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 Engagement and Interest:

o Does the introduction grab your attention and create interest?

- Yes 100 percent. Starting with the words hate, despise, and abhor grabbed my attention.

o Does the essay maintain your interest throughout?

- Yes. Her essay made me wanted to keep reading.

o Does the essay have a thesis?

- No, I don’t think so.

 Theme and Message:

o Is the author presenting their values, beliefs, attitudes, and practices of
reading and writing?

- Yes, for sure.

o Is the theme effectively conveyed and developed throughout the essay?

- Yes, the theme is shown throughout the whole essay.

 Personal Connection:
o Does the writer effectively convey their personal connection to the
literacy experiences they describe?

- Yes, she made great connections of her experiences to the stories.

o Are there moments of reflection that reveal the significance of these


- Yes, for sure.

 Descriptive Language and Imagery:

o Does the author use descriptive language and vivid imagery to enhance
the storytelling?

- Yes, she uses great adjectives and words to describe things.

o Are there specific passages or examples where imagery is particularly
effective or could be improved?

- No, it is shown throughout the whole story.

 Incorporating Framework Readings:

o How is the author integrating the source readings?

- She is relating them back to her life.

o How are they connecting to their literacy narrative?

- She connected the quotes of the article to her experiences.

 Grammar and Mechanics:

o Are there any grammatical errors, punctuation issues, or typos that need

- The sentence “People who have sponsored my love for reading taught me that if you right
book or writing prompt, reading and writing can become a very enjoyable pastime” is
confusing to understand.
- Capitalize English for English teacher?
- Don’t start a sentence with a number (8)
- “8 year old me was absolutely ecstatic, I got to judge other people’s writings!” is a run on
- “taught to me and inherited to me” can be shorted to “taught and inherited to me”
- Make sure your second quote is not standing on its own.

o Does the writing style align with the narrative's purpose, and are there
areas where it could be refined?

- Writing style is good, she only needs to fix a few grammar things.

 Length and Detail:

o Is the length of the essay appropriate, or does it feel too long or too short?

- The length is perfect.

o Are there areas where additional detail or description would enhance the
reader's understanding?
- No, I don’t think so.

 Conclusion:
o Does the conclusion effectively summarize the narrative and leave a
lasting impression?

- No conclusion paragraph.

o Does it provide closure to the story?

- No conclusion paragraph.

 Overall Impression:
o What is your overall assessment of the literacy narrative essay?

- I loved it, and I was glad I had the opportunity to read and correct it.

o Does it effectively convey the author's experiences and message?

- Yes, now I know a lot about her from just her essay.

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