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ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023 – Sem 1 “Excellence Through Knowledge”
Group: Friday 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
MODULE: Organization and Management/1 (MAN3001/MAN2001)
Unit 1 – Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Forms Tutorial Questions #1
Do a thorough analysis of the question/s you were assigned in class/Online as indicated in the Table
below these instructions as an ‘Out of Class Education Assignment.’ It should be done critically and at
least a year 2 university level. I will never ask you an easy question. As such, all questions require
depth and breadth. All students should do the last question but no submission is required at this time.
You are expected to upload a seven (7) page essay of your thoughts by next week Friday September 23
2022 at 11:00 a.m. via in the Submission slot for your Group under Week # 1.

You are then expected to make a formal 10-15 Minutes presentation of your paper/work beginning
Week 3. You must have visuals (PowerPoint/Word Document) for your presentation, and it must be a
PDF Version for it to be made visible/projected on the Blackboard Collaborate Platform.

You are expected to link all your responses to the OB Dependent and Independent variables we are
studying as applicable.

You must have research findings and an evaluation of your thoughts/work for all questions.
At this level of your studies, whenever you write/make presentations, you must use references in the
body of the document/presentation and provide a reference list at the end of your paper. For each paper,
you are required to have the minimum of five pertinent references. Please use the University of
Technology, Jamaica’s excellent Library resources (Journals to assist you). Your papers will not be
marked without the use of effective references and therefore will be returned to you for resubmission.
Please make use of the ‘Writing Matters’ Documents available as well as to which you were taught.
You are also expected to give a balanced view of ideas in your responses (do not forget the context/s)
When writing papers/making presentations, think like a lawyer/judge – you must provide evidence of
your claim/s.
Please note that Tutorial Sheet # 1 will be the longest tutorial. It is the foundation on which the other
tutorials are built. As such, it will be done while the other tutorials are intertwined/introduced and may
last for weeks.
All questions belong to all students – therefore, all students are required to peruse all the questions and
be prepared to ask their peers critical questions relating to their responses during the presentations.
The reference to intellectual points means points that your thoughts are to be ‘concrete, sound, deep,
beyond the surface, has references, well-structured, well analyzed, well-researched etc.).
Please note when doing quantitative analysis – the minimum number of persons to survey is 30.
If you are absent from a class, you may be asked to do all the questions that you missed or be given
additional tutorial questions that mirror the questions that were covered.
Please access the Tutorial Assessment Sheet under the Tutorial Section of the Module Platform for how
you will be graded and prepare accordingly.

If you cannot do the Assignment, please asks Jesus, Krishna or your Sacred Being to assist you!
The table on page 2 below states each student’s name and his/her individual question.

The Assessment Sheet for the written paper and the presentation are on pages 7 and 8 of this document.
Please prepare accordingly.
List of Names and Questions Assigned

Assigned First Name Surname Name First Name Surname Name Assigned
Question Question
1 Golaub 12
2 Lauren Maxwell Parker 13
3 Shanelle Reynolds Richards 14
4 Zangief Massey Smalling 15
5 Mekhi Mitchell Gayle 16
6 Maurice McKenzie Lee 17
7 Ricardo Thomas Morris 18
8 Nathan 19
9 Tushane McLean 20
10 Latanya Cameron 21
11 Shanelle Reynolds 22


Tutorial 1 – Questions

In your own words, define the terms ‘organization’, ‘management’ and ‘organization and

Provide a referenced definition for all three terms.

What five reasons would you give to justify why management is important?

Where does management happen? Explain how excellent management looks?

What are the different types of management within the broad field of management?
What seven indicators of excellent management would you give for a company/organization in the field
of accounting, economics, quantity surveyor, construction, computing & information technology and
animation development and production? Select a company of your choice from one the mentioned
fields and evaluate quantitatively how effective has the organization been using the indicators you have
provided. What is your overall assessment of this organization? Design a table showing what five
positive ways can the study of management impact your respective field of study? What five critical
questions would you asks about management/managers given your analysis of these simple but
profound questions?

In your own words, what do we mean by the term universality of management? Explain the term using
five (5) intellectual perspectives to support your response. Select a Regional issue from current news
and justify in what five ways are the issues about management. For those said issues, provide
quantitatively how effectively the issues are being managed. Is management a science or an art?
Justify. There are numerous arguments and confusion surrounding the notion if ‘the field of
management should be regarded as a profession.’ What is your analysis of this notion? What five
critical questions would you asks about management/managers given your analysis of the overall
Using the driving forces that were discussed in Lecture 1, evaluate quantitative how five forces have
affected the way we manage in Jamaican. Apply the three most critical driving forces to the
management of COVID19 in the Jamaican and the United States of America’s contexts. Design a table
showing quantitatively how COVID19 is being managed in Jamaica and the United States of America.
What five critical questions would you ask about management/managers given your analysis of the
overall question?

In what way is the Jamaican 2022 Budget that was read in Parliament last year about management?
Give ten (10) intellectual perspectives from the budget to shape your analysis. Design a table showing
two reasons for each, why a computer scientist, a quantity surveyor, a construction manager, an
economist, an accountant and a person in animation development and production should be aware of
the budget from a management perspective? From the lens of management, justify quantitatively the
relevance and effectiveness of the Jamaican Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation. What five
critical questions would you asks about management/managers given your analysis of the overall

More than three years ago, Manchester United Football Club was said to be in a lot of problems. Assess
the current situation. Explain seven perspectives to justify why the issues you mentioned are about
management? From a management standpoint, construct a table with at least seven indicators and
evaluate quantitatively the Jamaican local football industry to that of the Europeans. If you were
elected as the president of the Jamaican Football Federation (JFF), what five major changes would you
make within your first year in office and what five major challenges do you envision? What five
critical questions would you asks about the management/managers of Football in the Caribbean given
your analysis?

Interrogate the phrases “we should stop fighting crime and start managing crime” from four
perspectives. Using the process of management diagram that was given to you in Lecture #1, evaluate
the crime situation in Jamaica from seven relevant perspectives quantitatively. Construct a table
showing two points each on how the fields of computing and information technology, accounting,
economics, quantity surveying, construction management and animation development & production
can aid in this scenario based on your evaluation? What five critical questions would you asks about
management/managers given your analysis of the crime situation?

Mr. Desmond Hall, a former Lecturer in the School of Building and Land Management (UTech,
Jamaica) stated that “there are more mismanaged companies in Jamaica than there
are well-managed ones.” He went further to say that “this module should be called
Introduction to mismanagement.” Evaluate the merit of Mr. Hall’s claim using five (5)
examples from the Jamaican context. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statements?
Using seven indicators, evaluate quantitatively general state of customer service received in Jamaica?
Give intellectual perspectives to support your position and make sure to include at least one
perspective from your field of study? What five critical questions would you asks about
management/managers given your analysis?

Justify by way of three perspectives how the management of a sole proprietor is different from that of a
partnership? What three main views do you have of how our Jamaican sole proprietors and partnerships
manage their businesses? Select a sole proprietor and partnership company of your choice and evaluate
quantitatively using primary research findings conducted by you, how well are they managed. What
five critical questions would you asks about management/managers given your analysis?

Justify by way of three perspectives how does management look for corporations and not-for-profit
organizations in Jamaica? What three main views do you have of how those two types of
organizations are managed in Jamaica? Select a corporation and a not-for-profit organization of your
choice and evaluate quantitatively using primary research findings conducted by you, how well are
they managed. What five critical questions would you asks about management/managers given your

Interrogate the phrases “the resource curse” from four perspectives. “Africa is not poor; it is simply
poorly managed.” Evaluate this statement from a management perspective from ten different
perspectives qualitatively and quantitatively. What five critical questions would you asks about
management/managers given your analysis?

One of your classmates (Mary) told you that there is no relationship between and amongst the
management functions. Please give her a detailed response. The function that deals with seeing if the
organization is on target towards its goals is the most important; defend this point if necessary. If not,
why? Select a company of your choice or assess Jamaica as a whole or select a single issue that lends
itself to analysis, design a table showing quantitatively how effective have they been at the four
functions of management with sufficient qualitative justifications. What five critical questions would
you ask about management/managers given your analysis?

Access and assess at ( HYPERLINK "" the youtube video titled “Boy Mauled by Dogs
Returned Home - January 7 2021.” What are the issues in this case? In what five ways is this
situation about management? Which Jamaican ministry is responsible for these affairs and to what
extent is/are the current law/s effective in dealing with these situations? Using a table, show
quantitatively the extent of those issues you have identified in Jamaica? Using primary research
findings conducted by you, what are Jamaican perspectives about what must be done about the dogs,
owners of the dogs, fines, litigation and amongst other issues? What are your thoughts of the child’s
prospects and implications for his development?
In your own words, define the term ‘role.’ - provide two referenced definitions of the term. Give a
concrete example of each of the informational roles and say how those roles play out in a computing,
accounting, economics, quantity surveying, construction management and an animation development &
production firm/organization/institution? How different would these roles look for the government?
Select an insurance company of your choice and evaluate quantitatively how effective have they been
at these roles. What five critical questions would you ask about management/managers given your

Explain each of the interpersonal roles with the use of a concrete example and say how the manager of
a computing, accounting, economics, quantity surveying, construction management and an animation
development & production company/institution/organization would use them. Select a company on the
Jamaica Stock exchange of your choice and evaluate quantitatively with qualitative evidence how
effective have they been at these roles. What accounts for how well they do or not do? What five
critical questions would you asks about management/managers given your analysis?

Explain each of the decisional roles with the use of a concrete example and say how the manager of a
computing, accounting, economics, quantity surveying, construction management and an animation
development & production company/institution/organization would use them. Select a Hospital of your
choice that has been in the news lately and evaluate quantitatively how effective have they been at
these roles. What accounts for how well they do or not do? What five critical questions would you asks
about management/managers given your analysis?

Explain four (4) differences between efficiency and effectiveness? Which is more important for the
Jamaican government given the current COVID19 Pandemic? To what extent can the country achieve
both? Design a table showing how the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness are measured for a
doctor, a judge, and a bank manager. Using the concepts of efficiency in the context of a computing,
accounting, economics, quantity surveying, construction management or an animation development &
production company/institution, evaluate quantitatively how effective have they been in the Jamaican
context. What five critical questions would you ask about management/managers given your analysis?

Some political pundits have argued that Former President Donald Trump (USA) does not possess the
level of managerial skills required to lead his country’s affairs. From a management standpoint, to what
extent do you agree or disagree with this assertion? Give five (5) intellectual points to support your
position. Construct a table and using a scale between 1-10, ten being the highest and 1 being the lowest,
evaluate Mr. Trump against the managerial skills taught in this module? Give four (4) intellectual
justifications to support your answers. Based on your analysis so far, as a consultant, if Mr. Donald
Trump should ask you if he should run for office in 2024, what four pieces of information would you
Ask three people you know who are employed at an organization ‘how effective are the three
levels of management in their organizations?’ Using a table, give a report of your findings
making sure to evaluate quantitatively what they are effective or ineffective in/at. What five
conclusions can you draw from the findings given the New Management Competencies
mentioned in Lecture 1? What five critical questions would you ask about
management/managers given your analysis?

Access and assess the youtube video titled “'Inner Management' under Week 1 presented by Sadhguru;
what are the key points of his philosophy. For each of the points identified, to what extent do you agree
or disagree? Using a table, show quantitatively the extent to which Jamaicans currently practice these
tenets? Using primary research findings conducted by you, to what extent would these tenets be a
viable alternative to incorporate into corporate Jamaica. What five critical questions would you asks
Sadhguru about Inner management given your analysis?

What five major changes in the fields of computing & information technology, accounting, economics,
quantity surveying, construction management and animation development & production would you say
Jamaica has undergone over the last 10-15 years? Design a table showing quantitatively the driving
forces as presented in Lecture #1 for each change you have listed as well as stating salient points for
your analysis. To what extent would you say that those changes are courtesy of managers and
management? What five critical questions would you asks about management/managers given your

Jamaican managers in the music business have longed been criticized for not managing Reggae Music
on the local and international scenes and music on a whole in Jamaica. Evaluate the merits of this
claim. Explain seven issues which have led to this situation and to extent to which they are
management issues? Based on your evaluation, if you were made the next Minister in charge of Youth
and Culture, design a table showing what two recommendations would you make for each issue you
mentioned to make the management of music more sustainable. Your recommendations must have
what, why, who, when and how? What five critical questions would you ask about
management/managers given your analysis?

Is the year 2022 the appropriate time for Jamaican banks to raise interest rates and banks fees? Do a
primary study showing these issues quantitatively including their driving forces. Design a table
showing at least three perspectives each of the banks, the customers, government and the shareholders.
From a management context, based on your analysis, what would be your decision if you were the
CEO of one of the banks? Design a table showing what two recommendations would you give to the
different stakeholders in managing the competing views and perspectives at a Press Conference hosted
by your organization having analysed the issues.
Do Jamaica’s Maroon communities have a legitimate claim to their sovereignty? Do a primary study
showing these issues quantitatively including their driving forces. Design a table showing at least three
perspectives each of the JA government and the Maroon communities. From a management context,
based on your analysis, what would be your decision if you were the Government of Jamaica? Based
on your decision, what two management implications do you envision for each group? Design a table
showing what two recommendations would you give to each of the different stakeholders - GOJ, The
Marron Communities and the Jamaican people in managing the competing views and perspectives at a
Press Conference hosted by your organization having analyzed the issues.

It is now the 50 years from today; what in your analysis is the future of management in this period?
What five ground-breaking things are the people talking about? What are they managing? How does
the field of engineering look? How does the field of education look? You were just made the manager
of 21st Century Management Limited. Your first assignment is to give a report answering these types
of questions in preparing your organization for such year. NB. This question will be discussed in class
and then each student will be required to hand-in a two page essay on their individual suggestions of
this question. The submission date for this question will be given in class. What five critical questions
would you asks about management/managers given your analysis?

School of Business Administration “The Birth Place of Greatness”

College of Business and Management
University of Technology, Jamaica Module: Organization &
AY: 2021-2022~Semester 1,2,3 Module Codes:
Lecturer: Oswy Gayle Group: All Groups [Presentation
Assessment Sheet]
NB. Time Management • Audience Participation • Use of Visual Aid • Hand-out • Appropriate Offline/Online Dress Code are a Given.
# Student Name ID: Topic: Tutorial Sheet 1 –
Question #
Marks Allotted
Very Good
Below Expected Standard
Marks Received

Introduction, contextualization, Structure/aims and introduction of presenters
9-10 Introduces the topics, themes, context and gives a road map comprehensively
7-8 Introduces most of the topics, themes, context and gives a general road map
5-6 Introduces half of the topics, themes, context and gives a basic road map
0-4 Introduction is incomplete, lacks themes, topics, context and roadmap

Content (Use of examples, application, use of theory,
research findings and linkages)
9-10 High quality content using applicable tools, research; relevant theories, concepts, and principles
7-8 Very good quality content using applicable tools, research, theories, concepts, and principles with minor lapses
5-6 Good content using a few reasonable applicable tools, research, theories, concepts and principles with apparent lapses
0-4 Content needs major improvement and lacking majority of the applicable, tools, research, theories, concepts and principles

Content -Analysis -
All parts of the issue/s were looked at from relevant/multiple perspectives
18 - 20 All variables and themes were comprehensively addressed with convincing evidence to support claims/position
Most variables and themes were comprehensively addressed with convincing evidence to support claims/position with minimal gaps
Some variables and themes were addressed with a few convincing evidence to support claims/position with several gaps
Most variables and themes were not addressed with insufficient evidence to support claims/position with many gaps

Evaluation and recommendation
Qualitatively/ quantitatively
9-10 Evaluation of all variables was comprehensive
7-8 Evaluation of variables was effective in most instances
5-6 Evaluation of variables was reasonably effective in a few instances
0-4 Evaluation of variables was missing

Use of Language and Writing Style
Good Grammar
Good Vocabulary
Good sentence construction

9-10 Content is readily understandable through the use of clear language, excellent command of language and free from grammatical errors
7-8 Content is understandable through the use of clear language, very good command of language with only minor grammatical errors
5-6 Content is reasonably understandable, fairly good command of language marred with grammatical errors
0-4 Content is not understandable; poor command of language with major grammatical errors
References (Minimum of 10 though-out)
9-10Gives (9-10 or more) relevant references
7-8 Gives (7-8) relevant references
5-6 Gives (5-6) relevant references
0-4 Gives insufficient (2 or less) references

Development of Ideas livery of Presentation
Development of ideas
Group dynamics
Eye contact
9-10 Presentation is well organized,
coherent, maintains regular eye contact with audience with excellent group dynamics
7-8 Presentation is well organized, coherent,
displays irregular eye contact with audience minimally, with very good group dynamics
5-6 Presentation needs more organization,
Coherent at times, displays irregular eye contact with audience with good group dynamics
Presentation had poor organization, coherence,
eye contact and group dynamics

Questions Answered
9-10 All parts of the question/s were answered effectively
7-8 Most parts of the questions were answered effectively
5-6 Key parts of the questions answered but some missing elements
0-4 Most parts of the questions not answered

Comprehensive summary
Issues/themes brought to a close
9-10 A comprehensive conclusion that gives a summary and brings all themes to a close
7-8 A very good conclusion that gives a very good summary of the key points and brings most of the themes to a close
5-6 A conclusion that gives a good summary of a few key points and insufficiently brings the themes to a close
0-4 Missing a conclusion/ does not give a summary of the key points nor bring discussion to a close

Total Marks

Presentation Grade

Written Paper Grade
Cumulative Score
Final Mark/Score/Grade
University of Technology, Jamaica Module: Organization &

Individual/Group Essay Assessment Sheet

# Group Member/s ID#

Marks Allotted
Very Good
Below Expected Standard
Marks Received

Introduction, Contextualization and Structure/aims
Ccomprehensively introduces the topics, themes, context and gives a road map
7-8 Introduces most of the topics, themes, context and gives a general road map
5-6 Introduces half of the topics, themes, context and gives a basic road map
3-4 Vaguely introduces the topics, themes, context and gives a road map minimally
0-2 Introduction is incomplete, lacks themes, topics, context and roadmap

Content (Use of examples; Application, theory
Analysis, research findings and links to the OB Variables)

20-25 High quality analysis using applicable tools, research; relevant theories, concepts and principles
15-19 Very good quality analysis using applicable tools, research, theories, concepts and principles with minor lapses
10-14 Good Analysis using a few reasonable applicable tools, research, theories, concepts and principles with apparent lapses
5-9 Analysis demonstrates some effort but lacking most of the applicable tools, research, theories, concepts and principles with major lapses in
0-4 Analysis was weak, and lacking the majority of the applicable, tools, research, theories, concepts and principles

Qualitatively/ quantitatively evaluated the right variables
17-20 Evaluation of variables and recommendations were effective
13-16 Evaluation of variables and recommendations were effective in most instances
9-12 Evaluation of variables and recommendations were reasonably effective in a few instances
5-8 Evaluation of variables and recommendations were ineffective
0-4 Evaluation of variables and recommendations were largely missing

Use of Model/Table
Issues identified
Logical flow of model/Table
Effective explanation
4.5- 5 High quality model that demonstrates understanding of the issues and was explained
3.5-4 Very quality model that demonstrates understanding of the issues and was explained with minor issues
2.5 -3 Good quality model that demonstrates a bit of understanding of the issues but not explained effectively
1.5- 2 Satisfactory quality model that demonstrates a vague understanding of the issues and not explained effectively
0-1 Poor quality model that demonstrates a lack of understanding of the issues and was explained

Development of Ideas and Organization of Paper

9-10 Ideas were well-developed, showed originality of thought and was well organized
7-8 Ideas were developed technically well, showed a few originality of thought and was organized and easy to follow
5-6 Ideas were developed in a reasonable way, very few original thoughts and paper was adequately organized
3-4 Ideas were developed in a vague way, lacks original thoughts and was mostly incoherent
0-2 Ideas were not developed, lacked originality of thought and was completely disorganized

Comprehensive summary
Issues brought to a close
A comprehensive conclusion that gives a summary of the key points and bring all discussion themes to a close
Conclusion that gives a good summary of the key points and bring most of the discussion themes to a close
A conclusion that gives a sufficient summary of a few key points with a few closure points
Conclusion that is incomplete, missing majority of the summary of the key points and lacks closure
Missing a conclusion/ does not give a summary of the key points nor bring discussion to a close

Use of Language and Writing Style
Good Grammar
Good Vocabulary
Good sentence construction

9-10 Content is readily understandable through the use of clear language, excellent command of language and free from grammatical errors
7-8 Content is understandable through the use of clear language, very good command of language with only minor grammatical errors
5-6 Content is reasonably understandable through the use of clear language, fairly good command of language marred with grammatical errors
3-4 Content is challenging to understand through the use of clear language; command of language was a challenge marred with many
grammatical errors
0-2 Content is not understandable; poor command of language with major grammatical errors

References (Minimum of 10 references in reference, APA Conformance in-text
9-10 Gives sufficient (10 or more) relevant references; has a complete reference list and with in-text APA conformance
7-8 Gives (7-8) relevant references; most references in reference list and with in-text APA conformance
5-6 Gives (5-6) relevant references; has reference list and with a few in-text APA conformance
3-4 Gives insufficient (3-4) relevant references; has an incomplete reference list and with few in-text APA conformance
0-2 Gives insufficient (2 or less) relevant references; missing a complete reference list and with few in-text APA conformance

Total Marks

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