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Petra and Percy, half-elf twins

Artist: Lily Abdullina

Version 1.2

top the highest tower, swords clash. The half elf
is poised with his rapier held steady and his
free hand tucked behind his back. As his half-
orc opponent swings, he sidesteps effortlessly
before landing a stab in her shoulder. She drops
her axe, clutches her wounds, and reluctantly
concedes her defeat.
There is a commotion in the streets. A fight has broken out
between two opposing merchants. An officer draped in
formal regalia pushes through the crowd as he draws his
saber. With a booming voice, he demands an end to the
disturbance. His authority alone is enough to end the fight.
Cannons fire. Sparks and splinters fly. As the ships collide,
the pirate captain swings aboard the enemy vessel to take his
prize. He dispatches two of the privateers with his throwing
daggers before drawing his cutlass. If they surrender, he just
might offer some of them a place on his crew.
Buccaneers are many things. Polite, but bold. Cunning, but
charming. Daring, but civilized. Fascinating, but deadly.
Tactical Warriors
What distinguishes a buccaneer from the common warrior?
Preparation and presentation. A buccaneer will spend hours
pouring over tomes on historic battles, the art of war, and the
finer points of fencing. They adhere to honor codes and ideals
that define how they bear themselves both on and off the field
of battle, and their wits are just as much as their blades.
Some call it cowardly to duck, dodge, and sidestep your way
to victory, but buccaneers simply call it "swordplay."
Captivating Personalities
Whether they're aiming to become a renowned general or a
pirate king, a buccaneer is always ambitious. To this end, they
will cultivate an air of sophistication and magnetism that
allows them to flourish amongst high society.
The Best Offense
Buccaneers are always looking to hone their swordplay
techniques. As such, they fight defensively, allowing their
opponents to reveal their hand before going in for the kill. In a
duel, a buccaneer will find victory by a thousand cuts.
Creating a Buccaneer
Your relationship with swordplay is an important part of your
identity as a buccaneer. How were you trained with a blade?
Did you enlist in a military unit? Were you trained by a
wandering duelist who saved your town?
Next, you must define your goal. Buccaneers are ambitious,
and always have their sights set on their long-term objective.
Do you seek fortune? Fame? Renown? Infamy?
Quick Build
You can make a buccaneer quickly by following these
suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Dexterity,
and your next highest into Charisma. Second, choose the
soldier or pirate background.
Watercolor Stain 16 Whip & Rapier
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: SOUL of VLAD

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Class Features The Buccaneer
As a buccaneer, you gain the following class features Proficiency
Level Bonus Features Fencing
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per buccaneer level 1st +2 Fencing, Banter 1d4
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier 2nd +2 Vigilance, Fighting Style 1d4
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution 3rd +2 Code of Virtue 1d4
modifier per buccaneer level after 1st
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d4
5th +3 Extra Attack, Vendetta 1d6
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Finesse Weapons 6th +3 Expertise 1d6
Tools: None 7th +3 Flourish 1d6
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d6
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Deception, History, 9th +4 Code of Virtue Feature 1d6
Investigation, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion,
Sleight of Hand, and Stealth 10th +4 Vainglory 1d6
Equipment 11th +4 Daring Blade 1d8
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8
equipment granted by your background: 13th +5 Code of Virtue Feature 1d8
(a) a rapier or (b) two scimitars 14th +5 Enrapture 1d8
(a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
leather armor and 10 darts 15th +5 Calculated Offense 1d8
a fancy doublet and shoulder cape 16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d8

Multiclassing 17th +6 Encore 1d10

Requirements: 13 Dexterity and 13 Charisma 18th +6 Code of Virtue Feature 1d10
Proficiencies Gained: Simple Weapons, Finesse Weapons 19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d10

Fencing 20th +6 Living Legend 1d10

You approach combat like a deadly game of chess. You gain

access to the following abilities while you are not wearing
medium or heavy armor, and are not wielding a shield. Vigilance
If a buccaneer feature involves outwitting a foe, it might
force the target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s At 2nd level, you count on being able to outwit your
effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: opponents. While benefiting from your Fencing ability, your
AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma
Fencing save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your modifier. You can use Vigilance to determine your AC if the
Charisma modifier armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC.
Counter-Attack Fighting Style
If a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use a
reaction to target them with a melee weapon attack using a Also at 2nd level, you adopt one of the following styles of
finesse weapon. If this attack hits, you add an extra d4 to the fighting as your specialty. You can’t take a Fighting Style
damage roll. This die increases as you gain buccaneer levels, option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
as shown in the Fencing column of the Buccaneer Table.
Elegant Cut When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no
You can make the most of a more elegant weapon. If a melee other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that
weapon with the finesse property deals piercing damage, you weapon.
can use it to deal slashing damage instead.
Two-Weapon Fighting
Banter When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your
ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
What's swordplay without a little wordplay? As a bonus action
on your turn, you can force a creature within 15 feet of you to Thrown Weapon Fighting
make a Wisdom saving throw against your fencing save DC. You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part
The creature must be able to hear you, and the two of you of the attack you make with the weapon.
must share a language. On a failed save, the creature has In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a
disadvantage on its next attack roll that does not target you. thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Code of Virtue Vainglory
At 3rd level, you choose a set of ideals to uphold as a At 10th level, you never back down from a challenge, even if
buccaneer. Choose the Musketeer, Officer, Pirate, Spellsword, you probably should. You can walk towards a creature even if
Treasure Hunter, or Triggerman code, all detailed at the end you are frightened by them, and you cannot be compelled to
of the class description. Your code grants features at 3rd level run away from the source of your frightened condition.
and again at 9th, 13th, and 18th level.
Daring Blade
Ability Score Improvement At 11th level, you can't be trusted with any weapon, large or
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and small. Whenever you hit a creature with a finesse weapon,
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice they take extra damage equal to a roll of your Fencing die.
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 Enrapture
using this feature. By 14th level, your persona is larger than life. If you roll a 20
on a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) check,
Extra Attack the target becomes charmed by you for 1 minute, or until you
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, or your companions do anything harmful to it.
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Calculated Offense
Vendetta At 15th level, you know how to pick the right moment to
Also at 5th level, you demand your opponents face you head strike. If you Ready an Action or take the Dodge action on
on in battle. Creatures provoke a Counter-Attack from you your turn, you gain advantage on the next Counter-Attack you
after they target a creature other than you with an attack. make before the start of your next turn.
Expertise Encore
At 6th level, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your Starting at 17th level, you can make the most of any opening.
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make When you score a critical hit with a finesse weapon against a
that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. creature that is conscious, you can make another melee
weapon attack against the target.
At 7th level, sometimes your actions speak louder than your Living Legend
words. You gain advantage on any Charisma check that you At 20th level, people tell tales and sing songs of your skill
make using only your body language to communicate, such with a blade and your dramatic exploits. Your Dexterity and
as drawing your thumb across your throat to make a Charisma scores each increase by 2. Your maximum for
Charisma (Intimidation) check, or taking a dramatic bow to those scores is now 22.
make a Charisma (Performance) check. Renaissance Duelist Angel Watercolor Stain 7
Artist: Benjamin Ee Artist: flamableconcrete

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Codes of Virtue
A true musketeer adheres to the values of chivalry, fraternity,
and equality. To count amongst their ranks is a great honor.
They are boisterous, prideful, and steadfast warriors.
Classical Technique
When you choose this code at 3rd level, your approach to
combat is as traditional as it is effective. While benefiting
from your Fencing ability, you can assume combat stances.
Each stance comes with its own benefits and drawbacks.
At 3rd level, you learn two stances of your choice from the
options listed below. You learn an additional stance at 9th,
13th, and 18th level in this class.
You can only be in one stance at a time. You can use a
bonus action to enter a stance you know, switch to a different
stance you know, or exit your stance entirely. You exit your
stance automatically if you are incapacitated or stop
benefiting from your Vigilance ability.
Aegis. You gain +3 AC, but you have disadvantage on
attack rolls.
Blitz. You add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls for
melee attacks, but you have -2 AC.
Focus. When you make an attack with a finesse weapon
using Dexterity, you gain a +10 bonus to the weapon's
damage roll, but have a -5 penalty to the attack roll.
Gash. You score a critical hit with melee attacks on a roll
of 19 or 20, but you have disadvantage on Strength and
Dexterity saving throws.
Notch. Creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you
when they enter the reach of a finesse melee weapon you
are wielding, but your movement speed is halved.
Also at 3rd level, your balance is impeccable. You can add half
of your Charisma modifier, rounded up (minimum of +1), to
any Dexterity (Acrobatics) check you make.
Additionally, you do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls
due to being prone. This extends to other unstable positions
where you might have disadvantage on attack rolls, such as
walking on a tightrope, or backpedaling on a staircase.
Pivoting Stance
At 9th level, your footwork is hard to read. You gain the
benefits of the Disengage action when changing your stance.
En Garde!
At 13th level, at the start of combat when rolling initiative, but
before each creature's initiative has been determined, you can
choose a hostile creature you can see that is also rolling
initiative. Your initiative becomes the creature's initiative +1.
You can only target the chosen creature with attacks or spells
during your first turn in combat.
At 18th level, you know how to work quick cuts into your
stance changes. Whenever you switch stances on your turn,
you can deal slashing damage equal to a roll of your Fencing
die to a hostile creature within 5 feet of you.
Lucien Watercolor Stain 14
Artist: chibi-oneechan Artist: flamableconcrete

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Officers are instilled with the values of integrity, discipline,
and structure. Before resorting to violence, they will attempt
to pacify their foes if possible. They are attentive, efficient,
confident, and reliable, all the traits of a natural leader.
Modern Technique
When you choose this code at 3rd level, your approach to
combat is meticulous and precise. While benefiting from your
Fencing ability, you gain the following additional benefits:
Neutralize. Creatures you hit with a Counter-Attack
cannot take reactions until the end of their next turn.
Perfect Opening. You have advantage on a Counter-
Attack if the target rolled a 1 on the triggering attack roll.
Also at 3rd level, your stern demeanor makes you rather
imposing. You can add your Charisma modifier to Wisdom
(Insight) checks. Charisma (Deception) and Wisdom (Insight)
checks targeting you are made with disadvantage.
Additionally, if a creature fails the saving throw against
your Banter ability, that creature has disadvantage on the
next Wisdom check that it makes within the next minute.
Pommel Strike
At 9th level, you seek to end combat non-violently when you
can. Whenever you make a Counter-Attack, you can strike the
target using the pommel of your weapon, causing the attack
to deal bludgeoning damage. On a hit, the target must make a
Dexterity saving throw against your Fencing save DC. On a
failed save, the target is knocked prone. This Counter-Attack
is non-leathal, regardless of how much damage it deals. If you
reduce a creature's hit points to 0 with this Counter-Attack,
they are knocked unconscious for 10 minutes.
At 13th level, you can compel creatures to stop fighting
amongst each other. Whenever you use your Banter ability,
you can target 2 creatures at once. If both creatures fail the
saving throw against your Banter ability, they gain
disadvantage on all attack rolls that do not target you until
the start of your next turn.
Final Warning
At 18th level, you can give your opponents a chance to back
away before things get ugly. When rolling initiative, you can
give a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier that
you can see within 60 feet of you a chance to leave combat
before it even begins. Creatures that cannot hear you or do
not share a language with you are unaffected by this ability.
You also cannot use this ability if you are surprised.
Surrendering is entirely voluntary. If a creature refuses to
surrender, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against
your fencing save DC. On a failed save, the creature rolls its
initiative with disadvantage.
Creatures that fail this saving throw are also more easily
swayed, causing them to have disadvantage on the next
Wisdom saving throw they make within 1 minute.
Once you use this ability, you must complete a short or long
rest to use it again.
Watercolor Stain 16 The Horusian Wars: Incarnation
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Stanton Feng

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
The pirate code is defined by liberty, autonomy, and loyalty to
their crew. All a pirate truly wants is to sit back atop a pile of
gold with a view of the sea, beholden to no lord or king.
They'll fight tooth and nail to achieve that way of life.
Bloodthirsty Technique
When you choose this code at 3rd level, you rush into combat
like a shark to blood in the water. While benefiting from your
Fencing ability, you gain the following additional benefits:
Backslash. If you score a critical hit on a Counter-Attack,
you deal slashing damage equal to a roll of your Fencing
die to all hostile creatures within 5 feet of you (not
including the target of your Counter-Attack).
Bloodlust. You can add a roll of your Fencing die to your
initiative rolls.
Also at 3rd level, you have been trained as a helmsman and
navigator. You gain proficiency with water vehicles and
Navigator's Tools if you don't have them already, and can
determine which way is north by examining the stars on your
home plane of existence.
Pet Parrot
At 9th level, you can cast Find Familiar at will to summon a
parrot. The parrot's stats are the same as those of a raven,
but the parrot has a superior form of the raven's Mimicry, as it
can perfectly mimic any sound it has heard, including voices.
A creature that hears the sounds of your parrot can tell they
are imitations if they succeed a Wisdom saving throw against
your fencing save DC.
The parrot has also been trained as a lookout, giving it a
passive perception of 15 plus your Charisma modifier
(minimum of 16 passive perception).
Armed to the Teeth
At 13th level, you're never so foolish as to be caught unarmed.
In combat, if you are wearing light armor and are not
wielding a weapon, you can use a bonus action to produce a
dagger from a hidden compartment on your person, such as
your boot or up your sleeve. You have advantage on your first
attack roll with this dagger before the start of your next turn,
unless the target has seen you use this ability before. Daggers
drawn this way are lost at the end of combat.
At 18th level, while you are benefiting from your Fencing
ability, you can use an action to force a creature within 5 feet
of you that is large or smaller to make a Dexterity saving
throw against your fencing save DC.
On a failed save, you hold your weapon within an inch of
the creature's vitals. You regain your movement, and can
control the creature's movement until the end of your turn by
walking into the space they occupy. Doing so allows you to
move the creature 5 feet to an unoccupied space of your
choosing. You can use this ability to force a creature to walk
into hazards that they would normally avoid.
Once you successfully hold a creature at knifepoint, you
must complete a short or long rest to do so again.
Pirate King - Applibot Card Set Watercolor Stain 14
Artist: Lian Li Artist: flamableconcrete

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
A spellsword values ingenuity, innovation, and the pursuit of
knowledge for its own sake. They are chosen for their innate
arcane talent and then taught to wield blades.
Sorcerous Technique
When you choose this code at 3rd level, you have innate Martial Metamagic
magical abilities that you use to enhance your combat The martial metamagics are presented in alphabetical order.
techniques. You can use Charisma as your ability modifier for Afterimage. As a bonus action on your turn, you can spend
attack rolls with finesse weapons. 1 spellsword point to create a ghostly afterimage of yourself
You have a number of spellsword points equal to your that imitates your movements and attacks with a slight delay.
Charisma modifier. You regain all expended spellsword Until the start of your next turn, you gain a bonus to damage
points once you complete a short or long rest. You learn 2 rolls with finesse weapons equal to your Charisma modifier.
martial metamagic options, detailed under "Martial Blue Blade. Whenever you target a creature with a melee
Metamagic" below. You learn an additional option at 9th, attack using a finesse weapon on your turn, you can spend 1
13th, and 18th buccaneer level. spellsword point to force the target to make a Dexterity
When you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of saving throw against your fencing save DC instead of making
the martial metamagic options you know and replace it with an attack roll against them. On a failed save, your attack hits.
another martial metamagic option. On a successful save, your attack misses. If the target rolls a
1 on this saving throw, your attack is a critical hit.
Arcane Artisan Homebound. As a bonus action on your turn, you can
Also at 3rd level, you can spend 1 spellsword point to gain spend 1 spellsword point to return to the space where you
proficiency with a set of artisan's tools of your choice for 1 started your turn, assuming it is still unoccupied.
hour. Regardless of what set of tools you choose, you use Homing Throw. When you make a thrown attack with a
Charisma as your ability modifier when performing checks finesse weapon, you can spend 1 martial sorcery point to
with tools affected by this ability. Once you use this ability, make the thrown weapon ignore all cover, as it maneuvers
you must complete a long rest to use it again. around all obstacles other than the intended target.
Invisible Staircase. As a bonus action on your turn, you
Counter-Throw can spend 1 spellsword point to begin ascending an invisible
At 9th level, you can make a thrown attack as a Counter- staircase. Until the start of your next turn, every 10 feet you
Attack if a creature provokes a Counter-Attack from you, but walk will lift you 5 feet into the air. You will only begin falling
is outside of your reach. at the end of your next turn.
Recall. As a bonus action on your turn, you spend 1
Weightless Blades spellsword point to summon any finesse weapons that you
At 13th level, you find it easier to use magic to wield a blade made a throwing attack with on your previous turn back to
than to wield them by hand. You can treat any finesse melee your hands instantly.
weapon as if it had the thrown property (range 20/60). Shift. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can
spend 1 spellsword point as a bonus action on your turn to
Martial Restoration teleport the creature horizontally to an unoccupied space up
At 18th level, you regain a single spellsword point when you to 10 feet away from its current position.
reduce a creature's hit points to zero. D'Artagnan Evolved Watercolor Stain 12
Artist: Wesley Burt Artist: flamableconcrete

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Treasure Hunter
In a line of business where it's easy to get double-crossed,
treasure hunters live by the code of honor amongst thieves.
Ancient artifacts, lost expeditions, and hidden troves
fascinate them. Just don't cut them out of a deal.
Lucky Technique
When you choose this code at 3rd level, by all rights,
something definitely should have killed you by now. While
benefiting from your Fencing ability, you gain the following
additional benefits:
Lucky Miss. When you roll a 1 on a melee attack roll with
a finesse weapon, you can deal slashing damage equal to a
roll of your Fencing die to the target.
Not Today: If you do not damage any creatures during
your turn, you automatically gain the benefits of the Dodge
action at the end of your turn.
Footwork. Whenever after you use a reaction, you can
move 5 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
Also at 3rd level, exploring the unknown corners of the world
requires you to be ready for anything. You gain proficiency
with Cartographer's Tools if you did not have it already. You
gain a climbing speed and swimming speed of 20 feet.
Delver and Discoverer
At 9th level, you excel at unearthing secrets that most would
consider lost to the sands of time. you have advantage on
Intelligence (Investigation) checks to find hidden fragments
of knowledge in time-worn scrolls and maps, or to figure out
how an ancient puzzle works.
Additionally, you are familiar with most languages, even if
you haven't studied them extensively. You can identify what
language a piece of writing is in, even if you do not know how
to read or speak that language. You can make a DC 10
Intelligence (History) check to become proficient with a
language of your choice for 1 minute. Each time you succeed
this check, the DC increases by 5. Once you complete a long
rest, the DC resets to 10.
Underhanded Tactics
At 13th level, you aren't afraid to fight dirty when you have to.
You can make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check instead of a
Strength (Athletics) check when attempting to grapple or
shove a creature. This represents moves that deftly throw the
target off balance without overpowering them, such as
tripping a creature with your foot.
Additionally, if a creature misses you with a melee attack
while you are benefiting from your Fencing ability, you can
use a reaction to attempt to grapple or shove the creature if
they are within 5 feet of you.
At 18th level, sometimes it's all in the timing. If you do not
damage any creatures during your turn, you can take an
additional reaction before the start of your next turn.
Additionally, you can use the Lucky Miss feature granted by
your Lucky Technique if you roll a 1 or a 2 on a melee attack
roll with a finesse weapon.
Watercolor Stain 16 Angoulême
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Manuel Castañón

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Triggerman Backup Plan
For a triggerman, the job comes first. Their code demands Also at 3rd level, you always have a contingency for when
that they be polite, efficient, and have a plan to kill everyone things go wrong. When you finish a long rest, roll a d20 and
they meet... just in case. record the value rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving
throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can
Marksman's Technique see with this roll. You can use this ability after making the
When you choose this code at 3rd level, you have been initial roll, but before the outcome of the roll is determined.
trained in the use of ballistic weapons. You gain proficiency Your backup plan roll can only be used once. When you
with the renaissance firearms described in chapter 9 of the finish a long rest, you lose your previous backup plan roll.
Dungeon Master's Guide. Attacking with one of these
firearms consumes your entire action, and they cannot be Gunpowder and Steel
used as an extra attack. By 9th level, the recoil from your firearms doesn't affect your
You can use your Fencing ability while wielding sword arm anymore. If you use an action to attack with a
renaissance firearms, and can make Counter-Attacks with renaissance firearm on your turn, you can use a bonus action
them. While benefiting from your Fencing ability, you gain the to attack with a finesse weapon.
following additional benefits:
Deadeye. In conditions of clear visibility, you can make At 13th level, you can ricochet bullets off of surfaces. If you
out details of even extremely distant creatures and objects want to make a ranged attack with a renaissance firearm
as small as 2 feet across. against a creature that is in cover or around a corner, you can
Prime and Load. You can reload a renaissance firearm on make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw before making the
your turn with the Use an Object action. attack roll. On a successful save, you ignore the target's cover,
You gain proficiency with Tinkerer's Tools if you didn't have and gain advantage on the attack roll. Each time you succeed
it already. By investing time and money, you can use this saving throw, the DC increases by 5. Once you complete
Tinkerer's Tools to craft firearms. a long rest, the DC resets to 13.
Firearm/Ammo Crafting Time Materials Cost Deadly Aim
Bullets (10) 1 hour 3 gp
At 18th level, your aim is unmatched. Whenever you hit a
creature with a ranged attack using a renaissance firearm,
Pistol 3 hours 250 gp they take extra damage equal to a roll of your Fencing die.
Musket 5 hours 500 gp Gunman Watercolor Stain 8
Artist: Kenneth Solis Artist: flamableconcrete

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
V1.2 Changelog Vagabond Watercolor Stain 8
Main Class Changes Artist: Conor Smith Artist: flamableconcrete

The class has undergone major revisions. Charisma has Calculated Offense now grants advantage on a counter-
replaced Intelligence as the primary ability. I know this attack instead of an additional opportunity attack.
might upset some people, but this archetype is supposed Encore does not apply if the target is unconscious.
to be more charming than scholarly. I am keeping Living Legend's boosts at 22. 24 is fine for
In place of previous features, Fencing now grants the Barbarian since its unarmored defense is Dex and Con
following abilities: based, but the Buccaneer uses both Dex and Cha for its
A counter-attack as a reaction. unarmored defense.
The ability to deal slashing damage with rapiers, Subclass Changes
daggers and shortswords. Realistically, these
weapons can be used for cutting if the wielder is The Musketeer's Gash stance and Capstone had to
skilled. This can help deal with some creature's change to account for the main class changes.
resistances, but also has roleplay impact (it's hard The Officer has been largely reworked, save for the
to cut ropes with a stabbing weapon) capstone ability.
The Pirate has remained largely the same, save for
Decorum has been replaced with Banter. Think of a changes to its Technique to account for class changes.
smaller version of Panache that can be used more Armed to the Teeth now only applies in combat, and the
frequently. parrot can no longer attack. Knifepoint has been reworded
Vigilance is now a form of Unarmored Defense, but it can to be easier to understand, and no longer depends on
still apply while wearing light armor. scoring a critical hit.
Vendetta now applies to Counter-Attacks instead of The Treasure Hunter has had minor revisions to its
opportunity attacks technique to account for the larger class changes.
Vainglory is now 10th level. Calculated Offense is now Added the Triggerman Subclass! There was a request for
15th level. me to bring back the firearm based features, so here it is!

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy

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