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Republic of the Philippines

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College

College of Engineering and Technology
R.T. Lim Boulevard, Baliwasan, Zamboanga City


Presented by:

Alcoriza, Keanu Ron
Caballero, Japheth
Delena, Jonas Angel
Lantaya,Adrian Rovic

Presented to:
Ms. Jonalyn B. Jumadil, LPT
Entrepreneurial Mind Instructor

November 29, 2023


I. Executive Summary ………………..…………………………………………………1

II. History and Background …………………………………………………………….2

III. Goals and Objective………………..…………………..………………………..…..3

IV. Products or Services ………………………………………….……………………..5

V. Management and Staffing ………………..……….…………….………………….. 6

VI. Sales and Marketing Plan………………………….……..……………………….. 7

VII. Financial Plan…….………………………………………….………………..….. 11


a. Business Overview

We’ll turn your frown, upside down, here in the best mood and food maker of the
Asian’s Latin City. Portus Dulce is an aspiring business that will primarily focus on
producing confection based products. Generous amounts per serve is to be expected to be
provided by the business to its customers, to assure contentment and happiness among the
consumers. Variety of choices will also be presented to please all kinds of preferences to an

The stall will be located at Gov. Ramos, Sta. Maria, Zamboanga City and will be open
on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, from 8 AM to 4 PM, Philippine time, to serve

Here in Portus Dulce, we aim to serve wallet-friendly products that will satisfy our
customers' sweet cravings and have them coming back for more. We aim to keep our
customers' best interests and satisfaction in mind, for them to truly enjoy the taste of heavenly
sweetness that only comes from purchasing our desserts. On account of these, we came up
with the following Mission and Vision.

b. Business Origins

Portus Dulce was born out of the entrepreneurial spirit and creativity of a group of ambitious

students from Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College. What started as a shared

enthusiasm for experimenting with sweet creations in their dorm kitchens soon transformed

into a full-fledged business endeavor.At its core, Portus Dulce embodies the spirit of its

student origins, embracing a youthful, dynamic approach to sweets. The brand thrives on

creativity, adaptability, and a commitment to offering affordable yet premium confections

tailored to the tastes of a diverse student clientele


In the bustling halls of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College , there existed a
group of friends bonded not only by their shared classes but also by a common love for
exquisite desserts. Among them were Adrian, Japheth, Keano, and Jonas each with a unique
knack for flavors, a passion for sweets, and an unyielding entrepreneurial spirit.

Their journey began innocuously enough during late-night study sessions, where
breaks often involved indulging in homemade treats concocted by Alex, the group's resident
baking enthusiast. As they relished these delectable creations, a spark ignited within them –
what if their love for sweets could transcend the campus walls?

It was Adrian who first proposed the idea, envisioning a venture that combined their
love for baking with their budding business acumen. With a background in marketing and a
keen eye for emerging trends, she saw the potential in crafting artisanal sweets tailored to the
diverse tastes of their fellow students.

Japheth, known for his knack for innovation and recipe perfectionism, eagerly joined
the conversation. He believed that the market lacked the authenticity and personal touch that
their handmade sweets could provide. His passion for blending traditional recipes with
modern twists became the cornerstone of their culinary vision.

As word spread among their peers about these delightful treats, demand soared.
Encouraged by the overwhelming response, Adrian, Japheth, Keano, and Jonas realized they
were onto something special.

Their brand was more than just a confectionery venture; it was a celebration of their
shared passion, their dedication to quality, and a commitment to crafting sweets that were not
only delicious but also infused with a personal touch. Portus Dulce – 'Sweet Harbor' in Latin
– represented a safe haven where flavors from around the world met, where tradition melded
seamlessly with innovation.

With entrepreneurial fervor and unwavering determination, the group navigated the
complexities of starting a business while balancing their studies. They have a plan for
impromptu stalls at campus events, garnered a loyal following through social media, and
slowly expanded beyond the university grounds, captivating hearts and taste buds alike.

Their story was one of friendship, creativity, and relentless pursuit of a shared dream.
Portus Dulce became more than just a business; it became a testament to their unwavering
belief in the magic of homemade sweets and the power of a passionate idea nurtured into

a. Short-term Objectives

⮚ Establish a robust online presence through a professional website and active social

media profiles within the next three months.

⮚ Expand product offerings by introducing two new seasonal flavors/varieties within the

first six months.

⮚ Secure partnerships with two local cafes or specialty stores to feature Portus Dulce

products on their shelves within four months.

⮚ Participate in at least three local food festivals or markets within the next quarter to

increase brand visibility and customer engagement.

⮚ Implement a customer feedback system and conduct surveys to gather insights for

product enhancement within the next two months.

⮚ Develop and launch a loyalty program to incentivize repeat purchases and foster

customer retention within three months.

⮚ Initiate discussions with a packaging supplier to explore eco-friendly and visually

appealing packaging options within two months.

⮚ Hire one additional part-time staff member to support production and sales efforts

within the next three months.

b. Long-term Objectives

⮚ Expand distribution channels to include regional specialty stores, high-end grocery

chains, and boutique cafes within the next year.

⮚ Establish Portus Dulce as a recognized brand in the confectionery industry within the

region, achieving a market share of 10% within three years.

⮚ Develop a network of partnerships with local suppliers for sustainable and

premium-quality ingredients within the next two years.

⮚ Introduce a subscription-based model for curated seasonal boxes of sweets, catering to

loyal customers and generating recurring revenue within the next year.

⮚ Launch a flagship storefront in a prime location, creating an immersive experience for

customers and serving as a hub for workshops and tastings within three years.

⮚ Expand the product line to include limited-edition collaborations with renowned chefs

or influencers within the next two years.

⮚ Implement a comprehensive CRM system to personalize customer interactions,

anticipate preferences, and drive engagement, increasing customer lifetime value

within three years.

⮚ Attain certifications for food safety standards and sustainability practices, reinforcing

brand credibility and ethical commitment within the next two years.

⮚ Establish an e-commerce platform capable of handling international orders, enabling

global expansion and tapping into new markets within five years.

⮚ Develop a research and development division dedicated to innovation in flavors,

techniques, and product lines, driving ongoing differentiation and market leadership

within five years


Take your taste buds on an adventure by traveling to the city of sweets! Portus Dulce
is a sugary-good stop that is a confection-based business, amped by a retro spirit feel of a
venue. Sit back and relax as we take you back in time, with neon lights and vintage designs,
while we serve you quality desserts that will give you a taste of what sweet heaven is like
with one bite. Truly befitting for the city of sweets, indeed!

Most of the products will feature toothsome sweets, ranging from a variety of options-
to snacks, beverages, and meals by serve. Demand is driven by the consumer’s taste,
disposable income, and demographics. Open on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday,
from 8 AM to 4 PM, Philippine time, to serve you.

Here in Portus Dulce, we aim to serve wallet-friendly products that will satisfy our
customers' sweet cravings and have them coming back for more. We aim to keep our
customers' best interests and satisfaction in mind, for them to genuinely enjoy the taste of
heavenly sweetness that only comes from purchasing our desserts.

At Portus Dulce, our business management revolves around a collaborative approach where
each staff member contributes specialized skills to ensure the seamless operation of our
confectionery venture. Our management team, led by the founders, orchestrates the
overarching vision and strategic direction. Culinary expertise is embodied in our head pastry
chef, who spearheads recipe creation, quality control, and innovation while guiding our
assistant chefs in production. A dedicated sales and marketing manager oversees customer
relations, brand development, and sales strategies, supported by a team adept at customer
service and salesmanship. Administrative personnel efficiently handle day-to-day operations,
ensuring organizational efficiency, while logistics and delivery staff manage inventory and
timely deliveries. Our multifaceted team embodies skills ranging from culinary arts and
customer service to marketing and logistics, collectively steering Portus Dulce toward
growth, innovation, and the delivery of exceptional confections

a. STP

Portus Dulce segments its market based on various criteria:

● Demographic: Age, gender, income level, and lifestyle preferences.

● Psychographic: Taste preferences, interest in artisanal sweets, and cultural


● Behavioral: Frequency of purchasing sweets, preference for premium quality, and

willingness to try new flavors.


Portus Dulce targets:

● Young Professionals: Aged between 25-40, with a taste for gourmet sweets and a

willingness to pay for quality.

● Food Enthusiasts: Individuals passionate about culinary experiences, eager to explore

unique and handcrafted confections.

● Special Occasion Seekers: Targeting those seeking exclusive sweets for events,

celebrations, or gifting purposes.


Portus Dulce positions itself as:

● Artisanal Excellence: Emphasizing handcrafted, limited-batch sweets made from

premium ingredients.

● Cultural Fusion: Celebrating diverse flavors and cultural influences in every creation.
● Personalized Experience: Offering a unique and personalized touch in every sweet,

catering to individual tastes and preferences.

● Premium Quality: Positioning as a high-end confectionery brand that values quality

over mass production.

b. Competitive Advantage

Our competitive advantage lies in our commitment to providing consistent quality in our

products and prioritizing customer satisfaction.People from all ages enjoys all kinds of sweets

in any time of the day. Dessert is a food that consists of variations of tasted, textures, and

appearances and can be defined as a usually sweeter course that concludes a meal. Many

industries that could either be a small or large manufacturing facilities are mass producing

dessert products all over the world because it complements the food after meals. Dessert

making can be applied to many confections, such as biscuits, cakes, cookies, custards,

gelatins, ice creams, pastries, pies, puddings, sweet soups, and tarts. These are some major

categories in which desserts can be placed: Cakes. Small cakes & pastries, Confection,

Custards, Deep-fried, Frozen, Gelatin, Pastries, Pies, cobblers, and clafoutis, Sweet soups,

and Wines. Since all kinds of variation of Desserts are high in demand especially in special

occasions or holidays like Valentine’s day, Halloween, Birthdays, Christmas and many more.
c. SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis was conducted to fully understand the strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats of opening this type of business in the chosen location.


⮚ An ideal variety of foods, beverages, and desserts to choose from, inspired by our
confection-based business.

⮚ The sweet products that will be served are guaranteed to be also at a healthy level,
with the business focusing on integrating a nutritious balance between sugar goodness
and savory healthy products.

⮚ Handy and easy-to-eat foods, beverages, and desserts.

⮚ The business location—Zamboanga City— is growing and thriving.


⮚ The business is focused more on sweets.

⮚ Potential to not meet the profit margin to continue growth.

⮚ Large competitive chain business in the area.

⮚ Business will not start with a large inventory of diverse food products.

⮚ The inventory must evolve with customer requests and feedback.


⮚ The business may encounter big time opportunities when faced with the right
circumstances and resources, such as getting more people to buy the product due to
favorable situations.

⮚ With the use of the knowledge of demographics and trendy products, the business
could be amped by some fun twists that it may give to the customers for a more
enjoyable experience.
⮚ Promotions/Advertising may boost up the popularity of the business when done
excellently in social media platforms, to spread the good news of the store's existence
and the services and goods that it offers.

⮚ Expansion into online business.


⮚ Competition may arise from other stores surrounding the area of our own stand, due
to people's attention being divided to other businesses.

⮚ Accessibility of the location of our stand.

⮚ Need to market the uniqueness between Portus Dulce’s products and its competitors.

⮚ Not gaining a large enough customer base, posing a threat to the business.

⮚ Marketing outreach not reaching target base.


This sales plan will serve strategy to identify target customers and meet sales and
achieve and sustain business growth. The business will be limited to a physical store whilst
offering delivery service. The preferred growth is 5% for the first month and 10% for the
second month. The expected sales of the business will meet the goals of steady operating
costs and capital while compensating payroll of employees deducted from sale. The
communication will be through call to order method using a stable landline and through
utilization of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be updated of
special offers, promotions, and freebies. The marketing specialists and IT experts will be
responsible in advancing business popularity by posting up to date posters and fliers. The
goal of the business is not to straightaway expand profitability but sustain growth and
establish long term relationships with the customers.

Portus Dulce Dessert Bar will integrate pay-by-weight business concepts to

discourage food waste and promote ample servings. All solid items will be sold for . Below is
the figure of the costing of items. From these, the accountants have computed that the most
reasonable price for the weight of is . This in regards with the costing for both ingredients
and equipment without compromising cost of capital.


Waffles Milk (1 ¾ cups), 3 Eggs, 1 Spoon, Teaspoon,
Teaspoon salt (optional), 1 Tablespoon, Measuring Cup,
Tablespoon Olive Oil, 2 Mixer, Waffle Maker
Tablespoons Sugar (optional),
2 cups Flour, 1 Teaspoon
Baking Powder
Choco Butternut ¾ cup Flour, ½ cup Sugar, ½ Food Processor, Bowl, Oven
cup Cocoa Powder, ½ tsp
Baking Soda, 1 tsp Vanilla
Extract, 1 Egg, 6 Tbsp Heavy
Cream, ¼ cup Milk, ¼ cup
Vegetable Oil
Chicken Wings 8 Chicken Wings, 1 Quarter Sauce Pan, Plate, Bowl, Knife
Oil (Vegtable/Canola/Peanut),
2tsp Hot Sauce, 1 ½ tsp
Butter, ½ tsp Distilled
Vinegar, Brown Sugar
(optional), Salt (optional)
Burger and Fries 1k kg Potatoes (peeled, cut Cups, Spoons
into thick chips), 600g Fatty
Beef Mince, 1 tsp Fresh
Marjoram (chopped), 1 Egg
Yolk, Peanut Oil (deep fry), 1
tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
100g Cheddar Cheese,, 4
Brioche Rolls (Halved and
Toasted), Lettuce Leaves, 2
Cooked Beetroot Bulbs
(sliced) 1 Red Onion (thinly


Ingredients Cost Equipment Cost

Milk 105 pesos Spoon --
Eggs 120 pesos Teaspoon --
Salt 50 pesos per kilo Measuring Cup 40 pesos
Olive Oil 190 pesos Mixer --
Sugar 60 pesos per kilo Waffle Maker --
Flour 80 pesos
Baking Powder 70 pesos
Total 675 pesos Php 715

Ingredients Cost Equipment Cost

Desiccated Coconut 190 pesos Food Processor --
All Purpose Flour 120 pesos Bowl --
Powdered Sugar 120 pesos Oven --
Cocoa 80 pesos
Egg 30 pesos
Salt 50 pesos per kilo
Vegetable Oil 75 pesos
Heavy Cream 45 Pesos
Milk 105 Pesos
Orange Food 170 pesos
Butter 160 pesos
Total 1145 Pesos Php 1145

Chicken Wings

Ingredients Cost Equipment Cost

Chicken Wings 200 pesos Sauce Plan --
Vegetable Oil 210 pesos Plate --
Hot Sauce 200 pesos Bowl --
Butter 160 pesos per sack Knife --
Distilled Vinegar 150 pesos
Brown Sugar 60 pesos per kilo
Salt 50 pesos per kilo
Total 1030 Pesos Php 1030

Burger and Fries

Ingredients Cost Equipment Cost
Potatoes 50 pesos Deep Fryer --
Fatty Beef Mince 300 pesos
Fresh Marjoram 40 pesos
Egg 120 pesos
Peanut Oil 100 pesos
Extra Virgin Olive 200 pesos
Cheddar 120 pesos
Brioche Rolls 150 pesos
Lettuce Leaves 60 pesos
Beetroot 60 pesos
Red Onion 200 pesos
Total 1400 pesos Php 1400


Fruit shakes (Buko, Mango) Ripe mangoes, Milk, Sugar, Blender, Cups, Straws
Ice cubes, Water, Coconut
meat, Coconut juice,
Evaporated milk
Milk Shakes (Vanilla, Choco, Vanilla, Cocoa and Coffee Blender, Cups, Straws
Coffee) powder, Milk, Sugar, Ice
Hot Choco Drinks Unsweetened Cocoa Powder, Electric Kettle Water Heater,
Milk, Sugar, Water, Cups
Choco/Strawberry Smoothie Unsweetened Cocoa Powder Blender, Cups, Straws
and Strawberry Powder,
Strawberry jam, Ice, Vanilla
soy yogurt, Milk
Mini Sundae Ice cream, Syrup, Nuts, Cups, Spoons
Crumbled cookies, Whipped
Brownies Eggs, Water, granulated Oven, Cupcake liners, Box
sugar, Powdered sugar,
All-purpose flour,
Unsweetened cocoa powder,
Olive oil, Vanilla Extract,
dark chocolate chips, sea salt,
Halo-Halo Crushed or shaved ice, Milk Ice crusher or shaver, Cups,
(fresh or evaporated), Sugar, Spoons
Saba or plantain bananas,
Langka, Sweetened
garbanzos or beans, Coconut
strips, Sweetened red
munggo, Nata de coco
(coconut gel), Sago, Jelly cut
into cubes, Pinipig, Ube ice


Ingredients Cost Equipment Cost

Ripe Mangoes 100 pesos per kilo Blender --
Milk 105 pesos Cups 30 pesos
Sugar 50 pesos per kilo Straws 10 pesos
Ice Cubes 160 pesos per sack
Water --
Coconut Meat 75 pesos
Coconut Juice 45 pesos
Evaporated Milk 26 pesos
Total 531 Pesos Php 571


Ingredients Cost Equipment Cost

Vanilla 49 pesos Blender --
Cocoa Powder 80 pesos Cups 30 pesos
Coffee Powder 40 pesos Straws 10 pesos
Milk 105 pesos
Sugar 50 pesos per kilo
Ice Cubes 160 pesos per sack
Total 484 pesos Php 524


Ingredients Cost Equipment Cost

Unsweetened Cocoa 80 pesos Electric Kettle Water --
Powder Heater
Milk 105 pesos Cups 30 pesos
Sugar 50 pesos per kilo
Water --
Marshmallows 110 pesos
Total 345 pesos Php 375


Ingredients Cost Equipment Cost

Unsweetened Cocoa 80 pesos Blender --
Strawberry Powder 210 pesos Cups 30 pesos
Strawberry Jam 80 pesos Straws 10 pesos
Ice 160 pesos per sack
Vanilla Soy Yogurt 150 pesos
Milk 105 pesos
Total 785 Pesos Php 825


Ingredients Cost Equipment Cost

Ice Cream 250 pesos Cups 30 pesos
Syrup 99 pesos Spoons 15 pesos per pack
Nuts 110 pesos per kilo
Crumbled Cookies 120 pesos
Whipped Cream 230 pesos
Total 809 Pesos Php 854


Ingredients Price Equipment Price

Eggs 120 pesos Oven --
Water -- Cupcake Liners 30 pesos
Granulated Sugar 150 pesos Box 10 pesos
Powdered Sugar 75 pesos
All-purpose Flour 140 pesos
Unsweetened Cocoa 80 pesos
Olive Oil 190 pesos
Vanilla Extract 49 pesos
Dark Chocolate 105 pesos
Sea Salt 15 pesos
Total 924 Pesos Php 924


Ingredients Price Equipment Price

Crushed/shaved Ice 100 pesos Ice Crusher --
Milk 26 pesos Cups 30 pesos
Sugar 50 pesos per kilo Spoons 15 pesos per pack
Saba/plantain 55 pesos
Langka 115 pesos
Sweetened Garbanzos 110 pesos
or beans
Coconut Strips 60 pesos
Sweetened Red 210 pesos
Nata de Coco 60 pesos
Sago 45 pesos
Jelly 85 pesos
Pinipig 100 pesos
Ube Ice Cream 200 pesos
Total 1216 pesos Php 1261
*Prices are estimated since no actual canvas occurred.

Total Capital: Php 9, 624

A weighing scale will be utilized to determine weight of items and its corresponding
price. The store offers a delivery fee of Php 59 and free delivery for a minimum cost of Php
400. The order will be arranged through direct Facebook message and mobile phone/landline
contact; so, it's best to have a strong internet connection and stable network. Advance
reservation/ order is suggested to cater all requests. The store will notify customers of
upcoming events and special deals. We will also maintain close relations to ensure trust and
loyalty are built between us and the customers.

Incentives like Php 5-Php 100 voucher will be given for every Php 100-Php 1000 total
cost of purchase. The store is limited to Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday schedule
of function and operating hours of 8:00 am- 9:00 pm. All desserts are available on the said
service time except for the Halo-Halo, drinks and meals which will vary on the day. Below is
the figure of the schedule of the function and its accompanying menu.

Menu/ Day Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday

Drinks -Fruit & Milk -Chocolate & -Fruit & Milk -Chocolate &
Shakes Strawberry Shakes Strawberry
-Halo-Halo Smoothies -Halo-Halo Smoothies
-Hot Choco -Hot Choco
Drinks Drinks
Desserts Mini Sundae, Brownies, Halo-Halo, Waffles, Macarons, Choco Butternut
Meals Burger & Fries Buffalo Wings Burger & Fries Buffalo Wings

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