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11:00 A.M-2:00 P.M (Saturday)

Professor: JINA-LUZ Z. ALFELOR Ed.D, Ph.D

Permit No.: 1066


1. How is guidance defined by different authorities?

Guidance is based upon a philosophy of human uniqueness, goodness, worth and

dignity all of which can be nurtured. The guidance processes are based on the belief

that given certain conditions, an individual’s potential to make a choice and make a

decision can be utilized for maximum benefit to the individual and society. To guide

means to indicate, to point out, and to show the way. These is how guidance defined

by different authorities:

 FRANK PARSONS–expressed his definition of guidance as he associated its origin

with the vocational aspect of this special form of vocational choices, vocational

placement, and vocational adjustment.

 LEFEVER –describe guidance as a system of organized phase of the educational

process. It helps the youth grow in his power to give point and experience while

making his own unique contributions tohis society where he belongs.

 JONES–stresses that guidance personally assists someone solve his problems. In the

process it does not solve problems for the individual, but the counselor helps him to

solve his problem. The focus of guidance is not on the problem itself but on the

person. Guidance aims to promote the growth the individual toward self-development

and self-direction.

 BENNETT –defines guidance as a process given by someone to an individual to

determine his personality assets and liabilities, the existing conditions, requirements

and opportunities available, the situation confronting him so that he can make wise or
intelligent decisions and adjustments, as a result the individual can make courses of

actions as regards his problems and needs.

 CROW AND CROW–give their definition of guidance by stating what guidance is

not. According to them, guidance is not giving direction. It is not imposing one’s

point of

view upon another person. It is not making decision for the person seeking assistance. It

is not carrying burden of another life.

 PETERS AND FARWELL –present the concept that guidance is based on the existence

if individual differences and worth and dignity of each person. It emphasizes the

uniqueness of each person and needs. As a point of view, it may be considered in terms

of services necessary to implement the point of view.

 MILLER– uses the term guidance in two contexts:

•GUIDANCE AS A SEEN PROCESS – helping the individual in his decision making.

This is part of the educational process.


the guidance services. Level-wise, there is the pupil personnel service in the elementary

or secondary schools, and student personnel services in the tertiary level

2. Explain how guidance is more than "teaching the learners."

Guidance and advice are important for children, and schools play a major role in

helping children reach their full potential. Good behavior is desirable, but sometimes

young minds need guidance to develop their character. Through counseling, children

receive advice on how to deal with and cope with emotional conflicts and personal

problems. Proper counseling can help incorporate valuable lessons into daily life. Some

sessions should include career counseling, where students are advised on courses and

different career path choices.

It is important to prepare them for life after school and what expects in the

different fields they may choose. Therefore “instruction” is more than simply teaching

learners: Students are given appropriate guidance on how to solve psychological

problems. The problem could have a negative impact on their life. Through these

sessions, students will be able to develop certain problem-solving skills that will help

them solve specific problems in their lives. Students were advised on how to handle
various situations they tend to encounter in school life; They can openly share problems

that they cannot share with their parents; It allows students who are facing certain

difficulties in life to ask questions and clarify them through support and advice. It helps

them to be able to ask without any fear because of the teacher is ready to help them.

3. How do helping relationships for counseling develop?

Helping' is one of those words that we take for granted. It is a well-known term in our

vocabulary. Social workers, youth workers, and support workers, for example, have

traditionally been part of the "helping professions" "Do you need some

assistance? “As informal educators and social pedagogues, we go about our daily lives.

However, what we mean by 'helping' is not so obvious - and the characteristics we seek in

'helpful partnerships'.

Throughout the counseling or psychotherapy process, the helpful relationship remains

continuous process. We have already established that the association has defined

properties must be present from the client's first encounter with the counselor or therapist

and continue until the end.

Brammer (1985) classified the developmental process into two stages, each with four

stages. Stages that are distinct. The first phase, connection building, is preparing the

client and initiating the relationship, explaining the client's problem or concern, designing

the procedure, and establishing a relationship. The second phase, which promotes

positive activity, entails exploration, consolidation, planning, and termination.

4. How did the guidance movement develop in the Philippines?

The movement started as a collaborative undertaking of teacher and school

principals. As teachers were busy teaching pupils the subject matter assigned to them,

developing habits and skills among the pupils, they also attended treating problems of

misconduct in schools. Different forms of behavior were seen in the classroom and on the

playground. These included among others cutting classes or getting low grades. Before

1925, guidance as a movement was still unknown in the Philippines. Not

until 1932 when a psychological clinic was put up by Dr. Sinforoso Padilla, and was
concerned with cases involving student discipline, emotional, academic, and vocational

problems. The clinic lasted until 1941. Sinforoso Padilla is the father of the guidance in

the Philippines. In the Philippines, guidance is said to have both accidental and incidental

origin. Before 1925, guidance as movement, as it is now practiced and accepted was

unknow un the Philippines. It was only in 1932 when a Psychological Clinic was started

by Dr. Sinforoso Padilla and which concerned itself with cases of student discipline, as

well as emotional, academic, and vocational problems. In November 1945, the first

Guidance Institute was opened. The Bureau of Publics Schools started to send teachers as

pensionados for observation and study of guidance services abroad.

5. As a student, do you have any inclination to help others? Cite situations.

Helping others is a vital part of life since it offers you a sense of purpose and

fulfillment. Increases your happiness while having a beneficial impact on the world

around you. If you wish to, you can. If you want to help others more but aren't sure where

to begin, look no further. This can also be used in the classroom through cooperative

learning, which is a well-known method proven strategy for boosting learning. Students

frequently comprehend what others are saying. For one thing, students misinterpret more

than teachers, and the act of teaching itself It turns into a learning experience. You can

assist people by sharing your knowledge and assisting them in their studies, and as

example You may help your parents in your household with chores and learning.

Promising must work hard and complete your education because they pay for your school

expenditures. Don't allow others to put you down with words just because you're young.

You can paying attention to your teachers as they work hard on their classes and

stay up late at night just for you to learn on.

6. How is guidance related to discipline?

Guidance and discipline are two concepts in education that have comparable

meanings. sector. Guidance refers to advice or knowledge that assists in the resolution of

a problem or challenge, especially when offered by someone in authority, whereas

discipline refers to the act of disciplining someone punishment is used to train someone

to obey laws or a code of behavior. Disobedience must be corrected.

Discipline is rule-based and compliance-oriented, whereas guidance is not

concerned with both engagement and learning. Instead of, I prefer to make deals.

regulations. Children's rules come from somewhere else Rules are uniform. Children

have little say in the creation of rules at school and at home. Advice or knowledge that

aids in the resolution of an issue is referred to as guidance. difficulties, especially when

offered by someone in power To put it another way, it is the act of guiding someone or

support or advise that instructs you what to do. In the field of education, the term

"guidance" usually refers to "assisting a child in helping himself." In other terms, this

entails helping children to develop control and a sense of responsibility for their own

conduct. A teacher's counsel, for example, assists a child in avoiding assaulting another

child since the child recognizes he is causing harm to another. Discipline is the discipline

of teaching people to follow rules or a code of conduct.

Typically, punishment is used to correct misbehavior. In other words, it entails

educating someone to act in conformity with rules. Furthermore, discipline is frequently

related with regulations and penalties. Disciplining students in the educational sector

refers to use to keep students in line, rewards and punishments are used. The key

difference between guidance and discipline is that guidance does not involve punishment

whereas discipline often involves rules and punishment.

7. Why should the counselors make referrals?

A referral for counseling should be considered when you believe a student’s

problems go beyond your own experience and expertise, or when you feel uncomfortable

helping a student with some issue. As a counsellor, sometimes it is necessary to enable

the client to find additional sources of support where appropriate. This is where

counselling fits into a wider supportive network of organizations and resources. There are

a number of potential reasons for making referrals. These include: The client has another

need; the counsellor lacks specific skills; the client requires a specialist; the counsellor
knows the client beyond the professional basis; the counsellor and client are not

establishing a therapeutic relationship for some reason.

Referral is not a sign of weakness or lack of skill. It does not mean that you

cannot provide a safe and therapeutic environment for the client. However, being aware

of possible referral agencies ensures that the client can choose the right option for them.

At the core of making a referral is taking action that is best for the client. The clients’

best interests should always be paramount.

8. How can employees be helped through counseling?

In our fast-paced, stressful world, it’s not unusual for an organization to have

some employees struggling with workplace-related stress or personal issues. These

problems can affect an employee’s work performance through lowered productivity

levels, increased absenteeism, and tense relationships with coworkers. The counselling

process is about providing a sounding board for an employee, giving them a safe place to

talk about issues that trouble them, and allowing counsellors to help them find their own

solutions to problems or develop better ways to manage issues. It is not about giving

advice, but about providing a non-judgmental, empathic, and accessible means to allow

an employee to find a way forward. Many situations motivate employees to seek the

services of a counselor. Change within the organization, workplace bullying, a crisis, or

severe stress are all good reasons to seek help. An employee might also seek service for a

personal issue that is affecting work habits. If an employee ever feels the need to talk

about anything, he or she should have the opportunity to do so.

Looking after the mental health of employees is, in addition to being a caring

action, beneficial to the organization. By investing in mental health services and

encouraging employees to use them, organizations will see less absenteeism, higher

morale, more productivity, reduced risk of workplace violence and better recruitment and


9. How may illegal work stoppage be prevented?

Anticipating employees' needs is an important strategy to prevent illegal work

stoppages and probable gripes. For example, if employees are given less comprehensive

health care. The leader might anticipate this issue by offering a better benefits package

than other employers in the same industry. the leader can anticipate this issue arising

during her discussions with union leaders. Even when employers cannot fix employees’

problems immediately, acknowledging the problems and publicly discussing ways to

resolve them can prevent it. Empathetic leadership is very important. This means having

the ability to understand the needs of others and being aware of their feelings and

thoughts. Unfortunately, it has long been a soft skill that is overlooked as a performance

indicator. The best solution to the workers is to feel like they have a voice in the

workplace. If there is a problem, they want to be heard, they want to know there is a

process in place to resolve it.

10. How should the information about the individual be utilized and released?

Confidentiality is a respected part of psychology's code of ethics. Client

confidentiality has both legal and ethical aspects. Psychologists understand that for

people to feel comfortable talking about private and revealing information, they need a

safe place to talk about anything they would like, without fear of that information leaving

the room. They take your privacy very seriously.

Counselors and other mental health providers are bound by professional oath,

personal ethics, and legal licensure to uphold confidentiality. This means that counselors

are legally restrained from disclosing information that was shared within the protected

client-counselor relationship. Breaking confidentiality could result in a counselor losing

his or her license, so they take issues of confidentiality very seriously. Release of

information in healthcare is critical to the quality of the continuity of care provided to the

patient. It also plays an important role in billing, reporting, research, and other functions.

Psychologists may release information if they receive a court order. That might happen if

a person's mental health came into question during legal proceedings.

11. What components are required of the counseling service?

Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you

and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues. Sometimes the term
"counselling" is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counselling is also a type

of therapy in its own right. The four components of counselling services are as follows:

 School Counselor Curriculum - The Comprehensive School Counselor Program

curriculum framework is organized around three strands, Social and Emotional

Development, Academic Development and Career Development.

 Individual Planning - To assist all students with educational/career planning, educational

transitioning, and self-appraisal for decision making. Individual Planning is vital to every

student's college and career readiness development grades K-12.

 Responsive Services - The school counselors should be available and responsive to

special or unexpected needs of students and parents/guardians. Thus, the purpose of the

Responsive Services Component is to work with students whose personal circumstances,

concerns or problems have the potential to interfere with healthy social/emotional,

academic, and career development.

 System Support – It contains the management activities and services required to

effectively support a district's comprehensive school counseling program

12. Discuss each of the trends and issues in guidance.

Among the many issues facing the school counseling profession are the following

three:what are the professional title should be, how counselors should be evaluated, and

to what extent counselors should work on prevention instead of remediation.

 Professional Title. Some professional in the field prefer to be called guidance counselor,

while an increasing number prefer the term school counselor. The growing trend is for

counselors to be seen as professionals in a large system, working fluidly with all aspects

within the system. The expected duties are more extensive than those practiced by

vocational guidance counselors of the past, hence the feeling of many school counselors

that the name of the profession should reflect is expanded roles.

 Evaluation. A major trend in education is the demand for accountability and evaluation.

School counselors have not been immune to this demand. 1997 – the ASCA (American

School Counselors’ Association) adopted the National Standards for Professional

 Prevention versus Remediation. The Growing trend in the field of counseling is the focus

on prevention instead of remediation. In the past it was not uncommon for counselors to

have interactions with students only after some crisis had occurred.

Gangs-Students as early as third grade are being taught gang-type activities. Students are

more likely to end up in a gang family members and peers are already involved in gang

activity. It is difficult for children once they have been actively involved.

Dropouts-In many metropolitan school districts, over 25 percent of students do not

complete their high school education. Premature school termination is becoming an

increasingly more difficult problem as more careers require education well beyond the

high school level.

Teen Pregnancy- Teen pregnancy continues to be a social concern. Precipitating factors

are visible prior to middle school. Counselors are often the liaison with community

agencies that work to prevent student pregnancy and assist with students who do become

pregnant. Substance Abuse- Drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, continue to be a

serious problem for youth. The counselors are also essential in developing substance

abuse prevention programs in school.

School Violence- School violence can range from bullying to gunfire. Trainings are being

given to teachers and students in cases of violence and establish violence prevention


Diversity -Tolerance of diversity is an important goal in a multicultural society.

Child Abuse -Many states have mandatory reporting laws concerning child abuse.

Terrorism-During the 21st century it is an increasing problem worldwide and children are

affected both in massive and small-scale acts.

13. Explain the seven principles of guidance.

Guidance is essentially an educational process and is inherent in all education.

The chief concern of guidance is the development of the whole individual. Guidance

must be founded upon a true concept of individuals and be based upon the recognition of

their dignity, worth, and individuality. Guidance seeks to help the students attain a clearer

understanding of themselves and the world in which they live in order that they may plan

intelligently a full and purposeful life. Guidance seeks to develop initiative,

responsibility, self-understanding, and self-direction, for its purpose is to make the

students increasingly more able to guide themselves. Guidance takes into account both

the immediate and remote objectives of the students. Guidance is oriented about

cooperation rather than coercion. Guidance is concerned with the student’s efforts,

attitudes, and will to succeed as well as with the data derived from measurements.

Guidance is for all students, not merely for the problem or “special” or be made by the


Guidance is concerned with choices, decisions, and adjustments to be made by the

student. Guidance is counsel, not compulsion. Guidance is necessarily a continuous

process extending throughout the school life of the students. Guidance consists of a series

of supplementary services based upon mutual confidence and understanding in order to

meet the real needs of students. An effective guidance program needs to have personnel

who have had special preparation an adequate training for the work Guidance considers

most individuals as an average, normal persons.

14. Illustrate and interpret your school guidance organization.






This is Organizational Structure of Small School. this shows that instruction, discipline and

guidance in one line.

The School Principal is in charge of the School Guidance Organization. He/she is the one

who imposes instruction, discipline, and guidance with the assistance of teachers since they have

direct contact with the pupils in terms of Instruction, Discipline, and Guidance. Guidance, like
education, is a constant and lifetime process. As a result, the structure of guidance and

counselling services is critical in the lives of students. Actually, the same services include a

broader range of activities, programs, life situations, and student problem solving. School

guidance service organization is a specialist service for students to know various important data

about them and to assist and suggest suitably for their educational, personal and social


15. What are the problems covered by guidance?

A guidance counselor is an indispensable part of any school administration in the

elementary, middle school and high school levels. They are advocates in the students'

whole being because they administer guidance of both their personal and school life.

They study different counseling techniques to address different needs.

Job Duties-School counselors are often consulting with students regarding their

future career path. So their role is a vital part of shaping the individuality of the children.

Common Student Problems -The job requires exceptional communication skills to

be able to communicate with even the most difficult students and their parents.

Bullying-A guidance counselor plays a big role in these matters. If someone is

being bullied, a counselor will help the child cope with it by giving strategies and ideas.

Relationship with family and Parents-Home issues are common problems of High

school students that counselors regularly address. Decisions about major, career, or just

higher education in general. A counselor will give details and information about their

individual skills and academic performances.

16. Discuss the nature of counseling.

Counseling is the application of mental health, psychological, or human

development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioral or systemic intervention

strategies, that address wellness, personal growth, or career development, as well as


Depending on the needs of the client and the availability of services, counseling

may range from a few brief interactions in a short period of time, to numerous
interactions over an extended period. Brief interventions, such as classroom discussions,

workshop presentations, or assistance in using assessment, information, or instructional

resources, may be sufficient to meet individual needs. Or these brief interventions may

lead to longer-term counseling interventions for individuals with more substantial needs.

Counseling may be delivered by a single counselor, two counselors working

collaboratively, or a single counselor with brief assistance from another counselor who

has specialized expertise that is needed by the client.

17. How important ethical standards in counseling?

In counseling, ethics are essential, as they are a means of protecting the well-

being of the client and counselors by clearly outlining what is appropriate. For trained

counselors, this acts as a guideline, as well as a basis for processing grievances and

ethical issues against counselors.

Communication between a counselor and client is confidential. Release of

confidential information can be devastating to a client, affecting his physical,

psychological, and social wellbeing. As the first tenet of counseling ethics is to do no

harm, this must be avoided.

In order to practice as a counselor, you must be trained appropriately. All states

require that counselors be licensed. This training is intended to keep counselors abreast of

new developments in the field, as well as to ensure that the knowledge obtained in a

training program is refreshed. As counselors directly apply this knowledge to the

treatment of clients, it is important that continuing education be obtained. Misguided or

inappropriate application of counseling techniques can be harmful to clients.

18. What are the purposes of test?

Tests currently are being used to evaluate students, teachers, and the entire

educational system. At the school level, educators create tests to measure their students'

understanding of specific content or the effective application of critical thinking skills.

Such tests are used to evaluate student learning, skill level growth and academic
achievements at the end of an instructional period, such as the end of a project, unit,

course, semester, program or school year.

Important purposes of tests includes; these are used to determine whether students

have learned what they were expected to learn or to level or degree to which students

have learned the material. It can also be used to measure learning progress and

achievement and to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs. Tests may also

measure student progress toward stated improvement goals or to determine student

placement in programs. They are recorded as scores or grades for a student’s academic

record for a report card or for admission to higher education.

19. Explain the different type of tests.

Tests are a way to check students' knowledge or understanding. It is the key

method used by most educational institutions for measuring the learning. Testing has

another advantage, according to research studies: it helps the student understand and

recall more than they would otherwise have. While all tests can tend to be the same, there

are several different kinds of tests and each has a different intent and design.

 Diagnostic Tests - These tests are used to diagnose how much the students

know and what they already know. It can help a teacher know what needs

to be reviewed or reinforced in class. It also enables the student to identify

areas of weakness.

 Placement Tests - These tests are used to place students in the appropriate

class or level. For example, in language schools, placement tests are used

to check a student’s language level through grammar, vocabulary, reading

comprehension, writing, and speaking questions. After establishing the

students level, the student is placed in the appropriate class to suit his/her


 Progress or Achievement Tests - Achievement or progress tests measure

the student’s improvement in relation to their syllabus. These tests only

contain items which the students have been taught in class. There are two

types of progress tests: short-term and long-term.

20. Cite the advantages and disadvantages of anecdotal records.

An anecdotal record is an observation written like a brief story. They are descriptions of

incidents or events that are essential for the individual to observe. Anecdotal records are short,

objective and as accurate as possible. Advantages of anecdotal records includes it does not need

any special training. This is also open ended and can catch unexpected events. This is open

ended as well and can capture unforeseen occurrences. It can also pick and neglect behaviors or

events of interest, or it can sample a large range of behaviors.

Disadvantages of anecdotal records includes only records events of interest to the person

doing the observing. Moreover, the quality of the record depends on the memory of the person

doing the observing. Lastly, using anecdotal record may miss out on recording specific types of


NOVEMBER 18, 2023

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