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Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

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Inclusive green environment for all? An investigation of spatial access

equity of urban green space and associated socioeconomic drivers in China
Yutian LU a, Running CHEN b, Bin CHEN c, Jiayu WU d, *
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, PR China
College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang Province, PR China
Division of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Institute of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang Province, PR China


• Big geospatial data was used to portray

three types of green spaces in China:
community green spaces, street green­
ery, and public parks.
• The spatial equity level of community
green spaces, street greenery, and public
parks is comprehensively assessed for
263 cities in China.
• Discrepancies in the spatial equity of
UGS across the country are found.
• GDP and the population growth rate
increase the spatial equity level of
community street green space and street
greenery, while economic development
and increased in-migration can worsen
the spatial equity level of public green


Keywords: The inequitable distribution of urban green spaces (UGS) has attracted increasing attention given the important
Urban Green Space (UGS) role of green environments for sustainable development. However, many recent studies have yielded different
Green justice results between cities in different geographic regions and development stages and even within the same city.
Spatial heterogeneity
Hence, this study addresses two research gaps in the green justice literature: (1) What are the spatial equity levels of
Urban greening policy
different types of UGS, and what are their differences as well as spatial distribution characteristics? (2) What
Green exposure differences exist in the spatial equity levels of UGS in cities at various socioeconomic stages? On the basis of these
gaps, we explain why contradictory findings have been found in the existing literature. This study focuses on three
types of UGS in China, namely, community green spaces, street greenery, and public parks, and explores the driving
effects of socioeconomic factors on the spatial equity of UGS in 263 Chinese cities. The results show that GDP and
the population growth rate increase the spatial equity of community green spaces and street greenery. By contrast,
economic development and increased in-migration can worsen the equity level of public green space accessibility.
Our study provides evidence and insights for Chinese central and local governments to implement highly effective
and sustainable greening programs to promote inclusive urban greening in Chinese cities.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: wujiayula@gmail.com (J. WU).

Received 10 June 2023; Received in revised form 7 October 2023; Accepted 12 October 2023
Available online 15 October 2023
0169-2046/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

1. Introduction equity for UGS. Remarkably diverse outcomes emerged from these
studies, thus indicating very inequitable, partially inequitable, or very
In 2021, more than 56 % of the global population lived in urban equitable conditions. Similar phenomena have been observed in other
areas (UN-Habitat, 2022). With rapid urbanization, cities worldwide are countries. For instance, Barbosa et al. (2007) found that public parks
increasingly becoming crowded and polluted (Blanco et al., 2009). provided excellent services for socially disadvantaged groups and senior
Urban green spaces (UGS), as a vital component of the urban landscape, citizens in Sheffield, UK. However, the vegetation cover within resi­
provide various social and ecological benefits. Mounting evidence in­ dential yards was less available in more SES-advantaged communities.
dicates that UGS, as essential places for entertainment, exercise, and In Montreal, Canada, a distinct pattern emerged: inequity in vegetation
social activities in cities, can promote physical activities among resi­ cover was more pronounced in public green spaces, whereas it was more
dents, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity (Rundle et al., balanced in private green spaces (Pham et al., 2012).
2013), and reduce stress levels and mental health problems (Wood et al., The establishment and maintenance of different types of UGS vary
2017). Bauwelinck et al. (2021) observed that individuals residing in significantly, thus potentially influencing their spatial distribution (Li
regions with elevated levels of green vegetation exhibited improved et al., 2016). For instance, street greenery and urban parks are funded
stress-coping abilities and a notably decreased mortality rate. and managed publicly, thereby benefiting the broader public. In
As one of the most critical public infrastructures, equitably distrib­ contrast, the vegetation within communities primarily serves home­
uted UGS promote sustainable urban development and mitigate health owners, with maintenance responsibilities falling on them and their
inequality, which is a crucial component of environmental justice property management entities. The different distribution of various
(Sugiyama et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2022). However, numerous studies types of UGS can yield disparate spatial equity results in studies focused
indicate that spatial accessibility of UGS is not equitable. The accessi­ on the same city. Therefore, research that is solely concentrated on a
bility of UGS frequently varies depending on a range of demographic single UGS type may lead to an incomplete or biased evaluation of
factors (including income, age, race, education level, and social status), spatial equity. Consequently, accounting for multiple UGS types in
as highlighted by several studies in the related literature (Byrne et al., investigating spatial equity becomes imperative. In this study, we clas­
2009; Lineberry, 1977; Xiao et al., 2017). UGS are often concentrated sify UGS within the built-up areas of Chinese cities into three categories:
around neighborhoods characterized by high socioeconomic status community green space, street greenery, and public park green space
(SES) due to local financial biases and the effects of gentrification (Chen (PGS).
et al., 2021; Wolch et al., 2014). Despite implementing targeted in­ Community green space pertains to the green space within a resi­
terventions, such as creating green areas near low-SES communities, dential community. China’s economic transformation over the past
disadvantaged populations still need to relocate to regions with fewer century has accelerated social segregation, the commodification of
green spaces because of escalating land costs (Kim et al., 2022). These housing, and wealth disparities, thus resulting in residential segregation.
viewpoints have been extensively debated and globally substantiated Gated communities have become the prevailing residential model in
throughout the preceding decades (Boone et al., 2009; Kaczynski et al., China (Wu et al., 2019). Homeowners and contracted property man­
2009). Consequently, investigating the unequal distribution of UGS agement firms collectively manage these enclosed residential areas. This
availability among specific social groups has emerged as an acknowl­ unique arrangement enhances property security and deters crime
edged environmental justice subject for scholars and governmental (LaCour-Little, 2001). Hence, affluent homeowners fully enjoy the
bodies. privileged green spaces (Fleischer, 2007). However, the insularity and
While many cities may have experienced some degree of spatial physical barriers that are inherent to gated communities often curtail
inequity of urban green space accessibility, recent studies on it have social interaction among neighbors and hinder external access to and
found varying results between cities in different geographical areas and enjoyment of the privileged green amenities. This circumstance exac­
development stages and even within the same city (Lafary et al., 2008; erbates spatial inequity related to UGS (Huang & Jiang, 2009). Taxes (e.
Nesbitt et al., 2019). These studies (Wang et al., 2022; Wu et al., 2022; g., property and real estate taxes) are employed in many Western nations
Zhang et al., 2020) have argued that the issue of spatial equity may have to mitigate such inequity (Lucy, 1981). However, in China, comparable
been overemphasized (However, we must emphasize that access is a tax mechanisms are not yet fully implemented (Xiao et al., 2017). The
multifaceted concept that encompasses physical and non-physical as­ extent of spatial equity concerning community green spaces in Chinese
pects. This research focuses solely on the physical dimension of access. cities remains uncertain, thereby necessitating further investigation.
Non-physical dimensions, such as cultural access, fall beyond the scope Consequently, our study gauges community green spaces by calculating
of this study. We will adopt the term “spatial equity” throughout the the proportion of privileged green spaces within a community, which is
remainder of this paper to represent our focus more concisely on the denoted as the “green space rate.”.
spatial equity of UGS accessibility.). For instance, a survey of the spatial Street greenery, which encompasses elements such as street trees,
inequality of UGS in Seattle contradicted earlier assertions of substantial shrubs, lawns, and other verdant features, plays a vital role in enhancing
disparities in accessibility within the city. Additionally, the provision of the visual appeal and pedestrian friendliness of urban streets, thus
green spaces does not discriminate against people on the basis of their constituting a fundamental aspect of urban green spaces (Schroeder &
SES or at least does not favor those with advantaged SES (Williams et al., Cannon, 1983). Current research underscores the tendency for in­
2020). The conflicting research findings can likely be attributed to two dividuals with lower incomes to reside in locales characterized by
main reasons. limited street greenery, while those with higher SES more frequently
inhabit areas graced with abundant street greenery . This pattern often
1.1. Reasons for the contradictory results of the studies on UGS spatial emerges due to individuals with greater SES relocating to suburban re­
equity gions where street greenery is more abundant (Koprowska et al., 2020).
Furthermore, the financial contributions of lower-SES communities
1.1.1. Studies on different types of green spaces often fall short of what is necessary to maintain or enhance greenery in
Despite the growing understanding of spatial equity of UGS, most proximity to their residences. Despite these disparities, recent studies
researchers still evaluate it on the basis of a single indicator. To elucidate suggest a degree of equitable access to street greenery (Chen et al., 2021;
this point, we consider the case of Shanghai, a notable metropolis. Wu Wang et al., 2022). To assess the spatial equity of street greenery, we
and Kim (2021b) utilized vegetation area coverage. Meanwhile, Chen utilized open-source street view images to quantify the Green View
et al. (2020) considered the walking time to the nearest public green Index (GVI), a metric that gauges the extent of street greenery.
space. In addition, Xiao et al. (2017) employed the green space rate of Disparities in the accessibility of public parks have been extensively
communities. These indicators were used to measure the level of spatial documented (Rigolon, 2016). Given that PGS is considered a vital public

Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

good, private entities typically lack the motivation and capability to access to green spaces or proximity to transportation hubs, even within
provide them without government or planning authority intervention properties of the same price range. Moreover, a market-oriented econ­
(Choumert & Salanié, 2008). Local governing bodies entirely regulate omy suggests that local businesses would strive to offer superior-quality
the placement and dimensions of PGS (Buzbee, 2000; Choumert, 2010). products in a competitive market (Greer & Doellgast, 2017). A diverse
In light of considerable fiscal limitations, local governments have a clear and high-quality goods supply enhances the prospects for individuals
motive to subject PGS location decisions to capital accumulation and with lower SES to inhabit communities with a high green space rate.
speculative market activities (Chen & Hu, 2015), particularly in devel­ Consequently, cities at higher socioeconomic stages may exhibit more
oping countries such as China. China’s unique urbanization model, favorable levels of spatial equity in community green spaces.
which is rooted in land financing, involves local governments Economic progress brings the potential for increased funding allo­
commercializing and capitalizing on urban land by transferring land-use cated to establish and maintain green infrastructure (Chen & Wang,
rights to private entities for residential or commercial development 2013a; Zhu & Zhang, 2008), thereby suggesting an overall improvement
(Ding et al., 2014; Lan, 2021; Lin & Yi, 2011). Although the capital in the quality of street greenery (Chen & Hu, 2015; Fuller & Gaston,
accumulation from land development empowers local governments to 2009). However, this assertion does not universally hold true, as evi­
uphold green infrastructure (Lichtenberg & Ding, 2009; Yew, 2012), denced by a study conducted in the United States, which found that
market forces and the pursuit of short-term gains often compel Chinese urban street greenery coverage initially declined alongside economic
cities to repurpose green spaces for other land uses (Wu & Kim, 2021b). development (Zhu & Zhang, 2006). Nonetheless, the rationale guiding
Consequently, local authorities often establish PGS on cost-effective urban development and green infrastructure in Chinese cities signifi­
peripheral lands, thus allowing capital to exert substantial influence cantly diverges from that of Western cities (Zhao et al., 2013). In addi­
over the green space planning process and exacerbating the limited tion, a yardstick competition exists among Chinese cities (Caldeira,
access to PGS for low-SES communities. To gauge accessibility to PGS, 2012; Yu et al., 2016). If a city is awarded the honor of National Forest
we employed big geospatial data, real-time navigation technology, and a City, National Garden City, or National Eco-City, the principal officers of
two-step floating catchment area method. that city will obtain better political prospects (Chen et al., 2017).
Consequently, officials may find themselves increasingly motivated to
1.1.2. Studies on cities at varying socioeconomic stages enhance street greenery while concurrently pursuing economic growth.
Contrasting results regarding the spatial equity of UGS can also be This drive to meet the criteria for National Garden City, even to a
attributed to variations in the study periods and the socioeconomic minimal extent, could inadvertently contribute to an elevation in the
development stages of the examined cities. Cross-city studies have spatial equity level of street greenery.
underscored that spatial equity levels can be highly influenced by an Existing literature suggests that while economic development has the
interrelated mix of socioeconomic and environmental factors (Chen and potential to fund urban greening efforts, it may also have adverse effects
Wang, 2013b). Socioeconomic indicators, which are represented by on equitable access to PGS (Song et al., 2021; Wu & Kim, 2021b). Chi­
GDP, sway the government’s allocation of land and financial resources nese cities at the advanced socioeconomic stage often rely heavily on
for UGS, thereby affecting their spatial arrangement (Zhu & Zhang, land finance and are eager to extract revenue from land (Lin & Yi, 2011;
2008) and subsequently influencing UGS’s spatial patterns (Nesbitt Xu et al., 2009). However, this reliance carries inherent risks and re­
et al., 2019). Cities at varying socioeconomic stages exhibit diverse wards. On the one hand, this off-budget revenue is anticipated to un­
population sizes and industrial structures; factors can also compete or derwrite urban infrastructure development, stimulate labor and
cooperate with UGS, thus shaping urban landscapes (Li, Ma, et al., 2021; material markets, and foster local economic expansion (Chen & Hu,
Wang & Yuan, 2017). Notably, economically advanced cities, such as 2015). On the other hand, sustainability within the framework of land
Beijing and Shanghai, boast enhanced financial capacities and larger finance hinges upon the prosperity of the city’s economy. In instances of
populations, which allow them to provide a greater extent of UGS. declining economic growth rates, the repayment of substantial debts
However, these densely populated and industrialized metropolises must arising from infrastructure projects becomes a formidable challenge
grapple with intricate UGS planning and management by addressing (Lan, 2021). Consequently, local authorities are inclined to prioritize
various challenges, such as air quality and residents’ recreational de­ robust economic growth over urban planning. This focus often alters the
mands. Furthermore, cities at distinct socioeconomic stages are char­ previously uniform green space distribution patterns. The new aim is to
acterized by differing levels of governance ability (Marino et al., 2016). create an urban layout that better promotes economic growth and at­
Specifically, economically prosperous cities tend to wield more robust tracts increased investment (Wu & Kim, 2021b). It can generate unde­
financial capabilities and greater governance efficiency. Hence, they are sirable ramifications, such as spatial dislocation and gentrification (Wu
able to facilitate superior UGS planning and management. Conversely, & Kim, 2021a), thereby diminishing the spatial equity level of PGS.
financially disadvantaged cities may encounter substantial hurdles in Over the last few decades, China has directed substantial efforts to­
this aspect (Rigolon et al., 2018), thus profoundly influencing UGS’s ward urban greening as a means to mitigate the negative impacts of
spatial equity level (Wu & Kim, 2021b). urbanization, particularly addressing the issue of inequitable access to
The socioeconomic stage of a city affects the accessibility to different UGS (Zhao et al., 2013). However, Chinese urban managers have pre­
types of green spaces in distinct manners (Bolitzer & Netusil, 2000; dominantly employed quantity-based metrics, such as park count and
Panduro & Veie, 2013). The three UGS types correspond to three distinct green space area per capita, which fall short of capturing the prevailing
types of goods: community green spaces as private goods, peri-residen­ UGS access disparities across the country (Li et al., 2018; Wang, 2009;
tial street greenery as quasi-public goods, and PGS as public goods. Wu & Kim, 2021a). Moreover, Chinese cities’ diverse socioeconomic
Variations in the spatial equity of these UGS types are expected to be stages and natural settings further complicate the situation. The asso­
affected by the city’s socioeconomic stage for several reasons. ciation of these factors with the spatial equity level of UGS remains
Cities at a more advanced socioeconomic stage typically manifest inadequately investigated. Detailed analysis is required to evaluate the
large market-driven economies (Afonso & Furceri, 2010; Ding et al., spatial equity level of UGS accessibility in Chinese cities thoroughly
2014), thus leading to a broad array of goods available in the market and using appropriate indicators, thus strengthening the theoretical foun­
reduced governmental control over the provisioning of private goods. dation for future research. Furthermore, its relationship with urban so­
Hence, more economically developed cities likely offer a broader range cioeconomic stages should be studied to evaluate greening practices in
of residential communities with varying degrees of green spaces, thus China and develop appropriate policies.
potentially intensifying social inequity. However, our perspective is
rooted in the idea that housing, as a highly interchangeable private
commodity (Chen et al., 2017), may cater to diverse needs, such as

Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

2. Research questions and value must focus on ensuring an even distribution of existing resources among
all citizens. Hence, acknowledging the divergent equity requirements of
This study, which concentrates on China, aims to tackle two key cities at varying socioeconomic stages, our study also aims to offer
research questions: (1) What are the spatial equity levels of different tailored green space planning recommendations that cater to their
types of UGS, and what are their differences as well as spatial distribu­ unique environmental and social needs. The potential implications of
tion characteristics? (2) What differences exist in the spatial equity this research are substantial. They encompass the promotion of sus­
levels of UGS spatial access in cities at various socioeconomic stages? tainable urban development, enhancement of public health, and alle­
The importance of this study lies in addressing the theoretical viation of social inequalities. The upcoming section will detail the
quandary stemming from conflicting findings in the current literature methodologies employed, followed by Section 3, which will unveil the
regarding the spatial equity of various UGS types while simultaneously findings. Then, Section 4 will delve into an extensive discussion of the
offering empirical insights for practical urban planning. Theoretically, results.
this research introduces a novel perspective to reconcile the scholarly
discord surrounding the spatial equity of UGS. By comprehensively 3. Data and methods
evaluating the spatial equity of diverse UGS types within cities repre­
senting different socioeconomic stages, we strive to expound upon the 3.1. Study area
contradictory conclusions found in the existing literature. This
comprehensive analysis will enrich the comprehension of environmental To enhance the evaluation’s reliability and ensure result compara­
justice and the impact of socioeconomic factors on spatial equity, bility, the urban built environment of Chinese cities was specifically
especially within developing countries. Practically, the outcomes of this selected as the study area. The boundary of the urban built environment
study hold dual significance. First, they provide empirical guidance to in 2020 was extracted from the National Land-Use/Cover Database for
urban planners, which can aid them in devising highly effective UGS China (NLUD-C), a dataset created by the Chinese Academy of Sciences
planning strategies. Through an extensive investigation encompassing that features a spatial resolution of 30 m. Derived from Landsat TM
three distinct types of UGS across 263 Chinese cities, our objective is to images and China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite images, the NLUD-C
present real-world case studies and recommendations for policymakers. encapsulates land use coverage information dating back to 1990
These recommendations, which are grounded in empirical evidence, are (https://www.resdc.cn). Rigorous sampling procedures have validated
poised to facilitate the judicious allocation and provisioning of specific the NLUD-C’s classification accuracy, which exceeded 90 % (Lai et al.,
green space types, thus fostering equitable distribution. Second, we 2016). Subsequently, we selected 263 cities boasting sufficiently
recognize that the approach to equity varies among cities at different comprehensive data for our study, encompassing 4 municipalities, 14
socioeconomic stages. While less developed cities prioritize funda­ sub-provincial cities, 16 provincial capitals, and 229 prefecture-level
mental infrastructure development, their more developed counterparts cities (Fig. 1). To account for the potential of accessing green spaces

Fig. 1. Study area.

Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

beyond the delineated boundaries, an extension of the study area for provider. At each sampling point, we captured four images spaced at 90-
each city was established, which encompassed a buffer zone extending 5 degree intervals to cover a complete 360◦ street view. Then, these in­
km beyond the urban built environment. dividual images were merged to create a comprehensive panoramic
3.2. Measurements of urban green space This study conducted batch computations on processed street view
images leveraging machine-learning techniques. We opted for the
This section offers a detailed exposition of the measurement meth­ Cityscapes dataset for initial training in machine-to-image recognition
odologies applied to three types of UGS in China (Table 1). (https://www.Cityscapes-dataset.com/datasetoverview/). This dataset
encompasses a wide array of street view images from 50 different cities,
3.2.1. Measurement of community green space spanning various seasons and weather conditions. The dataset is avail­
Community green space is quantified by the green space rate within a able in two versions: fine and coarse. The finely labeled dataset consists
community, which is defined as the ratio of the sum of all types of green of 5,000 finely labeled images, while the coarsely labeled dataset con­
spaces within the community area to the total community area. The sists of 5,000 finely labeled images and 20,000 coarsely labeled images.
green ratio typically remains unchanged post-community construction For our research, we utilized the finely labeled dataset for training,
(Gu et al., 2021). Regulatory guidelines stipulate a minimum green specifically employing 2,975 images for training, 500 for validation, and
space rate for each city. A higher green space rate and a lower building the remaining 1,525 for testing. We employed the TensorFlow and
area correspond to heightened resident comfort (Zhang et al., 2017). DeepLabV3 models for training, optimizing, and fine-tuning the model
The data on residential communities were derived from Soufang (https using techniques such as dilated convolution and ASPP to improve the
://www.sofang.com) in 2018, encompassing information on 301,243 serial neural network architecture. These techniques enhanced model
residential communities nationwide, including details such as location, precision and expedited its operational speed. During the training phase,
average price, green space rate, and household count. However, some parameters were set as follows: the batch size was 4, the initial learning
communities exhibited incomplete data on green space rate and rate was 0.001, and the neural network training crop size was adjusted
household numbers. To complete this information, we employed web to match the original size of the Cityscapes images. The remaining pa­
crawling technology via Loupan (https://www.loupan.com). The Min­ rameters followed the default settings of the DeepLabV3 model. For
istry of Housing and Construction closely scrutinizes these datasets due validation, a subset of 75 finely labeled Cityscapes images was used, thus
to their impact on residential project valuations, urban planning, and yielding a mean intersection over a union (mIOU) of 79.6 %. Subse­
greening policies. To validate the reliability of this data, we cross- quently, we used the trained model to perform batch computations on
referenced the data with satellite imagery, which revealed an approxi­ the collected street view images. The pixel proportion of vegetation
mately 10 % variance between the current green space rate and officially areas within the images was calculated, which obtained the GVI at each
provided values (Appendix A). sampling point (Fig. 2).
For community i, we computed the average GVI of the roads within
3.2.2. Measurement of street greenery the 500 m buffer zone of community i using the road length as the
To evaluate street greenery, we utilized the Green View Index (GVI), weight with the following formula:
a metric that quantifies the proportion of green pixels in street view ∑

GVI imn
images. Since 2007, street view images captured by vehicle-mounted n Lin

GVI i = ∑ m ,
cameras have been widely accessible on map provider platforms, thus n Lin
forming the foundational data for GVI computation. The evolution of
GVI measurement techniques, which has progressed from manual Pho­ where GVIi represents the green view value of community i. GVIimn
toshop approaches (Yang et al., 2009) to spectral analysis (Li et al., represents the green view value of the m-th street view on the n-th road
2016) and deep learning (Wang et al., 2021), has facilitated large-scale within the catchment around community i. Lin is the length of the n-th
and cost-effective GVI assessments. The street greenery assessment in­ road.
volves two core steps: street view data collection and GVI computation.
The process of collecting street view data is as follows. We initially 3.2.3. Extraction and accessibility measurement of PGS
generated sampling points at intervals of 100 m, leveraging road We identified and consolidated the presence of PGS within urban
network data sourced from OpenStreetMap. Subsequently, we dis­ built-up areas using POIs and AOIs from three reputable sources. POIs
patched sampling requests for street view images to the Baidu Maps are specific location references, which are often represented as co­
open API, which serves as China’s principal map and street view image ordinates. Meanwhile, AOIs denote defined geographical areas that are
usually encompassed by polygonal boundaries that consist of a sequence
of coordinates. The collection of POIs transpired in August 2022, which
Table 1
Definitions and assessment methods for urban green space.
was sourced from categories encompassing tourist attractions and nat­
ural features on Baidu Maps, as well as the scenic attractions category on
UGS type Definition Assessment Method
Amap. AOIs were extracted from boundary data pertaining to green
Community Refers to green space within Assess by calculating the ratio spaces from OpenStreetMap, Baidu Maps, and Amap, all dated August
green space residential areas, including of community green space area 2022. By cross-referencing and validating these datasets against each
various types of land occupied to total area to obtain the
by green vegetation, such as community green space rate.
other, we ensured the integration of comprehensive and accurate green
lawns, gardens, etc. space boundary data (further insights provided in Appendix B). For the
Street greenery Refers to greenery on both Use open-source street view delimitation of community boundaries, we applied the same approach
sides of streets, such as trees, data to calculate the Green by combining AOIs sourced from Baidu Maps and Amaps. To refine the
lawns, etc. View Index (GVI) to assess the
assessment of PGS accessibility, we extended the conventional two-step
level of street greenery.
Public parks Refers to green spaces in urban Use the two-step floating floating catchment area method. Our innovation involved the creation
built-up areas that are open to catchment area method to of a real-time measurement technique for navigation routes utilizing the
the public, including parks, calculate the accessibility of Amap API. This technique facilitated the calculation of routes and travel
greenways, pocket parks, etc. each community to public times from communities to nearby PGS, thereby assessing the accessi­
green spaces as an assessment
bility of each community to PGS (see Appendix C for details).

Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

Fig. 2. The technical process of GVI calculation from street view images.

3.3. Statistical methods Yuan, 2017). As a supplement, electricity consumption indirectly offers
insights into urban residents’ economic status and quality of life (Chen
3.3.1. Methods for measuring the UGS spatial equity level and its spatial et al., 2022). The housing price, which acts as a gauge of economic
distribution characteristics development in Chinese cities (Wang et al., 2011), encapsulates multi­
The assessment of spatial equity to UGS among different residential farious economic aspects, such as supply–demand dynamics, investment
communities within a city utilizes the generalized Gini index (Biró & behaviors, and residents’ purchasing power (Li & Fan, 2020). Elevated
Néda, 2020; O’Donnell, O’Neill, Van Ourti, & Walsh, 2016), which housing prices typically signify a heightened cost of living, robust eco­
provides a refined algorithm tailored to this study’s distinctive aspects. nomic capabilities, ample employment prospects, and an abundance of
Unlike the original algorithm, the horizontal axis is now defined by the public resources (Yip & Chen, 2021). Notably, pronounced economic
average housing price within each residential community. Sorting disparities emerge across cities at distinct administrative levels (Yu &
communities from lowest to highest prices, the vertical axis illustrates
the cumulative green access levels across these communities. This
alteration accounts for SES and green space access better because it Table 2
Explanation of analysis variables and descriptive statistics.
explicitly depicts the impact of socioeconomic factors on access. The
Gini index ranges from 0 to 1, and a lower Gini index means people in Variable Definition Mean S.D. Min. Max.
different SES can assess a more even amount of green space. Dependent variables
Subsequently, variance computation and the k-means clustering al­ GINI1 Gini of green space rate 0.2488 0.056 0.1 0.418
gorithm are employed to delve deeply into China’s spatial distribution (equity of community
greenspace accessibility)
characteristics and patterns of spatial equity of UGS. The consistency of
GINI2 Gini of GVI (equity of street 0.23 0.052 0.097 0.379
spatial equity levels across the three green space types is determined by greenery accessibility)
calculating the Gini index variance for each type within each city. GINI3 Gini of accessibility (equity of 0.2988 0.071 0.089 0.453
Smaller variance values signify more consistent spatial equity perfor­ park space accessibility)
Independent variables
mance across the three green space types, whereas larger variance
POP Population (1 million) 4.9324 3.903 0.112 32.05
values denote greater variations. The k-means clustering algorithm, a POP_G Population growth rate (from 1.0545 0.214 0.309 2.25
classical unsupervised technique, effectively groups datasets on the basis 2010 to 2020)
of feature similarities. By employing this algorithm to identify urban GDP Gross domestic product per 0.6511 0.321 0.174 1.659
clusters with analogous performance and subsequently analyzing their capita (10,000 CNY/person)
IND2 The proportion of secondary 0.388 0.102 0.058 0.651
characteristics and patterns, we can further investigate potential ratio­
industry in total GDP
nales behind the observed phenomena and provide tailored recom­ (fraction)
mendations to enhance UGS spatial equity. Moreover, determining the IND3 The proportion of tertiary 0.4924 0.082 0.274 0.835
optimal number of clusters for the k-means algorithm holds significance. industry in total GDP
Here, the elbow method is employed to achieve this objective (Soto & (fraction)
POW Power consumption (1trillion 0.0179 0.032 0.006 0.529
Pintó, 2010). Wh/km2)
PR_A Average value of house price 0.6894 0.583 0.292 5.228
3.3.2. Methods for finding the driving factors of the UGS spatial equity level (10,000 CNY/m2)
The equitable distribution of UGS correlates with socioeconomic and ADM China’s administrative grade
environmental factors. To dissect this relationship, we employed the
ECZ China’s economic zoning
Gini index as the dependent variable and amassed an array of inde­ (Dummy)
pendent variables. After correlation analysis, we selected socioeconomic Control variables
variables that were significantly correlated with the Gini index as in­ TEM Average temperature in 2020 0.6109 0.087 0.394 0.778
dependent variables, including total population, population growth (100 ◦ F)
GR_A Average value of greening rate 0.3534 0.036 0.259 0.498
rate, GDP per capita, the proportion of secondary industry in GDP, the ND_A Average value of NDVI 1.0792 0.184 0.228 1.706
proportion of tertiary industry in GDP, electricity consumption, and AC_A Average accessibility of public 1.5756 0.955 0.05 6.874
average housing price (Table 2). The proportion of secondary or tertiary green space
industry within the overall GDP delineates a city’s economic structure, NGC National Garden City title
thus potentially shaping green space demand and patterns (Wang &

Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

Padua, 2007), thus rendering the administrative level a pivotal inde­ (Fig. 4). Across the green space rate, the Gini index spanned from 0.09 in
pendent variable. Moreover, the geographical location of Chinese cities Shanghai to 0.34 in Yangjiang, Guangdong Province. Concerning the
profoundly influences their economic trajectories. The eastern region, GVI, the range spanned from 0.07 in Beijing to 0.39 in Jiangmen,
buoyed by its proximity to the sea and efficient transportation, has Guangdong Province. As for accessibility, the range spanned from 0.08
magnetized substantial investments, thus fueling rapid economic prog­ in Wuzhong, Ningxia Province to 0.44 in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province.
ress. Conversely, geographical constraints have tempered the economic Notable disparities in the spatial equity of UGS are evident among
advancement of the central and western regions. Despite once serving as cities categorized by different regions and administrative levels, thus
China’s industrial bastion, the northeastern region’s economic growth illustrating a marked spatial heterogeneity (Fig. 4). The average values
has waned in recent years. Acknowledging these economic imbalances among cities across distinct economic subdivisions show that the Gini
steered by geographical attributes (Bai et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2016), index is higher in eastern cities across all three UGS types. The issue of
cities were categorized into eastern, central, western, and northeastern inequitable UGS access is particularly pronounced in eastern cities.
zones, which are aligned with the economic subdivisions announced by Regarding administrative levels, eastern cities with elevated adminis­
the National Bureau of Statistics of China. As such, dummy variables trative statuses generally exhibit lower Gini indices. Comparatively,
were instantiated as independent variables. provincial capital and prefecture-level cities in the western region
Eco-geographic city factors, including temperature, average green display nearly identical spatial equity levels. In the northeast,
space rate, average NDVI, and average PGS accessibility, were included prefecture-level cities show superior spatial equity levels compared with
as control variables. Precipitation and humidity were disregarded and provincial capital cities. Appendix D provides a detailed outcome of the
omitted from the analysis because of their non-correlation with the local spatial autocorrelation analysis.
dependent variable. Furthermore, a dummy variable was integrated: To delve deeply into the exploration of regional disparities in the
National Garden City. This descriptor is conferred upon cities aligning spatial equity of the three UGS types and their geographic heterogeneity,
with national greening and municipal construction standards, thus we conducted variance calculations.
signifying superior greening infrastructure. Illustrations of greenspace- The findings reveal significant disparities in the spatial equity levels
related factors and average housing prices across cities are presented of the three types of green spaces within certain developed coastal
(Figure 3). metropolitan regions, such as the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl
Before constructing the multivariate linear model for further verifi­ River Delta (Fig. 5). Conversely, in more established metropolitan re­
cation, we tested the spatial autocorrelation of variables. We checked gions, such as the Shandong Peninsula and Jilin, the spatial equity levels
the model for residual independence, normality in distribution, and the of the three types of green spaces tend to be more uniform. This
collinearity of the residuals. The results show that the three dependent discrepancy can be attributed to factors such as the city’s historical
variables show no multicollinearity between the variables (VIF < 5). The context. Specifically, the more established urban clusters exhibit more
residual distribution of the model is also normal and does not correlate balanced urban planning owing to their lengthy development history
with the residual generation sequence of another observation value. A and relatively stable economic structure. Thus, spatial equity is more
multiple linear regression model is used to identify the relationship consistent across all types of UGS. Conversely, emerging coastal
between the spatial equity of urban green exposure and urban economic metropolitan regions undergoing rapid economic growth and urbani­
and environmental indicators. The equation of the multiple linear zation may have encountered imbalances in their urban planning efforts,
regression model is as follows: thus leading to disparities. To delve further into the analysis, we utilized
∑K the K-means clustering method to classify the study areas, which could
GINI i = β0 + β XiK + εi
1 K yield more nuanced results. Employing the elbow method, we deter­
mined that the optimal number of clusters was six.
where GINIi is the Gini index of city i, β0 is the intercept, βK is the slope of Based on the outcomes of the clustering analysis (Fig. 6), a significant
variable K, XiK is the value of variable k, and εi is the residual term. portion of cities within the Yangtze River Delta, a prominent metro­
politan region in China, are categorized within the first cluster. This
4. Results cluster reveals distinct inequity in the access to all three types of urban
green spaces, with particular emphasis on PGS. This pattern could be
4.1. Spatial equity of UGS and its spatial distribution linked to the rapid shifts in land use occurring within the Yangtze River
Delta. Within this context, certain areas may experience encroachments
Evident disparities among cities are discernible in the Gini index upon PGS or uneven distribution of such spaces. In the case of the Pearl

Fig. 3. (a) Contribution of green space rate, GVI, and PGS accessibility to 263 Chinese cities. The closer the color of the city is to green (blue, red), the higher the
average green ratio (GVI, PGS accessibility) of the city. (b) Comparison of housing prices in different provinces

Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

Fig. 4. Spatial equity level of Chinese cities and its spatial heterogeneity.

River Delta, another renowned metropolitan area, most of its cities fall reform and opening-up policy. Its urban planning and development have
into the second cluster. This cluster exhibits comparatively lower spatial assimilated external experiences and concepts, recognizing the impor­
equity levels across all three types of green spaces. However, PGS shows tance of equitable distribution of green spaces in cities from an early
relatively better spatial equity than the first cluster. This distinction may stage. Cities positioned in the fifth cluster are predominantly located in
be attributed to the fact that the Pearl River Delta has been at the the western region. Within this cluster, all three types of UGS demon­
forefront of China’s economic exchanges since the initiation of the strate high levels of spatial equity. This pattern may be associated with

Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

Fig. 5. (a) 3D visualization of the Gini index ranking in the three dimensions (b) Spatial visualization of variance of Gini index. The closer the color is to blue
indicates that this city shows similar spatial equity levels of three types of UGS, and the closer it is to red indicates that this city has significant differences in spatial
equity levels of three types of UGS.

Fig. 6. Result of clustering.

the relatively lower degree of urbanization in the western region and its in the western region and highest for those in the eastern region. This
distinct land use strategies. outcome implies that the lowest level of spatial equity for the three types
of UGS is observed in eastern cities, while the highest spatial equity level
is found in cities within the western region.
4.2. Impact of the socioeconomic stage on spatial equity of UGS
5. Discussion
The multiple linear regression analysis outcomes revealed that so­
cioeconomic factors’ influence on the spatial equity of community green 5.1. Difference between the spatial equity of three types of UGS
space and street greenery is relatively similar (Table 3). Population size
demonstrates a negative correlation with the Gini index, thus suggesting In our analysis of the geographic distribution of spatial equity, we
that larger metropolitan areas tend to exhibit a more balanced distri­ uncovered some intriguing patterns. First, we observed that community
bution of these two types of green spaces. In contrast, the regression green spaces exhibit notable spatial equity in western cities, which is
results pertaining to PGS accessibility indicate positive correlations with contrary to our expectations given that previous research highlighted
GDP per capita, population, and the Gini index. This outcome implies high levels of access inequity regarding UGS in these areas (Song et al.,
that cities at a higher socioeconomic stage tend to experience less equity 2021). The challenging climate in western China, which is unfavorable
regarding PGS accessibility. Moreover, an increased proportion of sec­ for vegetation and maintenance, often results in uneven urban vegeta­
ondary and tertiary industries is associated with decreased spatial equity tion distribution and relatively low per capita urban green space
for all three types of UGS. coverage (Wen et al., 2019). Consequently, green space provision is
The inequity arising from variations in economic subdivisions and often concentrated within residential communities to meet policy re­
city levels is evident in the results. Municipalities display the smallest quirements, thus leading to better spatial equity for community green
coefficient, while provincial cities show the largest coefficient, thus spaces.
indicating that higher city levels lead to lower levels of spatial equity for Second, our findings revealed that street greenery displays enhanced
all three UGS types. From the perspective of economic subdivisions, all spatial equity in northeastern cities. This phenomenon may be
three models consistently show that the coefficient is smallest for cities

Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

Table 3
OLS regression results on spatial equity level of three types of green space.
Model1 (GINI1) Model2 (GINI2) Model3 (GINI3)
coef p-value coef p-value coef p-value

Independent variables
POP − 0.002 0.093* − 0.002 0.044** 0.004 0.034**
POP_G 0.026 0.057* 0.003 0.893 − 0.028 0.181
GDP − 0.007 0.096* − 0.019 0.319 0.035 0.090*
IND2 0.1 0.007*** 0.079 0.171 0.117 0.040**
IND3 0.081 0.108 0.066 0.09* 0.286 0.000***
POW 0.05 0.482 0.124 0.261 0.233 0.032**
PR_A − 0.008 0.247 − 0.02 0.046** − 0.019 0.066*
Municipality − 0.08 0.009*** − 0.096 0.037*** − 0.101 0.033**
Sub-provincial city − 0.039 0.016** − 0.034 0.0143 − 0.038 0.125
Provincial capital city − 0.006 0.644 − 0.009 0.613 − 0.008 0.7
Eastern city − 0.003 0.778 0.042 0.02** − 0.002 0.915
Central city − 0.028 0.012** 0.028 0.093* − 0.003 0.86
Western city − 0.02 0.050* 0.002 0.921 − 0.005 0.729
Control variables
TEM 0.102 0.003*** 0.007 0.897 − 0.012 0.818
GR_A 0.027 0.695 − 0.022 0.837 − 0.246 0.019**
ND_A − 0.005 0.683 0.014 0.49 0.015 0.445
AC_A 0.001 0.868 0.01 0.058* − 0.003 0.63
NGC 0.013 0.025** − 0.001 0.984 0.02 0.020**
_cons 0.059 0.236 0.119 0.121 0.164 0.031**
R-squared 0.55 0.496 0.441
*** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1.

Note: Kindly check Appendix Part in folder.

attributed to the trend of reverse urbanization observed in these areas, effect of population out-migration on equity aligns with our initial hy­
characterized by population decline and deindustrialization (Li et al., pothesis. This result could be attributed to the increased revenue
2018). However, thanks to the government-initiated and implemented available to local governments due to GDP growth, thus allowing for a
“Three North Shelterbelt Program,” northeast China is also where urban greater emphasis on achieving equitable green space distribution targets
green space has rarely grown during the rapid urbanization in China and allocating financial resources for uniform vegetation coverage (Zhu
since the 21st century (Chen et al., 2017). The reverse urbanization of & Zhang, 2008). Conversely, economic growth and population in-
the northeast region instead allows the government to undertake higher migration appear to be linked to poorer spatial equity in PGS accessi­
quality green space development and redevelop public spaces (e.g., bility. The overall increase in green space within cities, driven by
planting sidewalks and urban furniture), thus bringing about better increased GDP and population growth, has occurred more in the low-
spatial equity of street greenery. This result suggests that we can address cost urban periphery land (Wu & Kim, 2021b). These newly built
spatial access inequity in specific areas using a management approach of green spaces are often located near upscale neighborhoods, which will
compact cities and landscape transformation (Li et al., 2021). further attract high SES groups and exacerbate inequity in PGS acces­
Finally, our analysis reveals a concerning trend of poor PGS acces­ sibility (Yasumoto et al., 2014).
sibility in eastern coastal cities despite their elevated administrative The influence of the secondary and tertiary industries on equity
levels and strong economic foundations.This result is potentially due to levels across all three types of UGS is notably negative. This correlation
the significant loss of green space experienced by nearly all cities in the is particularly evident in the case of the secondary sector, and its impact
Yangtze River Delta region during continued urbanization (Chen et al., is associated with changes in urban land use patterns due to industrial
2017). The unchecked expansion of built-up land has contributed to a advancement. Over the past few decades, the economic focus of Chinese
notable decline in the region’s ecological environment. Despite the cities has been driven by industrialization, with land parcels sold by the
policy requirement for equal distribution of PGS, our findings under­ government at lower prices to facilitate rapid industrial transformation
score that PGS accessibility remains unequal. A significant portion of and revenue generation (Lan, 2021). Consequently, green space is pri­
low-SES groups, particularly those situated on the urban–rural periph­ marily relegated to areas unfit for construction, such as water bodies or
ery, are unable to meet the authorities’ requirement of being within a sloping terrain (Wang & Chan, 2019). This practice significantly affects
15-minute radius of green space access (Chen et al., 2020). This obser­ accessibility, as industrial land expansion often encroaches upon natural
vation aligns with the conclusions drawn by Xiao, Wang, et al., (2017). green areas, thus leaving minimal impact on the green ratio within
The inequality stems from a planning approach that prioritizes the equal communities.
distribution of PGS without adequately addressing spatial equity con­ Distinct variations in the spatial equity of UGS are evident across
cerns. Addressing this disparity requires a shift toward more equitable cities with varying economic subdivisions and administrative levels. In
green space planning strategies that consider the specific requirements contrast to previous studies that omitted the influence of residents’ SES,
of different socioeconomic groups and prioritize their accessibility to our findings highlight that higher administrative levels of cities are
urban green areas. associated with greater equity. Hence, cities at higher administrative
tiers are more attentive to addressing inequalities arising from wealth
disparities. Such local governments emphasize equal green space access
5.2. Drivers of spatial equity of UGS
to achieve residents’ well-being, urban sustainability, and local
competitiveness (Li et al., 2021). These priorities are typically pursued
In the regression analysis concerning community green space and
after achieving economic growth objectives, which subsequently attract
street greenery, per capita GDP significantly negatively affects the Gini
essential resources, such as labor, capital, and technology, thus
index, while the population growth rate has a positive effect. This
contributing to the professional advancement of local officials (Chen
outcome implies that economic growth can facilitate the spatial equity
et al., 2017).
of community green space and street greenery. Additionally, the positive

Y. LU et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 241 (2024) 104926

5.3. Limitations Data availability

Some limitations of this study should be acknowledged. First, we The authors do not have permission to share data.
used housing prices to reflect the SES of residents without considering
other relevant factors, such as age, income, and gender. Such factors can Appendix A. Supplementary data
be added to capture the variability of SES better in future work (Reyes
et al., 2014). Second, throughout urban renewal processes, alterations to Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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