconnected by
small extensions of the plasma membrane that extend through holes in the cell wall,
called plasmodesmata. In some plant cells, plasmodesmata are clustered in a region
called a primary pit field. The primary pit field is an area of the cell wall where the
cell wall is particularly thin.
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

Figure 11. Tomato Epidermis under HPO or

Figure 12. Tomato Pulp under HPO or 400x
400x magnifications
magnifications with labels of organelles

Figure 11. shows Tomato Pulp specimen under HPO or 400x magnifications.
It shows that certain cell organelles are visible under this magnification including cell
wall, cytoplasm and plasmodesmata. On the other hand, Figure 12. is a sketch of
same specimen under same magnification with labels of certain organelles visible in
this magnification.

F. Zebrina Stem

Zebrina is a common plant for groundcovers and hanging baskets. Zebrina

produces long, thin, needle-like crystals of calcium oxalate. These crystals are usually
referred to as raphides because of their elongated shape. You cannot see these crystals
within intact cells by using a compound light microscope, however you can see them
extending out of damaged cells.
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

Figure 13. Zebrina Plant under HPO or 400x Figure 14. Zebrina Plant under HPO or 400x
magnifications magnifications with label of raphides

Figure 13. shows Zebrina Plant specimen under HPO or 400x magnifications.
It shows that raphides are visible under this magnification. On the other hand, Figure
12. is a sketch of same specimen under same magnification with label of raphides
visible in this magnification.

VI. Conclusion
After conducting the laboratory exercise, the students concluded that there are
different organelles in a plant cell that plays specific and important roles or functions
in order for it to survive. Upon conducting the laboratory, they have realized that the
specimens used may belong to same Kingdom Plantae still there are evident
differences between each sample. And that includes the shapes of its cells, the
thickness of its cell walls, the size of certain organelles and even the colors of the
cells. Lastly, they have learned that the size of a single cell can be computed by
dividing the size of the field of view by the number of cells visible.

Guide Questions

1. How does the shape of the cork cells differ from that of epidermal cells?
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

- The cork cells shape is irregular and inconsistent in shape and size while
the epidermal cells shape is more consistent and appears to be rectangular.
2. What is the primary role of the cell wall? How can you use this information to
explain the differences in thickness of the walls seen in the various
- The primary function of the cell wall is for protection and structural
support for the cell. It also allows cells to develop turgor pressure, which
is the pressure of the cell contents against the cell wall and could be
another reason why there are different thickness of the walls in the various
3. How are raphides different from plastids? Refer to their respective functions
and structures.
- Raphides are tiny, needle-shaped crystals made up of calcium oxalate
while plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found inside plants
and some algae. In terms of function, raphides serves as a storage and
provide protection against herbivores while plastids are responsible for
manufacturing and storing food for the cell.
4. What is a plastid? What characteristics are shared by all of the plastids studied
in the exercise?
- Plastids are group of phylogenetically and physiologically-related
organelles found in all types of plants and algae. In their roles, the
different types of plastids contribute to plant metabolism thus promoting
plant growth and development. Plastids are double-membrane organelles.
5. What is the function of epidermis?
- The primary function of epidermis is to protect the plant from a variety of
harmful factors or environmental stressors including microbes, chemical
compounds as well as ultraviolet light among others. It also helps prevent
water loss in the cell and cover or protect the seeds, stem, roots and leaves
of a plant.
6. Describe the role of plasmodesmata.
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

- A plasmodesma is a channel through the cell wall that allows molecules

and substances to move back and forth as needed. The plasma membrane
in the cells are interconnected in the plasmodesmata, allowing substrate
movement between the cells.
7. Compare and contrast chromoplasts and chloroplasts with respect to cell type,
color, and function.
- Chloroplasts and chromoplasts are two types of colorful plastids present in
plants. The pigments present inside each plastid are responsible for the
color. They are both heterogeneous organelles surrounded by two
membranes. Chloroplasts is a plastid in green plant cells which contain
chlorophyll and which photosynthesis takes place. While, chromoplasts
refers to a colored plastid other than a chloroplast, that contain yellow or
orange pigment that functions to biosynthesize and store pigments.
8. Is an amyloplast more similar to a chloroplast or a chromoplast? Why?
- The main function of amyloplast is to store and synthesize starch through
the polymerization of glucose which can also happen in chloroplast.
Amyloplasts and chloroplasts are closely related and amyloplasts can turn
into chloroplasts.
9. Describe the benefits of crystal formation in plants.
- The biological roles for calcium oxalate crystal formation in plant growth
and development include high-capacity calcium regulation, protection
against herbivory and tolerance to heavy metals.
10. Label the organelles in the diagram of a cell below.
BOT 111.1 Plant Morphoanatomy and Diversity

VII. References

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